Sleep Timer


Sleep Timer can be used for creating timers which are tightly integrated with power management. The Power Manager requires precision timing to have all clocks ready on time, so that wakeup happens a little bit earlier to prepare the system to be ready at the right time. Sleep Timer uses one Hardware Timer and creates multiple software timer instances. It is important to note that when sleeptimer is used with WTIMER/TIMER, the MCU cannot go to EM2 energy mode because WTIMER/TIMER uses a high frequency clock source which is not retained in low energy mode.

The sleeptimer.c and sleeptimer.h source files for the SLEEPTIMER device driver library are in the service/sleeptimer folder.


The Sleeptimer driver provides software timers, delays, timekeeping and date functionalities using a low-frequency real-time clock peripheral.

All Silicon Labs microcontrollers equipped with the RTC or RTCC peripheral are currently supported. Only one instance of this driver can be initialized by the application.

Functionalities overview

Software Timers

This functionality allows the user to create periodic and one shot timers. A user callback can be associated with a timer and is called when the timer expires.

Timer structures must be allocated by the user. The function is called from within an interrupt handler with interrupts enabled.


A 64-bits tick counter is accessible through the

The SL_SLEEPTIMER_WALLCLOCK_CONFIG configuration enables a UNIX timestamp (seconds count since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00).

This timestamp can be retrieved/modified using the following API:

Convenience conversion functions are provided to convert UNIX timestamp to/from NTP and Zigbee cluster format :


The previously described internal timestamp can also be retrieved/modified in a date format sl_sleeptimer_date_t.


Frequency Setup and Tick Count

This driver works with a configurable time unit called tick.

The frequency of the ticks is based on the clock source and the internal frequency divider.

WTIMER/TIMER peripherals uses high frequency oscillator. To have a reasonable tick frequency, divider is set to maximum value (1024).

One of the following clock sources must be enabled before initializing the sleeptimer:

  • LFXO: external crystal oscillator. Typically running at 32.768 kHz.
  • LFRCO: internal oscillator running at 32.768 kHz
  • ULFRCO: Ultra low-frequency oscillator running at 1.000 kHz
  • HFXO: High Frequency Crystal Oscillator at 39 Mhz. HFXO is only needed when Sleeptimer runs on TIMER or WTIMER.

The frequency divider is selected with the SL_SLEEPTIMER_FREQ_DIVIDER configuration. Its value must be a power of two within the range of 1 to 32. The number of ticks per second (sleeptimer frequency) is dictated by the following formula:

Tick (seconds) = 1 / (clock_frequency / frequency_divider)

The highest resolution for a tick is 30.5 us. It is achieved with a 32.768 kHz clock and a divider of 1.

Getting Started

Clock Selection

The sleeptimer relies on the hardware timer to operate. The hardware timer peripheral must be properly clocked from the application. Selecting the appropriate timer is crucial for design considerations. Each timer can potentially be used as a sleeptimer and is also available to the user. However, note that if a timer is used by the sleeptimer, it can't be used by the application and vice versa.

For WTIMER/TIMER peripherals, the user must select the appropriate oscillator if it is not the default wanted clock source.

When WTIMER/TIMER is selected, sleeptimer uses channel 0 and it is not possible to use other channels of the same instance for other purposes.

Selection in a Project without Micrium OS

When RTC, RTCC, or BURTC is selected, the clock source for the peripheral must be configured and enabled in the application before initializing the sleeptimer module or any communication stacks. Most of the time, it consists in enabling the desired oscillators and setting up the clock source for the peripheral, like in the following example:

CMU_ClockSelectSet(cmuClock_LFE, cmuSelect_LFRCO);
CMU_ClockEnable(cmuClock_RTCC, true);

Clock Branch Select

Clock Enum Description Frequency
LFXO cmuSelect_LFXO Low-frequency crystal oscillator 32.768 Khz
LFRCO cmuSelect_LFRCO Low-frequency RC oscillator 32.768 Khz
ULFRCO cmuSelect_ULFRCO Ultra low-frequency RC oscillator 1 Khz

Timer Clock Enable

Module Enum Description
RTCC cmuClock_RTCC Real-time counter and calendar clock (LF E branch)
RTC cmuClock_RTC Real time counter clock (LF A branch)
BURTC cmuClock_BURTC BURTC clock (EM4 Group A branch)

When the Radio internal RTC (PRORTC) is selected, it is not necessary to configure the clock source for the peripheral. However, it is important to enable the desired oscillator before initializing the sleeptimer module or any communication stacks. The best oscillator available (LFXO being the first choice) will be used by the sleeptimer at initalization. The following example shows how the desired oscilator should be enabled:

CMU_OscillatorEnable(cmuSelect_LFXO, true, true);

Clock Selection in a Project with Micrium OS

When Micrium OS is used, a BSP (all instances) is provided that sets up some parts of the clock tree. The sleeptimer clock source will be enabled by this bsp. However, the desired oscillator remains configurable from the file bsp_cfg.h.

The configuration BSP_LF_CLK_SEL determines which oscillator will be used by the sleeptimer's hardware timer peripheral. It can take the following values:

Config Description Frequency
BSP_LF_CLK_LFXO Low-frequency crystal oscillator 32.768 Khz
BSP_LF_CLK_LFRCO Low-frequency RC oscillator 32.768 Khz
BSP_LF_CLK_ULFRCO Ultra low-frequency RC oscillator 1 Khz

Configuration Options

SL_SLEEPTIMER_PERIPHERAL can be set to one of the following values:

Config Description
SL_SLEEPTIMER_PERIPHERAL_DEFAULT Selects either RTC or RTCC, depending of what is available on the platform.
SL_SLEEPTIMER_PERIPHERAL_PRORTC Selects Internal radio RTC. Available only on EFR32XG13, EFR32XG14, EFR32XG21 and EFR32XG22 families.
SL_SLEEPTIMER_PERIPHERAL_BURTC Selects BURTC. Not available on Series 0 devices.

SL_SLEEPTIMER_WALLCLOCK_CONFIG must be set to 1 to enable timestamp and date functionnalities.


SL_SLEEPTIMER_PRORTC_HAL_OWNS_IRQ_HANDLER is only meaningful when SL_SLEEPTIMER_PERIPHERAL is set to SL_SLEEPTIMER_PERIPHERAL_PRORTC. Set to 1 if no communication stack is used in your project. Otherwise, must be set to 0.


This section contains brief descriptions of the API functions. For more information about input and output parameters and return values, click on the hyperlinked function names. Most functions return an error code, SL_STATUS_OK is returned on success, see sl_status.h for other error codes.

The application code must include the sl_sleeptimer.h header file.

All API functions can be called from within interrupt handlers.

These functions initialize the sleeptimer driver. Typically, sl_sleeptimer_init() is called once in the startup code.

Start a one shot 32 bits timer. When a timer expires, a user-supplied callback function is called. A pointer to this function is passed to sl_sleeptimer_start_timer(). See callback for details of the callback prototype.

Restart a one shot 32 bits timer. When a timer expires, a user-supplied callback function is called. A pointer to this function is passed to sl_sleeptimer_start_timer(). See callback for details of the callback prototype.

Start a periodic 32 bits timer. When a timer expires, a user-supplied callback function is called. A pointer to this function is passed to sl_sleeptimer_start_timer(). See callback for details of the callback prototype.

Restart a periodic 32 bits timer. When a timer expires, a user-supplied callback function is called. A pointer to this function is passed to sl_sleeptimer_start_timer(). See callback for details of the callback prototype.

Stop a timer.

Get the time remaining before the timer expires.

Delay for the given number of milliseconds. This is an "active wait" delay function.

Check if a timer is running.

sl_sleeptimer_get_time(), sl_sleeptimer_set_time()
Get or set wallclock time.

sl_sleeptimer_ms_to_tick(), sl_sleeptimer_ms32_to_tick(), sl_sleeptimer_tick_to_ms(), sl_sleeptimer_tick64_to_ms()
Convert between milliseconds and RTC/RTCC counter ticks.

The timer expiry callback function:
The callback function, prototyped as sl_sleeptimer_timer_callback_t(), is called from within the RTC peripheral interrupt handler on timer expiration. sl_sleeptimer_timer_callback_t(sl_sleeptimer_timer_handle_t *handle, void *data)


#include "sl_sleeptimer.h"
void my_timer_callback(sl_sleeptimer_timer_handle_t *handle, void *data)
//Code executed when the timer expire.
int start_timer(void)
sl_status_t status;
sl_sleeptimer_timer_handle_t my_timer;
uint32_t timer_timeout = 300;
// We assume the sleeptimer is initialized properly
status = sl_sleeptimer_start_timer(&my_timer,
(void *)NULL,
if(status != SL_STATUS_OK) {
return -1;
return 1;

Data Structures

struct  sl_sleeptimer_timer_handle_t
 Timer structure for sleeptimer.
struct  time_date
 Time and Date structure.


SLEEPTIMER_ENUM (sl_sleeptimer_month_t)
Month enum.
SLEEPTIMER_ENUM (sl_sleeptimer_weekDay_t)
Week Day enum.
sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_init (void)
 Initializes the Sleeptimer.
sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_start_timer (sl_sleeptimer_timer_handle_t *handle, uint32_t timeout, sl_sleeptimer_timer_callback_t callback, void *callback_data, uint8_t priority, uint16_t option_flags)
 Starts a 32 bits timer.
sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_restart_timer (sl_sleeptimer_timer_handle_t *handle, uint32_t timeout, sl_sleeptimer_timer_callback_t callback, void *callback_data, uint8_t priority, uint16_t option_flags)
 Restarts a 32 bits timer.
sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_start_periodic_timer (sl_sleeptimer_timer_handle_t *handle, uint32_t timeout, sl_sleeptimer_timer_callback_t callback, void *callback_data, uint8_t priority, uint16_t option_flags)
 Starts a 32 bits periodic timer.
sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_restart_periodic_timer (sl_sleeptimer_timer_handle_t *handle, uint32_t timeout, sl_sleeptimer_timer_callback_t callback, void *callback_data, uint8_t priority, uint16_t option_flags)
 Restarts a 32 bits periodic timer.
sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_stop_timer (sl_sleeptimer_timer_handle_t *handle)
 Stops a timer.
sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_is_timer_running (sl_sleeptimer_timer_handle_t *handle, bool *running)
 Gets the status of a timer.
sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_get_timer_time_remaining (sl_sleeptimer_timer_handle_t *handle, uint32_t *time)
 Gets remaining time until timer expires.
sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_get_remaining_time_of_first_timer (uint16_t option_flags, uint32_t *time_remaining)
 Gets the time remaining until the first timer with the matching set of flags expires.
uint32_t sl_sleeptimer_get_tick_count (void)
 Gets current 32 bits global tick count.
uint64_t sl_sleeptimer_get_tick_count64 (void)
 Gets current 64 bits global tick count.
uint32_t sl_sleeptimer_get_timer_frequency (void)
 Get timer frequency.
sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_convert_time_to_date (sl_sleeptimer_timestamp_t time, sl_sleeptimer_time_zone_offset_t time_zone, sl_sleeptimer_date_t *date)
 Converts a Unix timestamp into a date.
sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_convert_time_to_date_64 (sl_sleeptimer_timestamp_64_t time, sl_sleeptimer_time_zone_offset_t time_zone, sl_sleeptimer_date_t *date)
 Converts a 64 bit Unix timestamp into a date.
sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_convert_date_to_time (sl_sleeptimer_date_t *date, sl_sleeptimer_timestamp_t *time)
 Converts a date into a Unix timestamp.
sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_convert_date_to_time_64 (sl_sleeptimer_date_t *date, sl_sleeptimer_timestamp_64_t *time)
 Converts a date into a 64 bit timestamp.
uint32_t sl_sleeptimer_convert_date_to_str (char *str, size_t size, const uint8_t *format, sl_sleeptimer_date_t *date)
 Convert date to string.
void sl_sleeptimer_set_tz (sl_sleeptimer_time_zone_offset_t offset)
 Sets time zone offset.
sl_sleeptimer_time_zone_offset_t sl_sleeptimer_get_tz (void)
 Gets time zone offset.
sl_sleeptimer_timestamp_t sl_sleeptimer_get_time (void)
 Retrieves current 32 bit time.
sl_sleeptimer_timestamp_64_t sl_sleeptimer_get_time_64 (void)
 Retrieves current 64 bit time.
sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_set_time (sl_sleeptimer_timestamp_t time)
 Sets current time.
sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_set_time_64 (sl_sleeptimer_timestamp_64_t time)
 Sets current time.
sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_get_datetime (sl_sleeptimer_date_t *date)
 Gets current date.
sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_set_datetime (sl_sleeptimer_date_t *date)
 Sets current time, in date format.
sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_build_datetime (sl_sleeptimer_date_t *date, uint16_t year, sl_sleeptimer_month_t month, uint8_t month_day, uint8_t hour, uint8_t min, uint8_t sec, sl_sleeptimer_time_zone_offset_t tzOffset)
 Builds a date time structure based on the provided parameters, where the maximum supported date is 10:14:07 PM 01/18/2038.
sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_build_datetime_64 (sl_sleeptimer_date_t *date, uint16_t year, sl_sleeptimer_month_t month, uint8_t month_day, uint8_t hour, uint8_t min, uint8_t sec, sl_sleeptimer_time_zone_offset_t tzOffset)
 Builds a date time structure based on the provided parameters, where the maximum supported date is 11:59:59 PM 12/31/11899.
sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_convert_unix_time_to_ntp (sl_sleeptimer_timestamp_t time, uint32_t *ntp_time)
 Converts Unix timestamp into NTP timestamp.
sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_convert_ntp_time_to_unix (uint32_t ntp_time, sl_sleeptimer_timestamp_t *time)
 Converts NTP timestamp into Unix timestamp.
sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_convert_unix_time_to_zigbee (sl_sleeptimer_timestamp_t time, uint32_t *zigbee_time)
 Converts Unix timestamp into Zigbee timestamp.
sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_convert_zigbee_time_to_unix (uint32_t zigbee_time, sl_sleeptimer_timestamp_t *time)
 Converts Zigbee timestamp into Unix timestamp.
sl_sleeptimer_time_zone_offset_t sl_sleeptimer_set_tz_ahead_utc (uint8_t hours, uint8_t minutes)
 Calculates offset for time zone after UTC-0.
sl_sleeptimer_time_zone_offset_t sl_sleeptimer_set_tz_behind_utc (uint8_t hours, uint8_t minutes)
 Calculates offset for time zone before UTC-0.
void sl_sleeptimer_delay_millisecond (uint16_t time_ms)
 Active delay.
uint32_t sl_sleeptimer_ms_to_tick (uint16_t time_ms)
 Converts milliseconds in ticks.
sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_ms32_to_tick (uint32_t time_ms, uint32_t *tick)
 Converts 32-bits milliseconds in ticks.
uint32_t sl_sleeptimer_get_max_ms32_conversion (void)
 Gets the maximum value that can be passed to the functions that have a 32-bits time or timeout argument expressed in milliseconds.
uint32_t sl_sleeptimer_tick_to_ms (uint32_t tick)
 Converts ticks in milliseconds.
sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_tick64_to_ms (uint64_t tick, uint64_t *ms)
 Converts 64-bit ticks in milliseconds.
bool sl_sleeptimer_is_power_manager_early_restore_timer_latest_to_expire (void)
 Allow sleep after ISR exit.
sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_start_timer_ms (sl_sleeptimer_timer_handle_t *handle, uint32_t timeout_ms, sl_sleeptimer_timer_callback_t callback, void *callback_data, uint8_t priority, uint16_t option_flags)
 Starts a 32 bits timer.
sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_restart_timer_ms (sl_sleeptimer_timer_handle_t *handle, uint32_t timeout_ms, sl_sleeptimer_timer_callback_t callback, void *callback_data, uint8_t priority, uint16_t option_flags)
 Restarts a 32 bits timer.
sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_start_periodic_timer_ms (sl_sleeptimer_timer_handle_t *handle, uint32_t timeout_ms, sl_sleeptimer_timer_callback_t callback, void *callback_data, uint8_t priority, uint16_t option_flags)
 Starts a 32 bits periodic timer.
sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_restart_periodic_timer_ms (sl_sleeptimer_timer_handle_t *handle, uint32_t timeout_ms, sl_sleeptimer_timer_callback_t callback, void *callback_data, uint8_t priority, uint16_t option_flags)
 Restarts a 32 bits periodic timer.


typedef uint32_t sl_sleeptimer_timestamp_t
 Timestamp, wall clock time in seconds.
typedef uint64_t sl_sleeptimer_timestamp_64_t
typedef int32_t sl_sleeptimer_time_zone_offset_t
 Time zone offset from UTC(second).
typedef void(* sl_sleeptimer_timer_callback_t) (sl_sleeptimer_timer_handle_t *handle, void *data)
 Typedef for the user supplied callback function which is called when a timer expires.

Function Documentation


SLEEPTIMER_ENUM ( sl_sleeptimer_month_t  )

Month enum.


SLEEPTIMER_ENUM ( sl_sleeptimer_weekDay_t  )

Week Day enum.

◆ sl_sleeptimer_init()

sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_init ( void  )

Initializes the Sleeptimer.

0 if successful. Error code otherwise.

◆ sl_sleeptimer_start_timer()

sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_start_timer ( sl_sleeptimer_timer_handle_t *  handle,
uint32_t  timeout,
sl_sleeptimer_timer_callback_t  callback,
void *  callback_data,
uint8_t  priority,
uint16_t  option_flags 

Starts a 32 bits timer.

handlePointer to handle to timer.
timeoutTimer timeout, in timer ticks.
callbackCallback function that will be called when initial/periodic timeout expires.
callback_dataPointer to user data that will be passed to callback.
priorityPriority of callback. Useful in case multiple timer expire at the same time. 0 = highest priority.
option_flagsBit array of option flags for the timer. Valid bit-wise OR of one or more of the following:
0 if successful. Error code otherwise.

◆ sl_sleeptimer_restart_timer()

sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_restart_timer ( sl_sleeptimer_timer_handle_t *  handle,
uint32_t  timeout,
sl_sleeptimer_timer_callback_t  callback,
void *  callback_data,
uint8_t  priority,
uint16_t  option_flags 

Restarts a 32 bits timer.

handlePointer to handle to timer.
timeoutTimer timeout, in timer ticks.
callbackCallback function that will be called when initial/periodic timeout expires.
callback_dataPointer to user data that will be passed to callback.
priorityPriority of callback. Useful in case multiple timer expire at the same time. 0 = highest priority.
option_flagsBit array of option flags for the timer. Valid bit-wise OR of one or more of the following:
0 if successful. Error code otherwise.

◆ sl_sleeptimer_start_periodic_timer()

sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_start_periodic_timer ( sl_sleeptimer_timer_handle_t *  handle,
uint32_t  timeout,
sl_sleeptimer_timer_callback_t  callback,
void *  callback_data,
uint8_t  priority,
uint16_t  option_flags 

Starts a 32 bits periodic timer.

handlePointer to handle to timer.
timeoutTimer periodic timeout, in timer ticks.
callbackCallback function that will be called when initial/periodic timeout expires.
callback_dataPointer to user data that will be passed to callback.
priorityPriority of callback. Useful in case multiple timer expire at the same time. 0 = highest priority.
option_flagsBit array of option flags for the timer. Valid bit-wise OR of one or more of the following:
0 if successful. Error code otherwise.

◆ sl_sleeptimer_restart_periodic_timer()

sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_restart_periodic_timer ( sl_sleeptimer_timer_handle_t *  handle,
uint32_t  timeout,
sl_sleeptimer_timer_callback_t  callback,
void *  callback_data,
uint8_t  priority,
uint16_t  option_flags 

Restarts a 32 bits periodic timer.

handlePointer to handle to timer.
timeoutTimer periodic timeout, in timer ticks.
callbackCallback function that will be called when initial/periodic timeout expires.
callback_dataPointer to user data that will be passed to callback.
priorityPriority of callback. Useful in case multiple timer expire at the same time. 0 = highest priority.
option_flagsBit array of option flags for the timer. Valid bit-wise OR of one or more of the following:
0 if successful. Error code otherwise.

◆ sl_sleeptimer_stop_timer()

sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_stop_timer ( sl_sleeptimer_timer_handle_t *  handle)

Stops a timer.

handlePointer to handle to timer.

◆ sl_sleeptimer_is_timer_running()

sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_is_timer_running ( sl_sleeptimer_timer_handle_t *  handle,
bool *  running 

Gets the status of a timer.

handlePointer to handle to timer.
runningPointer to the status of the timer.
A non periodic timer is considered not running during its callback.
0 if successful. Error code otherwise.

◆ sl_sleeptimer_get_timer_time_remaining()

sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_get_timer_time_remaining ( sl_sleeptimer_timer_handle_t *  handle,
uint32_t *  time 

Gets remaining time until timer expires.

handlePointer to handle to timer.
timeTime left in timer ticks.
0 if successful. Error code otherwise.

◆ sl_sleeptimer_get_remaining_time_of_first_timer()

sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_get_remaining_time_of_first_timer ( uint16_t  option_flags,
uint32_t *  time_remaining 

Gets the time remaining until the first timer with the matching set of flags expires.

option_flagsSet of flags to match.
time_remainingTime left in timer ticks.
0 if successful. Error code otherwise.

◆ sl_sleeptimer_get_tick_count()

uint32_t sl_sleeptimer_get_tick_count ( void  )

Gets current 32 bits global tick count.

Current tick count.

◆ sl_sleeptimer_get_tick_count64()

uint64_t sl_sleeptimer_get_tick_count64 ( void  )

Gets current 64 bits global tick count.

Current tick count.

◆ sl_sleeptimer_get_timer_frequency()

uint32_t sl_sleeptimer_get_timer_frequency ( void  )

Get timer frequency.

0 if successful. Error code otherwise.

◆ sl_sleeptimer_convert_time_to_date()

sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_convert_time_to_date ( sl_sleeptimer_timestamp_t  time,
sl_sleeptimer_time_zone_offset_t  time_zone,
sl_sleeptimer_date_t *  date 

Converts a Unix timestamp into a date.

time32 bit Unix timestamp to convert.
time_zoneOffset from UTC in second.
datePointer to converted date.
Time is in Standard Time.
0 if successful. Error code otherwise.

◆ sl_sleeptimer_convert_time_to_date_64()

sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_convert_time_to_date_64 ( sl_sleeptimer_timestamp_64_t  time,
sl_sleeptimer_time_zone_offset_t  time_zone,
sl_sleeptimer_date_t *  date 

Converts a 64 bit Unix timestamp into a date.

time64 bit Unix timestamp to convert.
time_zoneOffset from UTC in second.
datePointer to converted date.
Time is in Standard Time.
0 if successful. Error code otherwise.

◆ sl_sleeptimer_convert_date_to_time()

sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_convert_date_to_time ( sl_sleeptimer_date_t *  date,
sl_sleeptimer_timestamp_t time 

Converts a date into a Unix timestamp.

datePointer to date to convert.
timePointer to converted 32 bit Unix timestamp.
0 if successful. Error code otherwise.
Dates are based on the Unix time representation. Range of dates supported :
  • January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 to January 19, 2038, 03:14:00

◆ sl_sleeptimer_convert_date_to_time_64()

sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_convert_date_to_time_64 ( sl_sleeptimer_date_t *  date,
sl_sleeptimer_timestamp_64_t *  time 

Converts a date into a 64 bit timestamp.

datePointer to date to convert.
timePointer to converted 64 bit Unix timestamp.
0 if successful. Error code otherwise.
Dates are based on the 64 bit Unix time representation. Range of dates supported :
  • January 1, 1900, 00:00:00 to December 31, 11899 23:59:59.

◆ sl_sleeptimer_convert_date_to_str()

uint32_t sl_sleeptimer_convert_date_to_str ( char *  str,
size_t  size,
const uint8_t *  format,
sl_sleeptimer_date_t *  date 

Convert date to string.

strOutput string.
sizeSize of the input array.
formatThe format specification character.
datePointer to date structure.
0 if error. Number of character in the output string.
Refer strftime() from UNIX.

◆ sl_sleeptimer_set_tz()

void sl_sleeptimer_set_tz ( sl_sleeptimer_time_zone_offset_t  offset)

Sets time zone offset.

offsetTime zone offset, in seconds.

◆ sl_sleeptimer_get_tz()

sl_sleeptimer_time_zone_offset_t sl_sleeptimer_get_tz ( void  )

Gets time zone offset.

Time zone offset, in seconds.

◆ sl_sleeptimer_get_time()

sl_sleeptimer_timestamp_t sl_sleeptimer_get_time ( void  )

Retrieves current 32 bit time.

Current timestamps in Unix format.

◆ sl_sleeptimer_get_time_64()

sl_sleeptimer_timestamp_64_t sl_sleeptimer_get_time_64 ( void  )

Retrieves current 64 bit time.

Current timestamps in Unix format.

◆ sl_sleeptimer_set_time()

sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_set_time ( sl_sleeptimer_timestamp_t  time)

Sets current time.

32bit time to set.
0 if successful. Error code otherwise.

◆ sl_sleeptimer_set_time_64()

sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_set_time_64 ( sl_sleeptimer_timestamp_64_t  time)

Sets current time.

64bit time to set.
0 if successful. Error code otherwise.

◆ sl_sleeptimer_get_datetime()

sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_get_datetime ( sl_sleeptimer_date_t *  date)

Gets current date.

datePointer to a sl_sleeptimer_date_t structure.
Time is in Standard Time.
0 if successful. Error code otherwise.

◆ sl_sleeptimer_set_datetime()

sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_set_datetime ( sl_sleeptimer_date_t *  date)

Sets current time, in date format.

datePointer to current date.
0 if successful. Error code otherwise.

◆ sl_sleeptimer_build_datetime()

sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_build_datetime ( sl_sleeptimer_date_t *  date,
uint16_t  year,
sl_sleeptimer_month_t  month,
uint8_t  month_day,
uint8_t  hour,
uint8_t  min,
uint8_t  sec,
sl_sleeptimer_time_zone_offset_t  tzOffset 

Builds a date time structure based on the provided parameters, where the maximum supported date is 10:14:07 PM 01/18/2038.

datePointer to the structure to be populated.
yearCurrent year. May be provided based on a 0 Epoch or a 1900 Epoch.
monthMonths since January. Expected value: 0-11.
month_dayDay of the month. Expected value: 1-31.
hourHours since midnight. Expected value: 0-23.
minMinutes after the hour. Expected value: 0-59.
secSeconds after the minute. Expected value: 0-59.
tzOffsetOffset, in seconds, from UTC.
0 if successful. Error code otherwise.

◆ sl_sleeptimer_build_datetime_64()

sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_build_datetime_64 ( sl_sleeptimer_date_t *  date,
uint16_t  year,
sl_sleeptimer_month_t  month,
uint8_t  month_day,
uint8_t  hour,
uint8_t  min,
uint8_t  sec,
sl_sleeptimer_time_zone_offset_t  tzOffset 

Builds a date time structure based on the provided parameters, where the maximum supported date is 11:59:59 PM 12/31/11899.

datePointer to the structure to be populated.
yearCurrent year based on 0 Epoch.
monthMonths since January. Expected value: 0-11.
month_dayDay of the month. Expected value: 1-31.
hourHours since midnight. Expected value: 0-23.
minMinutes after the hour. Expected value: 0-59.
secSeconds after the minute. Expected value: 0-59.
tzOffsetOffset, in seconds, from UTC.
Resulting date structure's year will be based on 1900 epoch
0 if successful. Error code otherwise.

◆ sl_sleeptimer_convert_unix_time_to_ntp()

sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_convert_unix_time_to_ntp ( sl_sleeptimer_timestamp_t  time,
uint32_t *  ntp_time 

Converts Unix timestamp into NTP timestamp.

timeUnix timestamp.
ntp_timePointer to NTP Timestamp.
Unix timestamp range supported : 0x0 to 0x7C55 817F ie. January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 to February 07, 2036, 06:28:15
0 if successful. Error code otherwise.

◆ sl_sleeptimer_convert_ntp_time_to_unix()

sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_convert_ntp_time_to_unix ( uint32_t  ntp_time,
sl_sleeptimer_timestamp_t time 

Converts NTP timestamp into Unix timestamp.

ntp_timeNTP Timestamp.
timePointer to Unix timestamp.
NTP timestamp range supported : 0x83AA 7E80 to 0xFFFF FFFF ie. January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 to February 07, 2036, 06:28:15
0 if successful. Error code otherwise.

◆ sl_sleeptimer_convert_unix_time_to_zigbee()

sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_convert_unix_time_to_zigbee ( sl_sleeptimer_timestamp_t  time,
uint32_t *  zigbee_time 

Converts Unix timestamp into Zigbee timestamp.

timeUnix timestamp.
zigbee_timePointer to NTP Timestamp.
Unix timestamp range supported : 0x386D 4380 to 0x7FFF FFFF ie. January 1, 2000, 00:00:0 to January 19, 2038, 03:14:00
0 if successful. Error code otherwise.

◆ sl_sleeptimer_convert_zigbee_time_to_unix()

sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_convert_zigbee_time_to_unix ( uint32_t  zigbee_time,
sl_sleeptimer_timestamp_t time 

Converts Zigbee timestamp into Unix timestamp.

zigbee_timeNTP Timestamp.
timePointer to Unix timestamp.
ZIGBEE timestamp range supported : 0x0 to 0x4792 BC7F ie. January 1, 2000, 00:00:00 to January 19, 2038, 03:14:00
0 if successful. Error code otherwise.

◆ sl_sleeptimer_set_tz_ahead_utc()

sl_sleeptimer_time_zone_offset_t sl_sleeptimer_set_tz_ahead_utc ( uint8_t  hours,
uint8_t  minutes 

Calculates offset for time zone after UTC-0.

hoursNumber of hours from UTC-0.
minutesNumber of minutes from UTC-0.
The time zone offset in seconds.

◆ sl_sleeptimer_set_tz_behind_utc()

sl_sleeptimer_time_zone_offset_t sl_sleeptimer_set_tz_behind_utc ( uint8_t  hours,
uint8_t  minutes 

Calculates offset for time zone before UTC-0.

hoursNumber of hours to UTC-0.
minutesNumber of minutes to UTC-0.
The time zone offset in seconds.

◆ sl_sleeptimer_delay_millisecond()

void sl_sleeptimer_delay_millisecond ( uint16_t  time_ms)

Active delay.

time_msDelay duration in milliseconds.

◆ sl_sleeptimer_ms_to_tick()

uint32_t sl_sleeptimer_ms_to_tick ( uint16_t  time_ms)

Converts milliseconds in ticks.

time_msNumber of milliseconds.
Corresponding ticks number.
The result is "rounded" to the superior tick number. This function is light and cannot fail so it should be privilegied to perform a millisecond to tick conversion.

◆ sl_sleeptimer_ms32_to_tick()

sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_ms32_to_tick ( uint32_t  time_ms,
uint32_t *  tick 

Converts 32-bits milliseconds in ticks.

time_msNumber of milliseconds.
tickPointer to the converted tick number.
0 if successful. Error code otherwise.
The result is "rounded" to the superior tick number. If possible the sl_sleeptimer_ms_to_tick() function should be used.
This function converts the delay expressed in milliseconds to timer ticks (represented on 32 bits). This means that the value that can be passed to the argument 'time_ms' is limited. The maximum timeout value that can be passed to this function can be retrieved by calling sl_sleeptimer_get_max_ms32_conversion(). If the value passed to 'time_ms' is too large, SL_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER will be returned.

◆ sl_sleeptimer_get_max_ms32_conversion()

uint32_t sl_sleeptimer_get_max_ms32_conversion ( void  )

Gets the maximum value that can be passed to the functions that have a 32-bits time or timeout argument expressed in milliseconds.

Maximum time or timeout value in milliseconds.

◆ sl_sleeptimer_tick_to_ms()

uint32_t sl_sleeptimer_tick_to_ms ( uint32_t  tick)

Converts ticks in milliseconds.

tickNumber of tick.
Corresponding milliseconds number.
The result is rounded to the inferior millisecond.

◆ sl_sleeptimer_tick64_to_ms()

sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_tick64_to_ms ( uint64_t  tick,
uint64_t *  ms 

Converts 64-bit ticks in milliseconds.

tickNumber of tick.
msPointer to the converted milliseconds number.
0 if successful. Error code otherwise.
The result is rounded to the inferior millisecond.

◆ sl_sleeptimer_is_power_manager_early_restore_timer_latest_to_expire()

bool sl_sleeptimer_is_power_manager_early_restore_timer_latest_to_expire ( void  )

Allow sleep after ISR exit.

true if sleep is allowed after ISR exit. False otherwise.

◆ sl_sleeptimer_start_timer_ms()

sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_start_timer_ms ( sl_sleeptimer_timer_handle_t *  handle,
uint32_t  timeout_ms,
sl_sleeptimer_timer_callback_t  callback,
void *  callback_data,
uint8_t  priority,
uint16_t  option_flags 

Starts a 32 bits timer.

handlePointer to handle to timer.
timeout_msTimer timeout, in milliseconds.
callbackCallback function that will be called when initial/periodic timeout expires.
callback_dataPointer to user data that will be passed to callback.
priorityPriority of callback. Useful in case multiple timer expire at the same time. 0 = highest priority.
option_flagsBit array of option flags for the timer. Valid bit-wise OR of one or more of the following:
0 if successful. Error code otherwise.
This function converts the delay expressed in milliseconds to timer ticks (represented on 32 bits). This means that the value that can be passed to the argument 'timeout_ms' is limited. The maximum timeout value that can be passed to this function can be retrieved by calling sl_sleeptimer_get_max_ms32_conversion(). If the value passed to 'timeout_ms' is too large, SL_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER will be returned.

◆ sl_sleeptimer_restart_timer_ms()

sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_restart_timer_ms ( sl_sleeptimer_timer_handle_t *  handle,
uint32_t  timeout_ms,
sl_sleeptimer_timer_callback_t  callback,
void *  callback_data,
uint8_t  priority,
uint16_t  option_flags 

Restarts a 32 bits timer.

handlePointer to handle to timer.
timeout_msTimer timeout, in milliseconds.
callbackCallback function that will be called when initial/periodic timeout expires.
callback_dataPointer to user data that will be passed to callback.
priorityPriority of callback. Useful in case multiple timer expire at the same time. 0 = highest priority.
option_flagsBit array of option flags for the timer. Valid bit-wise OR of one or more of the following:
0 if successful. Error code otherwise.
This function converts the delay expressed in milliseconds to timer ticks (represented on 32 bits). This means that the value that can be passed to the argument 'timeout_ms' is limited. The maximum timeout value that can be passed to this function can be retrieved by calling sl_sleeptimer_get_max_ms32_conversion(). If the value passed to 'timeout_ms' is too large, SL_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER will be returned.

◆ sl_sleeptimer_start_periodic_timer_ms()

sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_start_periodic_timer_ms ( sl_sleeptimer_timer_handle_t *  handle,
uint32_t  timeout_ms,
sl_sleeptimer_timer_callback_t  callback,
void *  callback_data,
uint8_t  priority,
uint16_t  option_flags 

Starts a 32 bits periodic timer.

handlePointer to handle to timer.
timeout_msTimer periodic timeout, in milliseconds.
callbackCallback function that will be called when initial/periodic timeout expires.
callback_dataPointer to user data that will be passed to callback.
priorityPriority of callback. Useful in case multiple timer expire at the same time. 0 = highest priority.
option_flagsBit array of option flags for the timer. Valid bit-wise OR of one or more of the following:
0 if successful. Error code otherwise.
This function converts the delay expressed in milliseconds to timer ticks (represented on 32 bits). This means that the value that can be passed to the argument 'timeout_ms' is limited. The maximum timeout value that can be passed to this function can be retrieved by calling sl_sleeptimer_get_max_ms32_conversion(). If the value passed to 'timeout_ms' is too large, SL_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER will be returned.

◆ sl_sleeptimer_restart_periodic_timer_ms()

sl_status_t sl_sleeptimer_restart_periodic_timer_ms ( sl_sleeptimer_timer_handle_t *  handle,
uint32_t  timeout_ms,
sl_sleeptimer_timer_callback_t  callback,
void *  callback_data,
uint8_t  priority,
uint16_t  option_flags 

Restarts a 32 bits periodic timer.

handlePointer to handle to timer.
timeout_msTimer periodic timeout, in milliseconds.
callbackCallback function that will be called when initial/periodic timeout expires.
callback_dataPointer to user data that will be passed to callback.
priorityPriority of callback. Useful in case multiple timer expire at the same time. 0 = highest priority.
option_flagsBit array of option flags for the timer. Valid bit-wise OR of one or more of the following:
0 if successful. Error code otherwise.
This function converts the delay expressed in milliseconds to timer ticks (represented on 32 bits). This means that the value that can be passed to the argument 'timeout_ms' is limited. The maximum timeout value that can be passed to this function can be retrieved by calling sl_sleeptimer_get_max_ms32_conversion(). If the value passed to 'timeout_ms' is too large, SL_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER will be returned.

Typedef Documentation

◆ sl_sleeptimer_timestamp_t

typedef uint32_t sl_sleeptimer_timestamp_t

Timestamp, wall clock time in seconds.

◆ sl_sleeptimer_time_zone_offset_t

Time zone offset from UTC(second).

◆ sl_sleeptimer_timer_callback_t

typedef void(* sl_sleeptimer_timer_callback_t) (sl_sleeptimer_timer_handle_t *handle, void *data)

Typedef for the user supplied callback function which is called when a timer expires.

handleThe timer handle.
dataAn extra parameter for the user application.