EMU Initialization


Initialize the Energy Management Unit.

Initializes the Energy Management Unit by configuring Energy Mode 4 (EM4) according to settings in the configuration header sl_device_init_emu_config.h .

On Series 2 devices, debugging in EM2 is enabled by default by ensuring that power to the debug power domain is sustained on EM2 entry.

Voltage scaling for Energy Modes 0 to 3 are configured by the Power Manager .


sl_status_t sl_device_init_emu (void)
Initialize EMU.

Function Documentation


sl_status_t sl_device_init_emu ( void )

Initialize EMU.

Initializes the Energy Management Unit by configuring Energy Mode 4 (EM4) according to settings in the configuration header sl_device_init_emu_config.h .

On Series 2 devices, debugging in EM2 is enabled by default by ensuring that power to the debug power domain is sustained on EM2 entry.

Voltage scaling for Energy Modes 0 to 3 are configured by the Power Manager .
Status code
Return values
SL_STATUS_OK EMU initialized successfully