
The Network command set provides commands for interacting with the network. This includes building as well as sending ZigBee commands out on to the network.



network broad-pjoin [seconds:1]


network change-channel [channel:1]


network change-keep-alive-mode [keepAliveMode:1]


network extpanid [extPanId:-1]


network form [channel:1] [power:1] [panId:2]


network join [channel:1] [power:1] [panId:2]


network multi-phy-start [page:1] [channel:1] [power:1]


network pjoin [seconds:1]


network rejoin [haveCurrentNetworkKey:1] [channelMask:4]


network rejoin-diff-device-type [haveCurrentNetworkKey:1] [channelMask:4] [nodeType:1]


network set [networkIndex:1]


network timeout-option-mask [mask:2]


option binding-table set [bindingTableIndex:1] [clusterId:2] [localEndpoint:1] [remoteEndpoint:1] [ieeeAddress:8]


option disc [profileId:2] [clusterId:2]


option edb [endpoint:1]

Macro Definition Documentation#



network broad-pjoin [seconds:1]

  • Permit joining on the network for a given number of seconds AND broadcast a ZDO Mgmt Permit Joining request to all routers.

    • seconds - INT8U - Number of seconds during which devices will be allowed to join the network. A value of 0xff turns permit joining on permanently

Definition at line 413 of file ./app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



network change-channel [channel:1]

  • Attempts to change device over to a different channel given in the channel argument.

    • channel - INT8U - The channel to change to.

Definition at line 419 of file ./app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



network change-keep-alive-mode [keepAliveMode:1]

  • Switch between different keep alive modes supported by a router

    • keepAliveMode - INT8U - The keep alive mode.

Definition at line 425 of file ./app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



network extpanid [extPanId:-1]

  • Write the extended pan id for the device.

    • extPanId - OCTET_STRING - The bytes for the extended pan id

Definition at line 431 of file ./app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



network find joinable

  • Begin a search for a joinable network. Will automatically attempt to join the first network that it finds.

Definition at line 436 of file ./app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



network find unused

  • Begin a search for an unused Channel and Pan Id. Will automatically form a network on the first unused Channel and Pan Id it finds.

Definition at line 441 of file ./app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



network form [channel:1] [power:1] [panId:2]

  • Create a network on the given channel, power and panId.

    • channel - INT8U - The channel on which to form the network

    • power - INT8S - One byte signed value indicating the TX power that the radio should be set to

    • panId - INT16U - Two byte pan id for the network

Definition at line 449 of file ./app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



network id

  • Prints the current Node ID, EUI64, and Pan ID.

Definition at line 454 of file ./app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



network init

  • Initialize a network; this is a test command used for tc-swap-out testing.

Definition at line 459 of file ./app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



network isopen

  • Check if and for how long the network is open.

Definition at line 464 of file ./app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



network join [channel:1] [power:1] [panId:2]

  • Join an existing network on the given channel, power and panId.

    • channel - INT8U - The channel on which to form the network

    • power - INT8S - One byte signed value indicating the TX power that the radio should be set to

    • panId - INT16U - Two byte pan id for the network

Definition at line 472 of file ./app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



network leave

  • Leave the current network.

Definition at line 477 of file ./app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



network multi-phy-start [page:1] [channel:1] [power:1]

  • To start multi phy interface other than native and form the network. The stack uses same PanId as native radio network.

    • page - INT8U - The page on which to form the network.

    • channel - INT8U - The channel on which to form the network.

    • power - INT8S - One byte signed value indicating the TX power that the radio should be set to

Definition at line 485 of file ./app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



network multi-phy-stop

  • Terminates the multi phy interface

Definition at line 490 of file ./app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



network pjoin [seconds:1]

  • Permit joining on the network for a given number of seconds

    • seconds - INT8U - Number of seconds during which devices will be allowed to join the network. A value of 0xff turns permit joining on permanently

Definition at line 496 of file ./app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



network rejoin [haveCurrentNetworkKey:1] [channelMask:4]

  • Rejoin an existing network in a secure or insecure manner.

    • haveCurrentNetworkKey - INT8U - Boolean indicating whether the device can rejoin secure or not. 1=rejoin with encryption, 0=rejoin without encryption

    • channelMask - INT32U - 4 byte channel mask which should be used to search for the network to rejoin.

Definition at line 503 of file ./app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



network rejoin-diff-device-type [haveCurrentNetworkKey:1] [channelMask:4] [nodeType:1]

  • Rejoin an existing network in a secure or insecure manner with a different device type.

    • haveCurrentNetworkKey - INT8U - Boolean indicating whether the device can rejoin secure or not. 1=rejoin with encryption, 0=rejoin without encryption

    • channelMask - INT32U - 4 byte channel mask which should be used to search for the network to rejoin.

    • nodeType - INT8U - An enumeration indicating the device type to rejoin as.The stack only accepts EMBER_END_DEVICE and EMBER_SLEEPY_END_DEVICE.

Definition at line 511 of file ./app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



network set [networkIndex:1]

  • Set the network index used by all future CLI commands. Before executing a CLI command, the framework will switch to this network. After the command finishes executing, the framework will switch back to the previous network. The CLI uses the same network index until the device resets or it is changed through this command.

    • networkIndex - INT8U - The network index to use for CLI commands

Definition at line 517 of file ./app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



network timeout-option-mask [mask:2]

  • Attempts to change child timeout option mask to filter out undesirable values (e.g. no more than 3 days).

    • mask - INT16U - The timeout option mask.

Definition at line 523 of file ./app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



option apsretry default

  • Forces the AppFramework to set/clear the APS Retry option (in APS Frame options mask) for all subsequent outgoing messages; a value of "default" allows the AppFramework to use its own default logic to determine when the APS Retry option should be used.

Definition at line 528 of file ./app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



option apsretry off

  • Forces the AppFramework to set/clear the APS Retry option (in APS Frame options mask) for all subsequent outgoing messages; Turns APS retry off

Definition at line 533 of file ./app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



option apsretry on

  • Forces the AppFramework to set/clear the APS Retry option (in APS Frame options mask) for all subsequent outgoing messages; Turns APS retry on.

Definition at line 538 of file ./app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



option binding-table clear

  • Clear the binding table

Definition at line 543 of file ./app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



option binding-table set [bindingTableIndex:1] [clusterId:2] [localEndpoint:1] [remoteEndpoint:1] [ieeeAddress:8]

  • Set a binding table entry for the arguments specified.

    • bindingTableIndex - INT8U - one byte index into the binding table

    • clusterId - INT16U - cluster id to send with the discovery message

    • localEndpoint - INT8U - local endpoint to bind

    • remoteEndpoint - INT8U - remote endpoint to bind

    • ieeeAddress - IEEE_ADDRESS - 8 byte IEEE address provided big endian

Definition at line 553 of file ./app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



option disc [profileId:2] [clusterId:2]

  • Sends a ZDO Match Descriptor Request for the server side of the specified cluster from the specified application profile. Match Descriptor Responses received are printed to the serial output.

    • profileId - INT16U - the profile id to send with the discovery message

    • clusterId - INT16U - cluster id to send with the discovery message

Definition at line 560 of file ./app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



option edb [endpoint:1]

  • Sends a ZDO End Device Bind Request using the given local endpoint.

    • endpoint - INT8U - The local endpoint whose simple descriptor will be used to create the request

Definition at line 566 of file ./app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc