Structure representing the BLE response for getting LE ping timeout.

This structure is used to define the parameters for the BLE response to get the LE ping timeout, including the address of the connected device and the LE ping timeout value.

Public Attributes#


Address of the connected device.


LE ping timeout value.

Public Attribute Documentation#


uint8_t rsi_ble_rsp_get_le_ping_timeout_s::dev_addr[RSI_DEV_ADDR_LEN]

Address of the connected device.

Definition at line 872 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h


uint16_t rsi_ble_rsp_get_le_ping_timeout_s::time_out

LE ping timeout value.

Definition at line 874 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h