
void emberAddAddressDataReturn (uint16_t shortId)
Callback for a debug command. Provides the result of ::emberAddAddressData.
void emberAssertInfoReturn (const uint8_t *fileName, uint32_t lineNumber)
Callback for a debug command. Provides the result of ::emberAssertInfo.
void emberClearAddressCacheReturn (void)
Callback for a debug command. Provides the result of ::emberClearAddressCache.
void emberConfigUartReturn (void)
Callback for a debug command. Provides the result of ::emberConfigUart.
void emberEchoReturn (const uint8_t *data, uint8_t length)
Callback for a debug command. Provides the result of emberEcho .
void emberGetMulticastEntryReturn (uint8_t lastSequence, uint8_t windowBitmask, uint8_t dwellQs, const uint8_t *seed)
Callback for a debug command. Provides the result of ::emberGetMulticastEntry.
void emberGetNetworkKeyInfoReturn ( EmberStatus status, uint32_t sequence, uint8_t state)
Callback for a debug command. Provides the result of ::emberGetNetworkKeyInfo.
void emberGetNodeStatusReturn ( EmberStatus status, uint8_t ripId, EmberNodeId nodeId, uint8_t parentRipId, EmberNodeId parentId, const uint8_t *networkFragmentIdentifier, uint32_t networkFrameCounter)
Callback for a debug command. Provides the result of ::emberGetNodeStatus.
void emberLookupAddressDataReturn (uint16_t shortId)
Callback for a debug command. Provides the result of ::emberLookupAddressData.
void emberNcpUdpStormCompleteHandler (void)
Callback for a debug command. Provides the result of ::emberNcpUdpStormComplete.
void emberNcpUdpStormReturn ( EmberStatus status)
Callback for a debug command. Provides the result of ::emberNcpUdpStorm.
void emberResetNcpAshReturn (void)
Callback for a debug command. Provides the result of ::emberResetNcpAsh.
void emberSendDoneReturn (void)
Callback for a debug command. Provides the result of ::emberSendDone.
void emberSetRandomizeMacExtendedIdReturn (void)
Callback for a debug command. Provides the result of ::emberSetRandomizeMacExtendedId.
void emberSetWakeupSequenceNumberReturn (void)
Callback for a debug command. Provides the result of ::emberSetWakeupSequenceNumber.
void emberStartUartStormReturn (void)
Callback for a debug command. Provides the result of ::emberStartUartStorm.
void emberStopUartStormReturn (void)
Callback for a debug command. Provides the result of ::emberStopUartStorm.
void emberUartSpeedTestReturn (uint32_t totalBytesSent, uint32_t payloadBytesSent, uint32_t timeout)
Callback for a debug command. Provides the result of ::emberUartSpeedTest.

Detailed Description

These callbacks were contributed by the thread-debug API.

Function Documentation

void emberAddAddressDataReturn ( uint16_t shortId )
void emberAssertInfoReturn ( const uint8_t * fileName,
uint32_t lineNumber

Sent from the NCP to the host when an assert occurs.

void emberClearAddressCacheReturn ( void )
void emberConfigUartReturn ( void )
void emberEchoReturn ( const uint8_t * data,
uint8_t length
void emberGetMulticastEntryReturn ( uint8_t lastSequence,
uint8_t windowBitmask,
uint8_t dwellQs,
const uint8_t * seed
void emberGetNetworkKeyInfoReturn ( EmberStatus status,
uint32_t sequence,
uint8_t state
void emberGetNodeStatusReturn ( EmberStatus status,
uint8_t ripId,
EmberNodeId nodeId,
uint8_t parentRipId,
EmberNodeId parentId,
const uint8_t * networkFragmentIdentifier,
uint32_t networkFrameCounter
void emberLookupAddressDataReturn ( uint16_t shortId )
void emberNcpUdpStormCompleteHandler ( void )
void emberNcpUdpStormReturn ( EmberStatus status )
void emberResetNcpAshReturn ( void )
void emberSendDoneReturn ( void )
void emberSetRandomizeMacExtendedIdReturn ( void )
void emberSetWakeupSequenceNumberReturn ( void )
void emberStartUartStormReturn ( void )
void emberStopUartStormReturn ( void )
void emberUartSpeedTestReturn ( uint32_t totalBytesSent,
uint32_t payloadBytesSent,
uint32_t timeout