This module includes the platform abstraction for UART communication.


otError otPlatUartEnable (void)
Enable the UART.
otError otPlatUartDisable (void)
Disable the UART.
otError otPlatUartSend (const uint8_t *aBuf, uint16_t aBufLength)
Send bytes over the UART.
otError otPlatUartFlush (void)
Flush the outgoing transmit buffer and wait for the data to be sent.
void otPlatUartSendDone (void)
The UART driver calls this method to notify OpenThread that the requested bytes have been sent.
void otPlatUartReceived (const uint8_t *aBuf, uint16_t aBufLength)
The UART driver calls this method to notify OpenThread that bytes have been received.

Detailed Description

This module includes the platform abstraction for UART communication.

Function Documentation


otError otPlatUartDisable ( void )

Disable the UART.

Return values
OT_ERROR_NONE Successfully disabled the UART.
OT_ERROR_FAILED Failed to disable the UART.


otError otPlatUartEnable ( void )

Enable the UART.

Return values
OT_ERROR_NONE Successfully enabled the UART.
OT_ERROR_FAILED Failed to enabled the UART.


otError otPlatUartFlush ( void )

Flush the outgoing transmit buffer and wait for the data to be sent.

This is called when the CLI UART interface has a full buffer but still wishes to send more data.

Return values
OT_ERROR_NONE Flush succeeded, we can proceed to write more data to the buffer.
OT_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED Driver does not support synchronous flush.
OT_ERROR_INVALID_STATE Driver has no data to flush.


void otPlatUartReceived ( const uint8_t * aBuf,
uint16_t aBufLength

The UART driver calls this method to notify OpenThread that bytes have been received.

[in] aBuf A pointer to the received bytes.
[in] aBufLength The number of bytes received.


otError otPlatUartSend ( const uint8_t * aBuf,
uint16_t aBufLength

Send bytes over the UART.

[in] aBuf A pointer to the data buffer.
[in] aBufLength Number of bytes to transmit.
Return values
OT_ERROR_NONE Successfully started transmission.
OT_ERROR_FAILED Failed to start the transmission.