sl_bt_evt_gatt_server_indication_timeoutGATT Server#

This event indicates confirmation from the remote GATT client has not been received within 30 seconds after an indication was sent.

Data Structures#

struct | sl_bt_evt_gatt_server_indication_timeout_s | Data structure of the indication_timeout event.


define | sl_bt_evt_gatt_server_indication_timeout_id#

0x050a00a0 | Identifier of the indication_timeout event.

Detailed Description#

This event indicates confirmation from the remote GATT client has not been received within 30 seconds after an indication was sent.

Furthermore, the stack does not allow GATT transactions over this connection.

Data Structure Documentation#

◆ sl_bt_evt_gatt_server_indication_timeout_s#

struct sl_bt_evt_gatt_server_indication_timeout_s#

Data structure of the indication_timeout event.

Data Fields#

uint8_t | connection |

Connection handle