Secure HTTP Server Example
This demonstrates how to run a secure HTTP server.
The example demonstrates:
- How to generate various certificates using OpenSSL
- How to run the Gecko OS HTTPS server
- How to enable client authentication in the HTTP server
Refer to the WGX example:
for details about the various certificates generated by this example's scripts.
To run the certificate generation scripts, OpenSSL is required to be installed on your computer
Windows OS
For Windows, you can download prebuilt OpenSSL binaries from here:
Linux OS, Mac OS
For Linux and Mac OS, you can install OpenSSL from command line, e.g.:
apt-get install openssl
Part A) Certificate Generation
Before programming your device with this example app, you must first generate TLS certificates.
The certificate chains generated in this example are as follows:
Root CA certificate -> Server Intermediate certificate -> Server certificate
Root CA certificate -> Device Intermediate certificate -> Device certificate
NOTE: About Generation Scripts
The following uses Windows commands to generate the certificates.
If you're using Linux/Mac then use corresponding
scripts instead of
NOTE: About the Device Hostname
To run the secure HTTP server we need generate the server certificate.
When a client connects to the Gecko OS HTTPS server, the server gives the client this certificate.
The client validates the server certificate against the
which the client should have locally.
To generate the server certificate, we need to decide on the host name of the Gecko OS device.
The host name is the URL entered into a web browser (e.g
Gecko OS has several options for host names:
First we need to decide, is Gecko OS connecting to a network or is it creating the network?
i.e will the Gecko OS 'wlan' or 'softap' interface be used?
If the 'WLAN' interface is used, there are two host name options:
- IP Address - this is the address the network gives the device. The web browser URL is similar to:
- mDNS domain - using the Gecko OS mDNS feature to give the device a host name. The URL is in the form: https://mydevice.local
If the 'SoftAP' interface is used, there are three host name options:
- Static IP Address - this is the address assigned to the device. The web browser URL is similar to:
- DNS domain - using the Gecko OS DNS feature to give the device a host name. The URL is in the form:
- mDNS domain - using the Gecko OS mDNS feature to give the device a host name. The URL is in the form: https://mydevice.local
For this example we'll use the SoftAP interface and DNS server.
The host name is:
Invoke Certificate Generation Script
To generate all the certificates needed by the example, simply invoke the following command:
cd <project dir>\resources\certificates\scripts
.\generate_cert.bat <hostname>
is the decided Device hostname from the previous section.
This script will generate the following certificates and keys:
// Root CA certificate and key
<project dir>\resources\certificates\ca\private\root-ca.key
<project dir>\resources\certificates\ca\certs\root-ca.crt
// Server Intermediate certificate and key
<project dir>\resources\certificates\ca\server\private\server-intermediate.key
<project dir>\resources\certificates\ca\server\certs\server-intermediate.crt
// Server certificate and key
<project dir>\resources\certificates\ca\server\private\server.key
<project dir>\resources\certificates\ca\server\certs\server.crt
// Client intermediate certificate and key
<project dir>\resources\certificates\ca\client\private\client-intermediate.key
<project dir>\resources\certificates\ca\client\certs\client-intermediate.crt
// Client certificate and key
<project dir>\resources\certificates\ca\client\private\client.key
<project dir>\resources\certificates\ca\client\certs\client.crt
<project dir>\resources\certificates\ca\client\certs\client.p12
Part B) Run the Secure HTTP Server
With all the certificates generated, program the application
resources to the device.
After programming, the following files should be on the device's file system
(e.g. The following files should appear in the output of the
ls -l
- certs/client-intermediate-chain.der
- certs/server-chain.der
- certs/server.key
Once the program starts on the device, the SoftAP will automatically be brought up and the secure HTTP server will start.
Refer to the device's log console for further instructions on how to connect to the device via web browser.
Source Files
- README.txt
- client_openssl.cnf
- config.bat
- generate_certs.bat
- generate_client_cert.bat
- generate_intermediate_client_cert.bat
- generate_intermediate_server_cert.bat
- generate_root_ca_cert.bat
- generate_server_cert.bat
- root_ca_openssl.cnf
- server_openssl.cnf
- manifest.cfg
- settings.ini
- main.c