otCoapTxParameters Struct Reference

This structure represents the CoAP transmission parameters.

#include < include/openthread/coap.h >

Public Attributes

uint32_t mAckTimeout
Minimum spacing before first retransmission when ACK is not received, in milliseconds (RFC7252 default value is 2000ms).
uint8_t mAckRandomFactorNumerator
Numerator of ACK_RANDOM_FACTOR used to calculate maximum spacing before first retransmission when ACK is not received (RFC7252 default value of ACK_RANDOM_FACTOR is 1.5; must not be decreased below 1).
uint8_t mAckRandomFactorDenominator
Denominator of ACK_RANDOM_FACTOR used to calculate maximum spacing before first retransmission when ACK is not received (RFC7252 default value of ACK_RANDOM_FACTOR is 1.5; must not be decreased below 1).
uint8_t mMaxRetransmit
Maximum number of retransmissions for CoAP Confirmable messages (RFC7252 default value is 4).

This structure represents the CoAP transmission parameters.

mAckTimeout * ((2 ** (mMaxRetransmit + 1)) - 1) * (mAckRandomFactorNumerator / mAckRandomFactorDenominator) must not exceed what can be represented by a uint32_t (0xffffffff). This limitation allows OpenThread to avoid 64-bit arithmetic.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
  • include/openthread/ coap.h