HFXO Initialization


Initialize the HFXO oscillator.

Configure the HFXO for crystal or externally-generated waveform operation.

When operating in crystal mode, the value of the variable tuning capacitor C tune is sourced from a prioritized list of locations:

  1. Device-specific tuning value in Device Information page (factory calibrated PCB and SiP modules with integrated HFXO)
  2. Device-specific tuning value in User Data page at offset 0x100 (manufacturing token TOKEN_MFG_CTUNE )
  3. Application-specific tuning value in configuration header sl_device_init_hfxo_config.h
  4. Default value in EMLIB initialization struct for HFXO

If using Simplicity Studio, this configuration header is also configurable through the Project Configurator by selecting the "Device Init: HFXO" configuration component.


sl_status_t sl_device_init_hfxo (void)
Initialize HFXO.

Function Documentation


sl_status_t sl_device_init_hfxo ( void )

Initialize HFXO.

Configure the HFXO for crystal or externally-generated waveform operation.

When operating in crystal mode, the value of the variable tuning capacitor C tune is sourced from a prioritized list of locations:

  1. Device-specific tuning value in Device Information page (PCB and SiP modules with integrated HFXO)
  2. Device-specific tuning value in User Data page at offset 0x100 ("manufacturing token")
  3. Application-specific tuning value in configuration header sl_device_init_hfxo_config.h
  4. Default value in EMLIB initialization struct for HFXO
Status code
Return values
SL_STATUS_OK HFXO started successfully