sl_iostream_dma_context_t Struct Reference

I/O Steam LDMA Context.

#include <sl_iostream_uart.h>

Data Fields

sl_iostream_dma_config_t cfg
DMA Configuration.
volatile sl_iostream_descriptor_t active_desc
Active descriptor in the DMA.
volatile bool data_available
Indicates wether or not data is available in the active DMA descriptor.
uint32_t channel
DMA Channel.

I/O Steam LDMA Context.

Field Documentation


sl_iostream_dma_config_t sl_iostream_dma_context_t::cfg

DMA Configuration.


volatile sl_iostream_descriptor_t sl_iostream_dma_context_t::active_desc

Active descriptor in the DMA.


volatile bool sl_iostream_dma_context_t::data_available

Indicates wether or not data is available in the active DMA descriptor.


uint32_t sl_iostream_dma_context_t::channel

DMA Channel.