Gateway MQTT Transport Callbacks


void emberAfPluginTransportMqttStateChangedCallback (EmberAfPluginTransportMqttState state)
MQTT Client State Changed Callback.
bool emberAfPluginTransportMqttMessageArrivedCallback (const char *topic, const char *payload)
MQTT Message Arrived.

Detailed Description

These callbacks are contributed by the Gateway MQTT Transport plugin.

Function Documentation

bool emberAfPluginTransportMqttMessageArrivedCallback ( const char * topic,
const char * payload

This function will be called when the MQTT client for the gateway receives an incoming message on a topic. If the message is processed by the application true should be returned, if the message is not processed return false. This function is called on a separate thread, so no stack calls should be made within the implementation of this function. Instead use a global variable in that function to communicate the message arrival to a stack event or timer running from the main loop.

topic String contains the topic for the message that arrived. While the underlying MQTT libraries allow NULL characters in a topic, NULL characters are not supported in this implementation so the topic parameter can be assumed to be NULL terminated.
payload String contains the payload for the message that arrived
void emberAfPluginTransportMqttStateChangedCallback ( EmberAfPluginTransportMqttState state )

This function will be called when the state of the MQTT client changes.

state Contains the new and current EmberAfPluginTransportMqttState state