Plugin Commands: Demand Response and Load Control#

The drlc plugin contributes CLI commands to the application framework to be used for constructing demand response load control commands.



plugin drlc clear [endpoint:1]


plugin drlc opt in [endpoint:1] [eventId:4]


plugin drlc opt out [endpoint:1] [eventId:4]


plugin drlc print [endpoint:1]

Macro Definition Documentation#



plugin drlc clear [endpoint:1]

  • Clear the load control event table.

    • endpoint - INT8U - The relevant endpoint.

Definition at line 2533 of file ./app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



plugin drlc opt in [endpoint:1] [eventId:4]

  • Modify the entry in the clients load control event table to opt in for a scheduled load control event.

    • endpoint - INT8U - The relevant endpoint.

    • eventId - INT32U - The event id of the event that the user is opting in or out of.

Definition at line 2540 of file ./app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



plugin drlc opt out [endpoint:1] [eventId:4]

  • Modify the entry in the clients load control event table to opt out of a scheduled load control event.

    • endpoint - INT8U - The relevant endpoint.

    • eventId - INT32U - The event id of the event that the user is opting in or out of.

Definition at line 2547 of file ./app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc



plugin drlc print [endpoint:1]

  • Print the Demand Response Load Control Table.

    • endpoint - INT8U - The relevant endpoint.

Definition at line 2553 of file ./app/framework/test/headers/cli.doc