Structure representing the BLE request to set data length.

This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE request to set the data length, including the address of the connected device, the maximum number of payload octets that the local device will send, and the maximum time that the local device will take to send the payload.

Public Attributes#


Address of the connected device.


Maximum number of payload octets that the local device will send.


Maximum time that the local device will take to send the payload.

Public Attribute Documentation#


uint8_t rsi_ble_setdatalength_s::dev_addr[RSI_DEV_ADDR_LEN]

Address of the connected device.

Definition at line 1008 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h


uint16_t rsi_ble_setdatalength_s::txoctets

Maximum number of payload octets that the local device will send.

Definition at line 1010 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h


uint16_t rsi_ble_setdatalength_s::txtime

Maximum time that the local device will take to send the payload.

Definition at line 1012 of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h