EM35x standalone bootloader public definitions.

Required Custom Functions

void bootloaderMenu (void)
This function must be implemented, providing a bootloader menu.

Available Bootloader Library Functions

Functions implemented by the bootloader library that may be used by custom functions.

BL_Status receiveImage (uint8_t commState)
Puts the bootloader into a mode where it will receive an image. commState indicates whether the image is received via serial (COMM_SERIAL) or over the air (COMM_RADIO)
bool checkDebugMenuOption (uint8_t ch)
A hook to the bootloader library for it to check for extra menu options. Only used for ember internal debug builds, not normally needed.
BL_Status initOtaState (void)
Initialize OTA Bootloader state.
BL_Status checkOtaStart (void)
Check to see if the bootloader has detected an OTA upload start.
BL_Status receiveOtaImage (void)
Puts the bootloader into a mode where it will receive an image over the air. The function checkOtaStart() should have been called first and it should have returned with a status of BL_SUCCESS before calling this function.
bool paIsPresent (void)
Uses the information in the PHY_CONFIG token to determine if a power amplifier is present in the node design.
bool halCheckIntegrity (void)
Validate application integrity by running AES-MMO hash and comparing to AAT.

Detailed Description

See standalone-bootloader.h for source code.

Function Documentation

void bootloaderMenu ( void )
bool checkDebugMenuOption ( uint8_t ch )
true if the option was handled, false if not.
BL_Status checkOtaStart ( void )
OTA support hooks are subject to change!
BL_Status of the success of the function.
bool halCheckIntegrity ( void )
false if fails integrity check, true if pass
BL_Status initOtaState ( void )
OTA support hooks are subject to change!
BL_Status of the success of the function.
bool paIsPresent ( void )
This function must not be called before emBootloaderRadioBoot().
true if a power amplifier is present, false otherwise.
BL_Status receiveImage ( uint8_t commState )
BL_Status receiveOtaImage ( void )
OTA support hooks are subject to change!
BL_Status of the success of the function.