sl_se_key_descriptor_t Struct Reference

Contains a full description of a key used by an SE command.

#include <sl_se_manager_types.h>

Data Fields

sl_se_key_type_t type
Key type.
size_t size
Key size, applicable if key_type == SYMMETRIC.
uint32_t flags
Flags describing restrictions, permissions and attributes of the key.
sl_se_key_storage_t storage
Storage location for this key.
uint8_t * password
Optional password for key usage (8 bytes).
const void * domain
Pointer to domain descriptor if this key contains an asymmetric key on a custom domain The reason for pointing instead of containing is to make it possible to have the parameters in ROM.

Contains a full description of a key used by an SE command.

Field Documentation


sl_se_key_type_t sl_se_key_descriptor_t::type

Key type.


size_t sl_se_key_descriptor_t::size

Key size, applicable if key_type == SYMMETRIC.


uint32_t sl_se_key_descriptor_t::flags

Flags describing restrictions, permissions and attributes of the key.


sl_se_key_storage_t sl_se_key_descriptor_t::storage

Storage location for this key.


uint8_t* sl_se_key_descriptor_t::password

Optional password for key usage (8 bytes).

If no password is provided (NULL pointer), any key not stored as plaintext will be stored with a password of all-zero bytes.


const void* sl_se_key_descriptor_t::domain

Pointer to domain descriptor if this key contains an asymmetric key on a custom domain The reason for pointing instead of containing is to make it possible to have the parameters in ROM.