mbedtls_x509_crl_entry Struct Reference

Certificate revocation list entry.

#include <x509_crl.h>

Data Fields

mbedtls_x509_buf raw
Direct access to the whole entry inside the containing buffer.
mbedtls_x509_buf serial
The serial number of the revoked certificate.
mbedtls_x509_time revocation_date
The revocation date of this entry.
mbedtls_x509_buf entry_ext
Direct access to the list of CRL entry extensions (an ASN.1 constructed sequence).
struct mbedtls_x509_crl_entry * next
Next element in the linked list of entries.

Certificate revocation list entry.

Contains the CA-specific serial numbers and revocation dates.

Some fields of this structure are publicly readable. Do not modify them except via Mbed TLS library functions: the effect of modifying those fields or the data that those fields points to is unspecified.

Field Documentation


mbedtls_x509_buf mbedtls_x509_crl_entry::raw

Direct access to the whole entry inside the containing buffer.


mbedtls_x509_buf mbedtls_x509_crl_entry::serial

The serial number of the revoked certificate.


mbedtls_x509_time mbedtls_x509_crl_entry::revocation_date

The revocation date of this entry.


mbedtls_x509_buf mbedtls_x509_crl_entry::entry_ext

Direct access to the list of CRL entry extensions (an ASN.1 constructed sequence).

If there are no extensions, entry_ext.len == 0 and entry_ext.p == NULL .


struct mbedtls_x509_crl_entry * mbedtls_x509_crl_entry::next

Next element in the linked list of entries.

NULL indicates the end of the list. Do not modify this field directly.