sl_bt_evt_sm_list_bonding_entrySecurity Manager#

Triggered by the command sl_bt_sm_list_all_bondings if bondings exist in the local database.

Data Structures#

struct | sl_bt_evt_sm_list_bonding_entry_s | Data structure of the list_bonding_entry event.


define | sl_bt_evt_sm_list_bonding_entry_id 0x050f00a0#

| Identifier of the list_bonding_entry event.

Detailed Description#

Triggered by the command sl_bt_sm_list_all_bondings if bondings exist in the local database.

Data Structure Documentation#

◆ sl_bt_evt_sm_list_bonding_entry_s#

struct sl_bt_evt_sm_list_bonding_entry_s#

Data structure of the list_bonding_entry event.

Data Fields#

uint8_t | bonding |

Bonding handle

bd_addr | address |

Bluetooth address of the remote device

uint8_t | address_type |

Enum sl_bt_gap_address_type_t. Address type. Values:

  • sl_bt_gap_public_address (0x0): Public device address

  • sl_bt_gap_static_address (0x1): Static device address