sl_bt_evt_gatt_server_characteristic_statusGATT Server#

Indicates either that a local Client Characteristic Configuration descriptor was changed by the remote GATT client, or that a confirmation from the remote GATT client was received upon a successful reception of the indication.

Data Structures#

struct | sl_bt_evt_gatt_server_characteristic_status_s | Data structure of the characteristic_status event.


define | sl_bt_evt_gatt_server_characteristic_status_id#

0x030a00a0 | Identifier of the characteristic_status event.

Detailed Description#

Indicates either that a local Client Characteristic Configuration descriptor was changed by the remote GATT client, or that a confirmation from the remote GATT client was received upon a successful reception of the indication.

A confirmation by the remote GATT client should be received within 30 seconds after an indication was sent with the sl_bt_gatt_server_send_indication command, otherwise further GATT transactions over this connection are not allowed by the stack.

Data Structure Documentation#

◆ sl_bt_evt_gatt_server_characteristic_status_s#

struct sl_bt_evt_gatt_server_characteristic_status_s#

Data structure of the characteristic_status event.

Data Fields#

uint8_t | connection |

Connection handle

uint16_t | characteristic |

GATT characteristic handle. This value is normally received from the gatt_characteristic event.

uint8_t | status_flags |

Enum sl_bt_gatt_server_characteristic_status_flag_t. Describes whether Client Characteristic Configuration was changed or if a confirmation was received. Values:

  • sl_bt_gatt_server_client_config (0x1): Characteristic client configuration has been changed.

  • sl_bt_gatt_server_confirmation (0x2): Characteristic confirmation has been received.

uint16_t | client_config_flags |

Enum sl_bt_gatt_server_client_configuration_t. This field carries the new value of the Client Characteristic Configuration. If the status_flags is 0x2 (confirmation received), the value of this field can be ignored.

uint16_t | client_config |

The handle of client-config descriptor.