otRadioCoexMetrics Struct Reference

The following are valid radio state transitions:

#include < include/openthread/platform/radio.h >

Public Attributes

uint32_t mNumGrantGlitch
Number of grant glitches.
uint32_t mNumTxRequest
Number of tx requests.
uint32_t mNumTxGrantImmediate
Number of tx requests while grant was active.
uint32_t mNumTxGrantWait
Number of tx requests while grant was inactive.
uint32_t mNumTxGrantWaitActivated
Number of tx requests while grant was inactive that were ultimately granted.
uint32_t mNumTxGrantWaitTimeout
Number of tx requests while grant was inactive that timed out.
uint32_t mNumTxGrantDeactivatedDuringRequest
Number of tx that were in progress when grant was deactivated.
uint32_t mNumTxDelayedGrant
Number of tx requests that were not granted within 50us.
uint32_t mAvgTxRequestToGrantTime
Average time in usec from tx request to grant.
uint32_t mNumRxRequest
Number of rx requests.
uint32_t mNumRxGrantImmediate
Number of rx requests while grant was active.
uint32_t mNumRxGrantWait
Number of rx requests while grant was inactive.
uint32_t mNumRxGrantWaitActivated
Number of rx requests while grant was inactive that were ultimately granted.
uint32_t mNumRxGrantWaitTimeout
Number of rx requests while grant was inactive that timed out.
uint32_t mNumRxGrantDeactivatedDuringRequest
Number of rx that were in progress when grant was deactivated.
uint32_t mNumRxDelayedGrant
Number of rx requests that were not granted within 50us.
uint32_t mAvgRxRequestToGrantTime
Average time in usec from rx request to grant.
uint32_t mNumRxGrantNone
Number of rx requests that completed without receiving grant.
bool mStopped
Stats collection stopped due to saturation.

The following are valid radio state transitions:

(Radio ON) +----——+ Enable() +-——+ Receive() +---——+ Transmit() +----——+ | |-----——>| |-----——>| |--------——>| | | Disabled | | Sleep | | Receive | | Transmit | | |<-----——| |<-----——| |<--------——| | +----——+ Disable() +-——+ Sleep() +---——+ Receive() +----——+ (Radio OFF) or signal TransmitDone

During the IEEE 802.15.4 data request command the transition Sleep->Receive->Transmit can be shortened to direct transition from Sleep to Transmit if the platform supports the OT_RADIO_CAPS_SLEEP_TO_TX capability. This structure represents radio coexistence metrics.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
  • include/openthread/platform/ radio.h