sl_bt_evt_gatt_mtu_exchangedGATT Client#

Indicates that an ATT_MTU exchange procedure is completed.

Data Structures#

struct | sl_bt_evt_gatt_mtu_exchanged_s | Data structure of the mtu_exchanged event.


define | sl_bt_evt_gatt_mtu_exchanged_id 0x000900a0#

| Identifier of the mtu_exchanged event.

Detailed Description#

Indicates that an ATT_MTU exchange procedure is completed.

The mtu parameter describes new MTU size. MTU size 23 is used before this event is received.

Data Structure Documentation#

◆ sl_bt_evt_gatt_mtu_exchanged_s#

struct sl_bt_evt_gatt_mtu_exchanged_s#

Data structure of the mtu_exchanged event.

Data Fields#

uint8_t | connection |

Connection handle

uint16_t | mtu |

Exchanged ATT_MTU