sl_bt_evt_gatt_descriptorGATT Client#

Indicates that a GATT characteristic descriptor in the remote GATT database was discovered.

Data Structures#

struct | sl_bt_evt_gatt_descriptor_s | Data structure of the descriptor event.


define | sl_bt_evt_gatt_descriptor_id 0x030900a0#

| Identifier of the descriptor event.

Detailed Description#

Indicates that a GATT characteristic descriptor in the remote GATT database was discovered.

It is generated after issuing the sl_bt_gatt_discover_descriptors command.

Data Structure Documentation#

◆ sl_bt_evt_gatt_descriptor_s#

struct sl_bt_evt_gatt_descriptor_s#

Data structure of the descriptor event.

Data Fields#

uint8_t | connection |

Connection handle

uint16_t | descriptor |

GATT characteristic descriptor handle

uint8array | uuid |

Descriptor UUID in little endian format