Manufacturing Library.


MfgStatus mfglibStart (void(*mfglibRxCallback)(uint8_t *packet, uint8_t linkQuality, int8_t rssi))
Activates use of MFGLIB test routines and enables the radio receiver to report packets it receives to the caller-specified mfglibRxCallback() routine.
MfgStatus mfglibEnd (void)
Deactivates use of MFGLIB test routines.
MfgStatus mfglibStartTone (void)
Starts transmitting the tone feature of the radio.
MfgStatus mfglibStopTone (void)
Stops transmitting a tone started by mfglibStartTone() .
MfgStatus mfglibStartStream (void)
Starts transmitting a random stream of characters. This is so that the radio modulation can be measured.
MfgStatus mfglibStopStream (void)
Stops transmitting a random stream of characters started by mfglibStartStream() .
MfgStatus mfglibSendPacket (uint8_t *packet, uint16_t repeat)
Sends a single packet, (repeat + 1) times.
MfgStatus mfglibSetChannel (uint8_t channel)
Selects the radio channel. The channel range is from 11 to 26.
MfgStatus_U mfglibGetChannel (void)
Get the current radio channel, as previously set via mfglibSetChannel() .
MfgStatus mfglibSetPower (uint16_t txPowerMode, int8_t power)
Set the transmit power mode and the radio transmit power.
MfgStatus_S mfglibGetPower (void)
Get the current radio power setting as previously set via mfglibSetPower() .
MfgStatus_UU mfglibGetPowerMode (void)
Get the radio transmit power mode setting as previously set via mfglibSetPower() .
void mfglibSetSynOffset (int8_t synOffset)
Set the synth offset in 11.7kHz steps.
MfgStatus_S mfglibGetSynOffset (void)
Get the current synth offset in 11.7kHz steps.
void mfglibTestContModCal (uint8_t channel, uint32_t duration)
Run mod DAC calibration on the given channel for the given amount of time.
MfgStatus mfglibSetOptions (uint8_t options)
Set manufacturing library options.
MfgStatus_U mfglibGetOptions (void)
Get the current manufacturing library options, as previously set via mfglibSetOptions() .
void mfglibStartReturn ( EmberStatus status)
This function provides the result of a call to mfglibStart() .
void mfglibEndReturn ( EmberStatus status, uint32_t receiveCount)
This function provides the result of a call to mfglibEnd() .
void mfglibStartToneReturn ( EmberStatus status)
This function provides the result of a call to mfglibStartTone() .
void mfglibStopToneReturn ( EmberStatus status)
This function provides the result of a call to mfglibStopTone() .
void mfglibStartStreamReturn ( EmberStatus status)
This function provides the result of a call to mfglibStartStream() .
void mfglibStopStreamReturn ( EmberStatus status)
This function provides the result of a call to mfglibStopStream() .
void mfglibSendPacketReturn ( EmberStatus status)
This function provides the result of a call to mfglibSendPacket() .
void mfglibSetChannelReturn ( EmberStatus status)
This function provides the result of a call to mfglibSetChannel() .
void mfglibGetChannelReturn (uint8_t channel)
This function provides the result of a call to mfglibGetChannel() .
void mfglibSetPowerReturn ( EmberStatus status)
This function provides the result of a call to mfglibSetPower() .
void mfglibGetPowerReturn (int8_t power)
This function provides the result of a call to mfglibGetPower() .
void mfglibGetPowerModeReturn (uint16_t txPowerMode)
This function provides the result of a call to mfglibGetPowerMode() .
void mfglibGetSynOffsetReturn (int8_t synthOffset)
This function provides the result of a call to mfglibGetSynOffset() .
void mfglibSetOptionsReturn ( EmberStatus status)
This function provides the result of a call to mfglibSetOptions() .
void mfglibGetOptionsReturn (uint8_t options)
This function provides the result of a call to mfglibGetOptions() .
void mfglibRxHandler (uint8_t *packet, uint8_t linkQuality, int8_t rssi)
RX Handler for the mfglib test library.

Detailed Description

This is a manufacturing and functional test library for testing and verifying the RF component of products at manufacture time.

See mfglib.h for source code.

Developers can optionally include this library in their application code. The goal is that in most cases, this will eliminate the need for developers to load multiple images into their hardware at manufacturing time.

This library can optionally be compiled into the developer's production code and run at manufacturing time. Any interface to the library is handled by the application.

This library cannot assist in hardware start up.

Many functions in this file return an EmberStatus value.

This is a universal library for both SoCs and hosts. Since host-NCP communication involves communication of return values from NCP to host, the return types for some of these methods on the host are voids. In this case, we use the corresponding ...Return() methods so the NCP can return status to the host.

To account for the differences between the host and SoC interfaces the following macros are defined.

Host apps will have these defines:

1 #define MfgStatus void
2 #define MfgStatus_U void
3 #define MfgStatus_UU void
4 #define MfgStatus_S void

SoC apps will have these defines:

1 #define MfgStatus EmberStatus
2 #define MfgStatus_U uint8_t
3 #define MfgStatus_UU uint16_t
4 #define MfgStatus_S int8_t

See error-def.h for definitions of all EmberStatus values.

Function Documentation

MfgStatus mfglibEnd ( void )

This restores the hardware to the state it was in prior to mfglibStart() and stops receiving packets started by mfglibStart() at the same time.

Use this function to exit the mfg test mode.

Note: It may be desirable to also reboot after use of manufacturing mode to ensure all application state is properly re-initialized.

For host apps see mfglibEndReturn() . For SoC apps one of the following:
void mfglibEndReturn ( EmberStatus status,
uint32_t receiveCount
receiveCount The total number of packets received during the test.
MfgStatus_U mfglibGetChannel ( void )

Use this function to get current channel.

For host apps see mfglibGetChannelReturn() . For SoC apps the current channel.
void mfglibGetChannelReturn ( uint8_t channel )
channel The current channel.
MfgStatus_U mfglibGetOptions ( void )

Use this function to get library options.

For host apps see mfglibGetOptionsReturn() . For SoC apps the current test mode.
void mfglibGetOptionsReturn ( uint8_t options )
options The current options based on the current test mode.
MfgStatus_S mfglibGetPower ( void )

Use this function to get current power setting.

For host apps see mfglibGetPowerReturn() . For SoC apps the current power setting.
MfgStatus_UU mfglibGetPowerMode ( void )

Use this function to get current power mode setting.

For host apps see mfglibGetPowerModeReturn() . For SoC apps the current power mode setting.
void mfglibGetPowerModeReturn ( uint16_t txPowerMode )
txPowerMode The current power mode setting.
void mfglibGetPowerReturn ( int8_t power )
power The current power setting.
MfgStatus_S mfglibGetSynOffset ( void )

See mfglibSetSynOffset() for details.

Use this function to get the current setting for tolerances in the crystal oscillator or capacitors.

For host apps see mfglibGetSynOffsetReturn() . For SoC apps the synth offset in 11.7kHz steps
void mfglibGetSynOffsetReturn ( int8_t synthOffset )
synthOffset The synth offset in 11.7kHz steps.
void mfglibRxHandler ( uint8_t * packet,
uint8_t linkQuality,
int8_t rssi
packet incoming packet
linkQuality link quality as a numeric value
rssi RSSI in dBm
MfgStatus mfglibSendPacket ( uint8_t * packet,
uint16_t repeat

Use this function to send raw data. Note that packet array must be word-aligned (begin at even address), such that ((((uint16_t)packet) & 1) == 0) holds true. (This is generally done by either declaring packet as a local variable or putting it in a global declaration immediately following the declaration of an uint16_t.)

packet Packet to be sent. First byte of the packet is always the length byte, whose value does not include itself but does include the 16-bit CRC in the length calculation. The CRC gets appended automatically by the radio as it transmits the packet, so the host does not need to provide this as part of packetContents. The total length of packet contents (Length Byte+1) going out the radio should not be >128 or <6 bytes. Note that the packet array should not include the CRC, as this appended by the radio automatically.
repeat Number of times to repeat sending the packet after having been sent once. A value of 0 means send once and don't repeat.
For host apps see mfglibSendPacketReturn() . For SoC apps one of the following:
void mfglibSendPacketReturn ( EmberStatus status )
MfgStatus mfglibSetChannel ( uint8_t channel )

Customers can set any valid channel they want. Calibration occurs if this is the first time after power up.

Use this function to change channels.

channel Valid values depend upon the radio used.
For host apps see mfglibSetChannelReturn() . For SoC apps one of the following:
void mfglibSetChannelReturn ( EmberStatus status )
  • EMBER_SUCCESS if the channel has been set.
  • ::EMBER_ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL if the channel requested is invalid.
  • EMBER_ERR_FATAL if the mfg test mode is not available or TONE or STREAM test is running.
MfgStatus mfglibSetOptions ( uint8_t options )

Use this function to set manufacturing library options.

options bitmask. 0 == non-CSMA transmits, 1 == CSMA transmits
For host apps see mfglibSetOptionsReturn() . For SoC apps one of the following:
void mfglibSetOptionsReturn ( EmberStatus status )
MfgStatus mfglibSetPower ( uint16_t txPowerMode,
int8_t power

Valid power settings depend upon the specific radio in use. Silabs radios have discrete power settings, and then requested power is rounded to a valid power setting. The actual power output is available to the caller via mfglibGetPower() .

Use this function to adjust the transmit power.

txPowerMode boost mode or external PA.
power Power in units of dBm, which can be negative.
For host apps see mfglibSetPowerReturn() . For SoC apps one of the following:
  • EMBER_SUCCESS if the power has been set.
  • ::EMBER_ERROR_INVALID_POWER if the power requested is invalid.
  • EMBER_ERR_FATAL if the mfg test mode is not available or TONE or STREAM test is running.
void mfglibSetPowerReturn ( EmberStatus status )
  • EMBER_SUCCESS if the power has been set.
  • ::EMBER_ERROR_INVALID_POWER if the power requested is invalid.
  • EMBER_ERR_FATAL if the mfg test mode is not available or TONE or STREAM test is running.
void mfglibSetSynOffset ( int8_t synOffset )

This function does NOT write the new synth offset to the token, it only changes it in memory. It can be changed as many times as you like, and the setting will be lost when a reset occurs. The value will survive deep sleep, but will not survive a reset, thus it will not take effect in the bootloader. If you would like it to be permanent (and accessible to the bootloader), you must write the TOKEN_MFG_SYNTH_FREQ_OFFSET token using the token API or em3xx_load –patch.

Use this function to compensate for tolerances in the crystal oscillator or capacitors. This function does not effect a permanent change; once you have found the offset you want, you must write it to a token using the token API for it to be permanent.

synOffset the number of 11.7kHz steps to offset the carrier frequency (may be negative)
MfgStatus mfglibStart ( void(*)(uint8_t *packet, uint8_t linkQuality, int8_t rssi) mfglibRxCallback )

It is legal to pass in a NULL. These packets will not be passed up with a CRC failure. The first byte of the packet in the callback is the length. All other functions will return an error until mfglibStart() has been called.

Use this function to enter test mode.

Note: This function should only be called shortly after initialization and prior to forming or joining a network.

mfglibRxCallback Function pointer to callback routine. On SoCs this function is invoked whenever a valid packet is received. On Hosts, in order not to flood the serial connection between the NCP and the host, this function is called once for every EMBER_MFG_RX_NCP_TO_HOST_INTERVAL packets. EMBER_MFG_RX_NCP_TO_HOST_INTERVAL is defined in ember-configuration-defaults.h and can be modified when building NCP images. The default value is 50. The total number of packets received is returned in the mfglibEndReturn() callback. emberTick() must be called routinely for this callback to function correctly.
For host apps see mfglibStartReturn() . For SoC apps one of the following:
void mfglibStartReturn ( EmberStatus status )
MfgStatus mfglibStartStream ( void )

Use this function to enable the measurement of radio modulation.

For host apps see mfglibStartStreamReturn() . For SoC apps one of the following:
void mfglibStartStreamReturn ( EmberStatus status )
MfgStatus mfglibStartTone ( void )

In this mode, the radio will transmit an unmodulated tone on the currently set channel and power level. Upon successful return, the tone will be transmitting. To stop transmitting a tone, the application must call mfglibStopTone() , allowing it the flexibility to determine its own criteria for tone duration, such as time, event, and so on.

Use this function to transmit a tone.

For host apps see mfglibStartToneReturn() . For SoC apps one of the following:
void mfglibStartToneReturn ( EmberStatus status )
MfgStatus mfglibStopStream ( void )

Use this function to end the measurement of radio modulation.

For host apps see mfglibStopStreamReturn() . For SoC apps one of the following:
void mfglibStopStreamReturn ( EmberStatus status )
MfgStatus mfglibStopTone ( void )

Use this function to stop transmitting a tone.

For host apps see mfglibStopToneReturn() . For SoC apps one of the following:
void mfglibStopToneReturn ( EmberStatus status )
void mfglibTestContModCal ( uint8_t channel,
uint32_t duration

If the duration argument == 0, this test will run forever (until the chip is reset).

Use this function to run the active transmit part of mod DAC calibration.

channel Selects the channel to transmit on.
duration Duration in ms, 0 == infinite.