CLI Commands in NVM3


Support for CLI commands stored in and executed from NVM3.

Data Structures

struct cli_storage_nvm3_t
Struct representing an instance of the CLI storage NVM3.


void sl_cli_storage_nvm3_clear ( sl_cli_command_arg_t *arguments)
Clear the command lines stored in nvm3.
void sl_cli_storage_nvm3_list ( sl_cli_command_arg_t *arguments)
Print the contet of the command lines stored in nvm3.
void sl_cli_storage_nvm3_define ( sl_cli_command_arg_t *arguments)
Start defining new command lines that will be stored in nvm3.
void sl_cli_storage_nvm3_execute ( sl_cli_command_arg_t *arguments)
Execute command lines stored in nvm3.
size_t sl_cli_storage_nvm3_count (sl_cli_handle_t cli_handle)
Get the number of command lines stored in nvm3.
void sl_cli_storage_nvm3_init ( cli_storage_nvm3_handle_t handle)
Initialize the cli_storage_nvm3 instance.
bool sl_cli_storage_nvm3_tick (sl_cli_handle_t cli_handle)
Execute the command lines stored in nvm3 at program startup and complete execution of commands started with a call to sl_cli_storage_nvm3_execute when running in bare-metal configuation.


typedef cli_storage_nvm3_t * cli_storage_nvm3_handle_t
Definition of the CLI storage NVM3 handle.

Function Documentation


void sl_cli_storage_nvm3_clear ( sl_cli_command_arg_t * arguments )

Clear the command lines stored in nvm3.

This function can be used directly as a cli command handler.

[in] arguments A pointer to the command arguments.


void sl_cli_storage_nvm3_list ( sl_cli_command_arg_t * arguments )

Print the contet of the command lines stored in nvm3.

This function can be used directly as a cli command handler.

[in] arguments A pointer to the command arguments.


void sl_cli_storage_nvm3_define ( sl_cli_command_arg_t * arguments )

Start defining new command lines that will be stored in nvm3.

This function can be used directly as a cli command handler.

[in] arguments A pointer to the command arguments.


void sl_cli_storage_nvm3_execute ( sl_cli_command_arg_t * arguments )

Execute command lines stored in nvm3.

This function can be used directly as a cli command handler.

The function has a different implementation in a bare-metal vs. kernel configurations. In a bare-metal configuration, this function will signal that stored commands shall be run by the sl_cli_storage_nvm3_tick function. One stored command is executed for each call to the sl_cli_storage_nvm3_tick function. In a kernel configuration, all stored commands will be executed before this function returns.
[in] arguments A pointer to the command arguments.


size_t sl_cli_storage_nvm3_count ( sl_cli_handle_t cli_handle )

Get the number of command lines stored in nvm3.

Note: The number of limits may be limited by the instance configuration.

[in] cli_handle Handle to the CLI where the cli_storage_ram component is connected.
The number of command lines stored in nvm3.


void sl_cli_storage_nvm3_init ( cli_storage_nvm3_handle_t handle )

Initialize the cli_storage_nvm3 instance.

[in] handle A handle to the cli_storage_nvm3 instance.


bool sl_cli_storage_nvm3_tick ( sl_cli_handle_t cli_handle )

Execute the command lines stored in nvm3 at program startup and complete execution of commands started with a call to sl_cli_storage_nvm3_execute when running in bare-metal configuation.

[in] cli_handle A handle to the cli instance.
A boolean that is true if there are more stored commands to execute, else false.

Typedef Documentation


Definition of the CLI storage NVM3 handle.