Data Structures#
This section provides a reference to Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) API data types.
rsi_ble_cb_s Driver BLE control block
Structure representing the BLE request to set a random address.
Structure representing a BLE advertising request.
Structure represents the BLE request to set advertising data.
Structure representing the BLE request to manage the accept list using a payload.
Structure represents the BLE request to set the transmission power.
Structure represents the set scan response data for the BLE scan request.
Structure represents a BLE scan request.
Structure representing the BLE encryption request.
Structure representing a data packet.
Structure representing the BLE accept list.
Structure representing the BLE connection request.
Structure representing the BLE enhanced connection request.
Structure represents the BLE request to disconnect.
Structure representing the BLE start encryption request.
Structure represents the BLE Security Manager Protocol (SMP) pairing request.
Structure represents the BLE Security Manager Protocol (SMP) response.
Structure representing the BLE SMP (Security Manager Protocol) passkey.
Structure represents the BLE command to get the LE ping timeout.
Structure represents the BLE response for getting LE ping timeout.
Structure representing the BLE request to set LE ping timeout.
Structure representing the BLE resolving list entry.
Structure represents the BLE request to get the size of the resolving list.
Structure represents the BLE request to enable or disable address resolution.
Structure represents the BLE command to update connection parameters.
Structure represents the BLE request to read PHY.
Structure represents the BLE request to set PHY.
Structure represents the BLE request to set data length.
Structure represents the BLE request to set privacy mode.
Structure represents the BLE Credit Based Flow Control (CBFC) connection request.
Structure represents the BLE Credit Based Flow Control (CBFC) connection response.
Structure represents the BLE Credit Based Flow Control (CBFC) data transmission.
Structure represents the BLE CBFC (Credit Based Flow Control) disconnection.
Structure represents the BLE RX test mode parameters.
Structure represents the BLE TX test mode parameters.
Structure represents the BLE end test mode parameters.
Structure represents the BLE request to set LE Long Term Key (LTK) request reply.
Structure represents the BLE Security Manager Protocol (SMP) pairing failure request.
Structure representing the BLE request for profiles list.
Structure represents the BLE request for a specific profile.
Structure represents the BLE request for characteristic services.
Structure represents the BLE request for included services.
Structure represents the BLE request for characteristic value by UUID.
Structure represents the BLE request for attribute descriptors.
Structure represents the BLE request for attribute value.
Structure represents the BLE request for multiple attribute values.
Structure represents the BLE request for a long attribute value.
Structure represents the BLE request to set an attribute value.
Structure represents the BLE command to set an attribute value.
Structure represents the BLE command to set a long attribute value.
Structure represents the BLE request to prepare a write operation.
Structure represents the BLE request to execute a write operation.
Structure represents the BLE command response for connection parameters.
Structure represents the BLE request to add a service.
Structure represents the BLE command to set a local attribute value.
Structure represents the BLE notification for an attribute value.
Structure represents the BLE configuration for write without response notification buffer.
Structure represents the BLE indication confirmation.
Structure represents the BLE request to get a local attribute value.
Structure represents the BLE GATT read response.
Structure represents the BLE GATT write response.
Structure represents the BLE GATT prepare write response.
Structure representing the BLE command to set the local Identity Resolving Key (IRK).
Structure represents the BLE attribute error response.
Structure represents the BLE GATT remove service request.
Structure represents the BLE GATT command to remove an attribute.
Structure represents the BLE vendor-specific RF type command.
Structure represents the BLE MTU exchange request.
Structure represents the BLE MTU exchange response.
Structure represents the BLE Advertising Extensions (AE) command to get the supported number of advertising sets.
Structure represents the BLE Advertising Extensions (AE) command to read the supported maximum advertising data.
Structure represents the BLE Advertising Extensions (AE) command to set a random address.
AE Advertising Params.
Structure representing the AE (Application Event) data for BLE.
AE Advertising enable.
Structure for Advertising Event (AE) Advertisement (ADV) Set, Clear, or Remove.
Structure representing the parameters for periodic advertising in BLE.
Structure represents the enable/disable state of periodic advertising.
Structure represents the scan parameters for Active Energy (AE) scanning.
Structure to set the scan parameters for BLE Active Scanning.
Structure to configure BLE scanning parameters.
Structure representing the parameters for setting periodic advertising and creating synchronization.
Structure to set periodic advertising and terminate synchronization.
Structure representing the BLE Advertising Extension(AE) set periodic synchronization.
Structure representing the AE (Advertising extension) device to periodic list.
Structure representing connection initiation parameters.
Structure representing the extended create connect command for BLE AE.
Structure representing the BLE transmit power.
Structure to hold the information for querying RF path compensation.
Structure representing the parameters for writing RF path compensation values.
Structure representing the BLE Advertising Extensions (AE) Protocol Data Unit (PDU).
Represents the data of the particular profile descriptor.
Structure representing an attribute descriptor.
Structure representing characteristic service data.
Structure representing a characteristic service.
Structure representing the included service data.
Structure representing an included service attribute in a GATT server.
Structure representing a request to add an attribute in the BLE stack.
Typedef for the BLE control block structure refer rsi_ble_cb_s Driver BLE control block for complete information of Driver BLE control block.
Typedef for the Bluetooth Classic control block structure.
Typedef for the Bluetooth common specific control block structure.
Typedef for a function pointer to get BER packet.
Structure representing the Bluetooth global callback.
Structure represents the remote BLE device information.
Structure represents the Bluetooth control block.
Structure represents the Bluetooth request to set the local device name.
Structure represents the Bluetooth request to get the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI).
Structure represents the Bluetooth response to get the local device name.
Typedef Documentation#
typedef struct rsi_ble_req_rand_s rsi_ble_req_rand_t
Structure representing the BLE request to set a random address.
This structure is used to define the parameters for the BLE request to set a random address, which includes the random address of the device to be set.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_req_adv_s rsi_ble_req_adv_t
Structure representing a BLE advertising request.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_req_adv_data_s rsi_ble_req_adv_data_t
Structure represents the BLE request to set advertising data.
This structure is used to define the parameters for the BLE request to set advertising data, including the advertising data length and the advertising data itself.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_req_acceptlist_using_payload_s rsi_ble_req_acceptlist_using_payload_t
Structure representing the BLE request to manage the accept list using a payload.
This structure is used to define the parameters for the BLE request to manage the accept list, including the operation code, enable flag, total length of the payload, data compare index, length of the data to compare, and the advertising data payload.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_set_ble_tx_power_s rsi_ble_set_ble_tx_power_t
Structure represents the BLE request to set the transmission power.
This structure is used to define the parameters for the BLE request to set the transmission power, which includes the transmission power value.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_req_scanrsp_data_s rsi_ble_req_scanrsp_data_t
Structure represents the set scan response data for the BLE scan request.
This structure is used to define the parameters to set scan response data for the BLE scan request, which includes the scan response data length.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_req_scan_s rsi_ble_req_scan_t
Structure represents a BLE scan request.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_encrypt_s rsi_ble_encrypt_t
Structure representing the BLE encryption request.
This structure is used to define the parameters for the BLE encryption request, which includes the encryption key and the data to be encrypted.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_data_packet_s rsi_data_packet_t
Structure representing a data packet.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a data packet, which includes an array to hold the data packet, up to 1024 bytes.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_accept_list_s rsi_ble_accept_list_t
Structure representing the BLE accept list.
This structure is used to define the parameters for the BLE accept list, which includes the operation to add or delete the address, the device address, and the address type.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_req_conn_s rsi_ble_req_conn_t
Structure representing the BLE connection request.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE connection request, which includes the address type and address of the device to connect, scan interval, scan window, connection interval, connection latency, and supervision timeout.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_req_enhance_conn_s rsi_ble_req_enhance_conn_t
Structure representing the BLE enhanced connection request.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE enhanced connection request, which includes the address type and address of the device to connect, filter policy, own address type, scan interval, scan window, connection interval, connection latency, supervision timeout, and connection event length.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_req_disconnect_s rsi_ble_req_disconnect_t
Structure represents the BLE request to disconnect.
This structure is used to define the parameters for the BLE request to disconnect, which includes the device address, and the type of disconnect operation.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_start_encryption_s rsi_ble_strat_encryption_t
Structure representing the BLE start encryption request.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE start encryption request, which includes the address of the connected device, the remote device's Encrypted Diversifier (EDIV) value, Random (RAND) value, and Long Term Key (LTK) value.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_req_smp_pair_s rsi_ble_req_smp_pair_t
Structure represents the BLE Security Manager Protocol (SMP) pairing request.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE SMP pairing request, which includes the device address, IO capability, and MITM (Man-In-The-Middle) protection requirement.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_smp_response_s rsi_ble_smp_response_t
Structure represents the BLE Security Manager Protocol (SMP) response.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE SMP response, which includes the device address, IO capability, and Man-In-The-Middle (MITM) protection requirement.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_smp_passkey_s rsi_ble_smp_passkey_t
Structure representing the BLE SMP (Security Manager Protocol) passkey.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE SMP passkey, including the device address, reserved bytes for future use, and the passkey used for pairing.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_get_le_ping_timeout_s rsi_ble_get_le_ping_timeout_t
Structure represents the BLE command to get the LE ping timeout.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE command to get the LE ping timeout, which includes the remote device address.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_rsp_get_le_ping_timeout_s rsi_ble_rsp_get_le_ping_timeout_t
Structure represents the BLE response for getting LE ping timeout.
This structure is used to define the parameters for the BLE response to get the LE ping timeout, which includes the address of the connected device, and the LE ping timeout value.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_set_le_ping_timeout_s rsi_ble_set_le_ping_timeout_t
Structure representing the BLE request to set LE ping timeout.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE request to set the LE ping timeout, which includes the address of the connected device, and the LE ping timeout value to be set.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_resolvlist_s rsi_ble_resolvlist_t
Structure representing the BLE resolving list entry.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE resolving list entry, which includes the type of process (for example, add, remove, clear), the address type and address of the remote device, and the Identity Resolving Keys (IRKs) of both the peer and local devices.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_get_resolving_list_size_s rsi_ble_get_resolving_list_size_t
Structure represents the BLE request to get the size of the resolving list.
This structure is used to define the parameter for a BLE request to get the size of the resolving list.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_set_addr_resolution_enable_s rsi_ble_set_addr_resolution_enable_t
Structure represents the BLE request to enable or disable address resolution.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE request to enable or disable address resolution, which includes the enable flag, reserved field for future use, and the timeout value for address resolution.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_cmd_conn_params_update_s rsi_ble_cmd_conn_params_update_t
Structure represents the BLE command to update connection parameters.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE command to update connection parameters, which includes the address of the connected device, minimum and maximum connection intervals, peripheral latency, and supervision timeout.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_req_read_phy_s rsi_ble_req_read_phy_t
Structure represents the BLE request to read PHY.
This structure is used to define the parameter for a BLE request to read the PHY, which includes the address of the connected device.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_set_phy_s rsi_ble_set_phy_t
Structure represents the BLE request to set PHY.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE request to set the PHY, which includes the address of the connected device, all PHYs preference, preferred TX PHY, preferred RX PHY, reserved field for future use, and PHY options.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_setdatalength_s rsi_ble_setdatalength_t
Structure represents the BLE request to set data length.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE request to set the data length, which includes the address of the connected device, the maximum number of payload octets that the local device would send, and the maximum time that the local device would take to send the payload.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_set_privacy_mode_s rsi_ble_set_privacy_mode_t
Structure represents the BLE request to set privacy mode.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE request to set the privacy mode, which includes the address type and address of the remote device, and the privacy mode to be set.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_cbfc_conn_req_s rsi_ble_cbfc_conn_req_t
Structure represents the BLE Credit Based Flow Control (CBFC) connection request.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE CBFC connection request, which includes the address of the remote device and the Protocol/Service Multiplexer (PSM) value.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_cbfc_conn_resp_s rsi_ble_cbfc_conn_resp_t
Structure represents the BLE Credit Based Flow Control (CBFC) connection response.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE CBFC connection response, which includes the address of the remote device, the Local Channel Identifier (LCID), and the result of the connection request.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_cbfc_data_tx_s rsi_ble_cbfc_data_tx_t
Structure represents the BLE Credit Based Flow Control (CBFC) data transmission.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE CBFC data transmission, which includes the address of the remote device, the Local Channel Identifier (LCID), the length of the data to be transmitted, and the data to be transmitted.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_cbfc_disconn_s rsi_ble_cbfc_disconn_t
Structure represents the BLE CBFC (Credit Based Flow Control) disconnection.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE CBFC disconnection, which includes the address of the remote device and the Local Channel Identifier (LCID).
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_rx_test_mode_s rsi_ble_rx_test_mode_t
Structure represents the BLE RX test mode parameters.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE RX test mode, which includes the RX channel, PHY, and modulation type to be used for the test.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_tx_test_mode_s rsi_ble_tx_test_mode_t
Structure represents the BLE TX test mode parameters.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE TX test mode, which includes the TX channel, PHY, length of the data to be transmitted, and data mode to be used for the test.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_end_test_mode_s rsi_ble_end_test_mode_t
Structure represents the BLE end test mode parameters.
This structure is used to define the parameter for a BLE end test mode. Number of TX / RX packets received are displayed when test is stopped.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_set_le_ltkreqreply_s rsi_ble_set_le_ltkreqreply_t
Structure represents the BLE request to set LE Long Term Key (LTK) request reply.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE request to set the LE LTK request reply, which includes the address of the remote device, the type of reply (for example, positive or negative), and the local Long Term Key (LTK).
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_req_smp_pair_failed_s rsi_ble_req_smp_pair_failed_t
Structure represents the BLE Security Manager Protocol (SMP) pairing failure request.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE SMP pairing failure request, which includes the address of the remote device and the reason for the pairing failure.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_req_profiles_list_s rsi_ble_req_profiles_list_t
Structure representing the BLE request for profiles list.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE request to get the profiles list, which includes the remote device address, the handle from which the profiles search would start, and the handle at which the profiles search will stop.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_req_profile_s rsi_ble_req_profile_t
Structure represents the BLE request for a specific profile.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE request to get a specific profile, which includes the remote device address, reserved bytes for future use, and the profile UUID.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_req_char_services_s rsi_ble_req_char_services_t
Structure represents the BLE request for characteristic services.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE request to get characteristic services, which includes the remote device address, the handle from which the search will start, and the handle at which the search will end.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_req_inc_services_s rsi_ble_req_inc_services_t
Structure represents the BLE request for included services.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE request to get included services, includes the remote device address, the handle from which the search would start, and the handle at which the search would end.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_req_char_val_by_uuid_s rsi_ble_req_char_val_by_uuid_t
Structure represents the BLE request for characteristic value by UUID.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE request to get a characteristic value by UUID, which includes the remote device address, the handle from which the search would start, the handle at which the search would end, reserved bytes for future use, and the search UUID value.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_req_att_descs_s rsi_ble_req_att_descs_t
Structure represents the BLE request for attribute descriptors.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE request to get attribute descriptors, which includes the remote device address, the handle from which the search would start, and the handle at which the search would end.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_req_att_value_s rsi_ble_req_att_value_t
Structure represents the BLE request for attribute value.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE request to get an attribute value, which includes the remote device address and the attribute handle.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_req_multiple_att_val_s rsi_ble_req_multi_att_values_t
Structure represents the BLE request for multiple attribute values.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE request to get multiple attribute values, which includes the remote device address, the number of attribute handles, reserved bytes for future use, and the list of attribute handles.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_req_long_att_value_s rsi_ble_req_long_att_value_t
Structure represents the BLE request for a long attribute value.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE request to get a long attribute value, which includes the remote device address, the attribute handle, and the attribute value offset.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_set_att_val_s rsi_ble_set_att_value_t
Structure represents the BLE request to set an attribute value.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE request to set an attribute value, which includes the remote device address, the attribute handle, the length of the attribute value, and the attribute value itself. The module would receive the acknowledgement from the remote device.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_set_att_cmd_s rsi_ble_set_att_cmd_t
Structure represents the BLE command to set an attribute value.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE command to set an attribute value, which includes the remote device address, the attribute handle, the length of the attribute value, and the attribute value itself. The module won't receive the acknowledgement from the remote device.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_set_long_att_val_s rsi_ble_set_long_att_value_t
Structure represents the BLE command to set a long attribute value.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE command to set a long attribute value, which includes the remote device address, the attribute handle, the attribute value offset, the length of the attribute value, and the attribute value itself.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_req_prepare_write_s rsi_ble_req_prepare_write_t
Structure represents the BLE request to prepare a write operation.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE request to prepare a write operation, which includes the remote device address, the attribute handle, the attribute value offset, the length of the attribute value, and the attribute value itself.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_req_execute_write_s rsi_ble_req_execute_write_t
Structure represents the BLE request to execute a write operation.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE request to execute a write operation, which includes the remote device address and the execute flag indicating whether to write or not.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_cmd_conn_param_resp rsi_ble_cmd_conn_param_resp_t
Structure represents the BLE command response for connection parameters.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE command response to a connection parameter request, which includes the remote device address and the status indicating whether to accept or reject the request.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_req_add_serv_s rsi_ble_req_add_serv_t
Structure represents the BLE request to add a service.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE request to add a service, which includes the service UUID, the number of attributes in the service, and the total size of the attributes' values (data).
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_set_local_att_value_s rsi_ble_set_local_att_value_t
Structure represents the BLE command to set a local attribute value.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE command to set a local attribute value, which includes the attribute handle, the length of the attribute value, and the attribute value itself.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_notify_att_value_s rsi_ble_notify_att_value_t
Structure represents the BLE notification for an attribute value.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE notification of an attribute value, which includes the remote device address, the attribute handle, the length of the attribute value, and the attribute value itself.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_set_wo_resp_notify_buf_info_s rsi_ble_set_wo_resp_notify_buf_info_t
Structure represents the BLE configuration for write without response notification buffer.
This structure is used to define the parameters for configuring the buffer for write without response notifications, which includes the remote device address, the buffer configuration mode, and the buffer count.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_indicate_confirm_s rsi_ble_indicate_confirm_t
Structure represents the BLE indication confirmation.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE indication confirmation, which includes the remote device address.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_get_local_att_value_s rsi_ble_get_local_att_value_t
Structure represents the BLE request to get a local attribute value.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE request to get a local attribute value, which includes the attribute handle.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_gatt_read_response_s rsi_ble_gatt_read_response_t
Structure represents the BLE GATT read response.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE GATT read response, which includes the remote device address, the type of the read response, reserved field for future use, the length of the attribute value, and the attribute value itself.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_gatt_write_response_s rsi_ble_gatt_write_response_t
Structure represents the BLE GATT write response.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE GATT write response, which includes the remote device address and the response type.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_gatt_prepare_write_response_s rsi_ble_gatt_prepare_write_response_t
Structure represents the BLE GATT prepare write response.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE GATT prepare write response, which includes the remote device address, the attribute handle, the attribute value offset, the length of the attribute value, and the attribute value itself.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_set_local_irk_s rsi_ble_set_local_irk_t
Structure representing the BLE command to set the local Identity Resolving Key (IRK).
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE command to set the local IRK, including the local device IRK.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_att_error_response_s rsi_ble_att_error_response_t
Structure represents the BLE attribute error response.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE event that involves an error response for an attribute operation from a remote device.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_gatt_remove_serv_s rsi_ble_gatt_remove_serv_t
Structure represents the BLE GATT remove service request.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE event that involves removing a GATT service from a remote device.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_gatt_remove_att_s rsi_ble_gatt_remove_att_t
Structure represents the BLE GATT command to remove an attribute.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE GATT command to remove an attribute, which includes the service handler and the attribute handle.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_vendor_rf_type_s rsi_ble_vendor_rf_type_t
Structure represents the BLE vendor-specific RF type command.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE vendor-specific RF type command, which includes the opcode and the BLE power index.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_mtu_exchange_s rsi_ble_mtu_exchange_t
Structure represents the BLE MTU exchange request.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE MTU exchange request, which includes the remote device address and the requested MTU size.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_mtu_exchange_resp_s rsi_ble_mtu_exchange_resp_t
Structure represents the BLE MTU exchange response.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE MTU exchange response, which includes the Bluetooth device address of the peer device and the requested MTU size from the peer device.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_ae_get_supported_no_of_adv_sets_s rsi_ble_ae_get_supported_no_of_adv_sets_t
Structure represents the BLE Advertising Extensions (AE) command to get the supported number of advertising sets.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE AE command to get the supported number of advertising sets, which includes a reserved field.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_ae_read_supported_max_adv_data_s rsi_ble_ae_read_supported_max_adv_data_t
Structure represents the BLE Advertising Extensions (AE) command to read the supported maximum advertising data.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE AE command to read the supported maximum advertising data, which includes a reserved field for future use or alignment.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_ae_set_random_address_s rsi_ble_ae_set_random_address_t
Structure represents the BLE Advertising Extensions (AE) command to set a random address.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a BLE AE command to set a random address, which includes the advertising handle and the random address.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct ae_adv_params_s rsi_ble_ae_adv_params_t
AE Advertising Params.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_ae_data_s rsi_ble_ae_data_t
Structure representing the AE (Application Event) data for BLE.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_ae_adv_enabel_s rsi_ble_ae_adv_enable_t
AE Advertising enable.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_ae_adv_set_clear_or_remove_s rsi_ble_ae_adv_set_clear_or_remove_t
Structure for Advertising Event (AE) Advertisement (ADV) Set, Clear, or Remove.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct ae_periodic_adv_params rsi_ble_ae_periodic_adv_params_t
Structure representing the parameters for periodic advertising in BLE.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct ae_periodic_adv_enable rsi_ble_ae_periodic_adv_enable_t
Structure represents the enable/disable state of periodic advertising.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct ae_scan_params_s ae_scan_params_t
Structure represents the scan parameters for Active Energy (AE) scanning.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_ae_set_scan_params_s rsi_ble_ae_set_scan_params_t
Structure to set the scan parameters for BLE Active Scanning.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_ae_set_scan_enable_s rsi_ble_ae_set_scan_enable_t
Structure to configure BLE scanning parameters.
This structure is used to set various parameters for enabling or disabling scanning in the module. It allows the configuration of scan enablement, duplicate filtering, scan duration, and scan period.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_ae_set_periodic_adv_create_sync_s rsi_ble_ae_set_periodic_adv_create_sync_t
Structure representing the parameters for setting periodic advertising and creating synchronization.
This structure is used in BLE operations to configure periodic advertising and create synchronization.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_ae_set_periodic_adv_terminate_sync_s rsi_ble_ae_set_periodic_adv_terminate_sync_t
Structure to set periodic advertising and terminate synchronization.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_ae_set_periodic_sync_s rsi_ble_ae_set_periodic_sync_t
Structure representing the BLE Advertising Extension(AE) set periodic synchronization.
This structure is used to define the parameters for setting periodic synchronization for Advertising Extension in a BLE device.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_ae_dev_to_periodic_list_s rsi_ble_ae_dev_to_periodic_list_t
Structure representing the AE (Advertising extension) device to periodic list.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_initiation_params_s rsi_ble_initiation_params_t
Structure representing connection initiation parameters.
This structure is used to define various parameters required for initiating a BLE connection. It includes parameters for scan intervals, scan window, connection intervals, peripheral latency, supervision timeout, and minimum and maximum length of the connection events.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_ae_extended_create_connect_s rsi_ble_ae_extended_create_connect_t
Structure representing the extended create connect command for BLE AE.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_tx_pwr_s rsi_ble_tx_pwr_t
Structure representing the BLE transmit power.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_query_rf_path_comp_s rsi_ble_query_rf_path_comp_t
Structure to hold the information for querying RF path compensation.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_write_rf_path_comp_s rsi_ble_write_rf_path_comp_t
Structure representing the parameters for writing RF path compensation values.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_ae_pdu rsi_ble_ae_pdu_t
Structure representing the BLE Advertising Extensions (AE) Protocol Data Unit (PDU).
This structure is used to define the BLE Advertising Extensions PDU. It contains a command sub-opcode and a union of various possible PDU types related to advertising, scanning, and connection parameters.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble.h
typedef struct profile_descriptor_s profile_descriptors_t
Represents the data of the particular profile descriptor.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble_apis.h
typedef struct att_desc_s att_desc_t
Structure representing an attribute descriptor.
This structure is used to define the parameters for an attribute descriptor, including the attribute handle, reserved field, and attribute UUID.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble_apis.h
typedef struct char_serv_data_s char_serv_data_t
Structure representing characteristic service data.
This structure is used to define the parameters for characteristic service data, including the characteristic value property, handle, and UUID.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble_apis.h
typedef struct char_serv_s char_serv_t
Structure representing a characteristic service.
This structure is used to define the parameters for a characteristic service, including the attribute handle, reserved space for future use, and the characteristic service attribute value.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble_apis.h
typedef struct inc_serv_data_s inc_serv_data_t
Structure representing the included service data.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble_apis.h
typedef struct inc_serv_s inc_serv_t
Structure representing an included service attribute in a GATT server.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble_apis.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_req_add_att_s rsi_ble_req_add_att_t
Structure representing a request to add an attribute in the BLE stack.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_ble_apis.h
typedef struct rsi_ble_cb_s rsi_ble_cb_t
Typedef for the BLE control block structure refer rsi_ble_cb_s Driver BLE control block for complete information of Driver BLE control block.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_bt_common.h
typedef struct rsi_bt_classic_cb_s rsi_bt_classic_cb_t
Typedef for the Bluetooth Classic control block structure.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_bt_common.h
typedef struct rsi_bt_common_specific_cb_s rsi_bt_common_specific_cb_t
Typedef for the Bluetooth common specific control block structure.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_bt_common.h
typedef int32_t(* rsi_bt_get_ber_pkt_t) (uint8_t *pkt, uint16_t pkt_len) )(uint8_t *pkt, uint16_t pkt_len)
Typedef for a function pointer to get BER packet.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_bt_common.h
typedef struct rsi_bt_global_cb_s rsi_bt_global_cb_t
Structure representing the Bluetooth global callback.
This structure is used to define the parameters for Bluetooth global callbacks, which includes common specific callbacks, BLE specific callbacks, and BT Classic specific callbacks.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_bt_common.h
typedef struct rsi_remote_ble_info_s rsi_remote_ble_info_t
Structure represents the remote BLE device information.
This structure is used to define the parameters for storing information about a remote BLE device, which includes its address, buffer counts, and synchronization mechanisms.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_bt_common.h
typedef struct rsi_bt_cb_s rsi_bt_cb_t
Structure represents the Bluetooth control block.
This structure is used to define the parameters for the Bluetooth control block, which includes status, state, synchronization mechanisms, and remote BLE device information.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_bt_common.h
typedef struct rsi_bt_req_set_local_name_s rsi_bt_req_set_local_name_t
Structure represents the Bluetooth request to set the local device name.
This structure is used to define the parameters for setting the local Bluetooth device name, which includes the name length, and the name itself.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_bt_common.h
typedef struct rsi_bt_get_rssi_s rsi_bt_get_rssi_t
Structure represents the Bluetooth request to get the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI).
This structure is used to define the parameters for requesting the RSSI of a remote Bluetooth device, that includes the device address.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_bt_common.h
typedef struct rsi_bt_resp_get_local_name_s rsi_bt_resp_get_local_name_t
Structure represents the Bluetooth response to get the local device name.
This structure is used to define the parameters for the response that includes the local Bluetooth device name, that includes the name length, the name itself, and a reserved variable.
of file components/device/silabs/si91x/wireless/ble/inc/rsi_bt_common.h