Network Utilities.


Defines the possible status values, that could be returned in a link management response message.
IPv6 Addressing Utilities.
Forming and Joining
Forming and Joining Utilities.
Commissioning Utilities.

Data Structures

struct EmberNetworkParameters
An application structure to hold useful network parameters.
struct EmberNetworkDebugParameters
An application structure to hold useful network debug parameters.


Network data values.
Maximum size of a string written by emberIpv6AddressToString , including a NUL terminator. It is sufficient to store the string "ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff" and a NUL terminator.
Maximum size of a string written by emberIpv6PrefixToString , including a NUL terminator. It is sufficient to store the string "ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff/128" and a NUL terminator.
#define EMBER_IPV6_BITS 128
Number of bits in an IPv6 address.
Number of bytes in an IPv6 address.
Number of fields in an IPv6 address.
#define EMBER_IPV6_MTU 1280
Size of the largest supported IPv6 packet.
Size of the largest supported UDP payload in bytes. This number comes from subtracting the IPv6 header size of 40 and the UDP header size of 8 from the EMBER_IPV6_MTU of 1280.


void emberInit (void)
This function initializes the Ember stack.
void emberInitReturn ( EmberStatus status)
This function provides the result of a call to emberInit() .
void emberTick (void)
A periodic tick routine that must be called in the application's main event loop.
void emberCustomHostToNcpMessage (const uint8_t *message, uint16_t messageLength)
This function sends a custom message from the Host to the NCP.
void emberCustomHostToNcpMessageHandler (const uint8_t *message, uint16_t messageLength)
NCP handler called to process a custom message from the Host.
void emberCustomNcpToHostMessage (const uint8_t *message, uint16_t messageLength)
This function sends a custom message from the NCP to the Host.
void emberCustomNcpToHostMessageHandler (const uint8_t *message, uint16_t messageLength)
Host handler called to process a custom message from the NCP.
void emberSetEui64 (const EmberEui64 *eui64)
This function sets the EUI.
void emberHostToNcpNoOp (const uint8_t *bytes, uint8_t bytesLength)
This function sends a no-op with data payload from the Host to the NCP.
void emberNcpToHostNoOp (const uint8_t *bytes, uint8_t bytesLength)
This function sends a no-op with data payload from the NCP to the Host.
void emberLeaderDataHandler (const uint8_t *leaderData)
A callback invoked when the leader data changes.
void emberGetNetworkDataTlv (uint8_t type, uint8_t index)
This function gets a Network Data TLV.
void emberGetNetworkDataTlvReturn (uint8_t type, uint8_t index, uint8_t versionNumber, const uint8_t *tlv, uint8_t tlvLength)
This function provides the result of a call to emberGetNetworkDataTlv() .
void emberEcho (const uint8_t *data, uint8_t length)
Test command. Echo data to the NCP.
void emberEchoReturn (const uint8_t *data, uint8_t length)
Callback for a debug command. Provides the result of emberEcho .
void emberAssertInfoReturn (const uint8_t *fileName, uint32_t lineNumber)
Sent from the NCP to the host when an assert occurs.
void emberStartXonXoffTest (void)
bool emberPing (const uint8_t *destination, uint16_t id, uint16_t sequence, uint16_t length, uint8_t hopLimit)
void emberEnableNetworkFragmentation (void)
void emberHostJoinClientComplete (uint32_t keySequence, const uint8_t *key, const uint8_t *ulaPrefix)
bool emberIpv6AddressToString (const EmberIpv6Address *src, uint8_t *dst, size_t dstSize)
This function converts an EmberIpv6Address to a NUL-terminated string.
bool emberIpv6PrefixToString (const EmberIpv6Address *src, uint8_t srcPrefixBits, uint8_t *dst, size_t dstSize)
This function converts an EmberIpv6Address and prefix length to a NUL-terminated string.
bool emberIpv6StringToAddress (const uint8_t *src, EmberIpv6Address *dst)
This function converts a NUL-terminated string to an EmberIpv6Address .
bool emberIpv6StringToPrefix (const uint8_t *src, EmberIpv6Address *dst, uint8_t *dstPrefixBits)
This function converts a NUL-terminated string to an EmberIpv6Address with a prefix length.
bool emberIsIpv6UnspecifiedAddress (const EmberIpv6Address *address)
This function checks an EmberIpv6Address to see if it is set to all zeroes which represents an unspecified address.
bool emberIsIpv6LoopbackAddress (const EmberIpv6Address *address)
This function checks an EmberIpv6Address to see if it is all zeroes, except the last byte, which is set to one, representing the loopback address.
void emberSetRadioHoldOff (bool enable)
This function enables or disables Radio HoldOff support.
void emberSetRadioHoldOffReturn ( EmberStatus status)
This function provides the result of a call to emberSetRadioHoldOff .
void emberGetPtaEnable (void)
This function fetches whether packet traffic arbitration is enabled or disabled.
void emberGetPtaEnableReturn (bool enabled)
This function provides the result of a call to emberGetPtaEnable .
void emberSetPtaEnable (bool enabled)
This function enables or disables packet traffic arbitration.
void emberSetPtaEnableReturn ( EmberStatus status)
This function provides the result of a call to emberSetPtaEnable .
void emberGetPtaOptions (void)
This function fetches packet traffic arbitration configuration options.
void emberGetPtaOptionsReturn (uint32_t options)
This function provides the result of a call to emberGetPtaOptions .
void emberGetPtaPwmOptions (void)
This function fetches packet traffic arbitration PWM options.
void emberGetPtaPwmOptionsReturn (uint8_t request, uint8_t dutyCycle, uint8_t periodHalfMs)
This function provides the result of a call to emberGetPtaPwmOptions .
void emberSetPtaOptions (uint32_t options)
This function configures packet traffic arbitration options.
void emberSetPtaOptionsReturn ( EmberStatus status)
This function provides the result of a call to emberSetPtaOptions .
void emberSetPtaPwmOptions (uint8_t request, uint8_t dutyCycle, uint8_t periodHalfMs)
This function configures packet traffic arbitration PWM options.
void emberSetPtaPwmOptionsReturn ( EmberStatus status)
This function provides the result of a call to emberSetPtaPwmOptions .
void emberGetPtaDirectionalPriorityPulseWidth (void)
This function fetches the packet traffic arbitration directional priority pulse width in microseconds. (Only valid on EFR32)
void emberGetPtaDirectionalPriorityPulseWidthReturn (uint8_t pulseWidth)
This function provides the result of a call to emberGetPtaDirectionalPriorityPulseWidth . (Only valid on EFR32)
void emberSetPtaDirectionalPriorityPulseWidth (uint8_t pulseWidth)
This function configures packet traffic arbitration directional priority pulse width. (Only valid on EFR32)
void emberSetPtaDirectionalPriorityPulseWidthReturn ( EmberStatus status)
This function provides the result of a call to emberSetPtaDirectionalPriorityPulseWidth . (Only valid on EFR32)
void emberGetPtaPhySelectTimeout (void)
This function fetches the packet traffic arbitration PHY select timeout in milliseconds. (Only valid on EFR32)
void emberGetPtaPhySelectTimeoutReturn (uint8_t timeoutMs)
This function provides the result of a call to emberGetPtaPhySelectTimeout . (Only valid on EFR32)
void emberSetPtaPhySelectTimeout (uint8_t timeoutMs)
This function configures packet traffic arbitration PHY select timeout. (Only valid on EFR32)
void emberSetPtaPhySelectTimeoutReturn ( EmberStatus status)
This function provides the result of a call to emberSetPtaPhySelectTimeout . (Only valid on EFR32)
void emberGetAntennaMode (void)
This function fetches the current antenna mode.
void emberGetAntennaModeReturn ( EmberStatus status, uint8_t mode)
This function provides the result of a call to emberGetAntennaMode .
void emberSetAntennaMode (uint8_t mode)
This function configures the antenna mode.
void emberSetAntennaModeReturn ( EmberStatus status)
This function provides the result of a call to emberSetAntennaMode .
void emberGetAntennaRxMode (void)
This function fetches the current RX antenna mode.
void emberGetAntennaRxModeReturn ( EmberStatus status, uint8_t mode)
This function provides the result of a call to emberGetAntennaRxMode .
void emberSetAntennaRxMode (uint8_t mode)
This function configures the Rx antenna mode.
void emberSetAntennaRxModeReturn ( EmberStatus status)
This function provides the result of a call to emberSetAntennaRxMode .
void emberRadioGetRandomNumbers (uint8_t count)
This function gets a true random number out of radios that support this. This will typically take a while, and so should be used to seed a PRNG and not as a source of random numbers for regular use.
void emberRadioGetRandomNumbersReturn ( EmberStatus status, const uint16_t *rn, uint8_t count)
This function provides the result of a call to emberRadioGetRandomNumbers .
void emberMicroBusyHandler (bool busy)
Callback informing the application running on the micro of interruptions to normal processing. If ::busy is true, the micro will be busy processing and unavailable for an indefinite period of time. If ::busy is false, the micro has resumed normal operation. The main use case is jpake crypto on EM3xx processors. This gives the application a chance to prepare for the pause in regular processing.


uint8_t EmberNetworkParameters::networkId [ EMBER_NETWORK_ID_SIZE ]
This will only be NUL terminated if the length of the network id is less than EMBER_NETWORK_ID_SIZE.
EmberIpv6Prefix EmberNetworkParameters::ulaPrefix
uint8_t EmberNetworkParameters::extendedPanId [ EXTENDED_PAN_ID_SIZE ]
uint16_t EmberNetworkParameters::panId
uint8_t EmberNetworkParameters::channel
EmberNodeType EmberNetworkParameters::nodeType
int8_t EmberNetworkParameters::radioTxPower
EmberKeyData EmberNetworkParameters::masterKey
uint8_t EmberNetworkParameters::joinKey [ EMBER_JOIN_KEY_MAX_SIZE ]
This will only be NUL terminated if the length of the key is less than EMBER_JOIN_KEY_MAX_SIZE.
uint8_t EmberNetworkParameters::joinKeyLength
uint8_t EmberNetworkDebugParameters::ripId
EmberNodeId EmberNetworkDebugParameters::nodeId
uint8_t EmberNetworkDebugParameters::parentRipId
EmberNodeId EmberNetworkDebugParameters::parentId
EmberNodeId EmberNetworkDebugParameters::leaderNodeId
uint8_t EmberNetworkDebugParameters::networkFragmentIdentifier [5]
uint32_t EmberNetworkDebugParameters::networkFrameCounter
uint8_t EmberLinkMetricsParameters::id
uint8_t EmberLinkMetricsParameters::flags
uint8_t EmberLinkMetricsParameters::typeIdFlags [ EMBER_MAX_LINK_METRICS_TYPE_ID_FLAGS ]
uint8_t EmberLinkMetricsParameters::typeIdFlagLength
uint8_t EmberRipEntry::macExtendedId [8]
EmberNodeType EmberRipEntry::type
int8_t EmberRipEntry::rollingRssi
uint8_t EmberRipEntry::nextHopIndex
uint8_t EmberRipEntry::ripMetric
uint8_t EmberRipEntry::incomingLinkQuality
uint8_t EmberRipEntry::outgoingLinkQuality
bool EmberRipEntry::mleSync
uint8_t EmberRipEntry::age
uint8_t EmberRipEntry::routeDelta
uint16_t EmberChildEntry::flags
uint8_t EmberChildEntry::macExtendedId [8]
uint32_t EmberChildEntry::timeoutSeconds
uint16_t EmberChildEntry::secondsSinceLastTransaction
int8_t EmberChildEntry::rssi
uint8_t EmberMacBeaconData::networkId [16]
uint8_t EmberMacBeaconData::extendedPanId [8]
uint8_t EmberMacBeaconData::macExtendedId [8]
uint16_t EmberMacBeaconData::panId
uint8_t EmberMacBeaconData::protocolId
uint8_t EmberMacBeaconData::channel
bool EmberMacBeaconData::allowingJoin
uint8_t EmberMacBeaconData::lqi
int8_t EmberMacBeaconData::rssi
uint8_t EmberMacBeaconData::version
uint16_t EmberMacBeaconData::shortId
uint8_t EmberMacBeaconData::steeringData [16]
uint8_t EmberMacBeaconData::steeringDataLength
EmberKeyData * EmberSecurityParameters::networkKey
uint8_t * EmberSecurityParameters::presharedKey
uint8_t EmberSecurityParameters::presharedKeyLength
EmberIpv6Address EmberDnsResponse::ipAddress

Detailed Description

See network-management.h for source code.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define EMBER_IPV6_BITS   128
#define EMBER_IPV6_MTU   1280

Function Documentation

void emberAssertInfoReturn ( const uint8_t * fileName,
uint32_t lineNumber

Sent from the NCP to the host when an assert occurs.

void emberCustomHostToNcpMessage ( const uint8_t * message,
uint16_t messageLength
message message to send
messageLength length of message
void emberCustomHostToNcpMessageHandler ( const uint8_t * message,
uint16_t messageLength
message message received
messageLength length of message
void emberCustomNcpToHostMessage ( const uint8_t * message,
uint16_t messageLength
message message to send
messageLength length of message
void emberCustomNcpToHostMessageHandler ( const uint8_t * message,
uint16_t messageLength
message message received
messageLength length of message
void emberEcho ( const uint8_t * data,
uint8_t length
void emberEchoReturn ( const uint8_t * data,
uint8_t length
void emberEnableNetworkFragmentation ( void )
void emberGetAntennaMode ( void )
void emberGetAntennaModeReturn ( EmberStatus status,
uint8_t mode
status An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
mode the current antenna mode 0-don't alter antenna selection, 1-antenna 1, 2-antenna 2, 3-TX antenna diversity

This function provides the result of a call to emberGetAntennaMode .

status An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
mode the current antenna mode 0-don't alter antenna selection, 1-antenna 1, 2-antenna 2, 3-TX antenna diversity
void emberGetAntennaRxMode ( void )
void emberGetAntennaRxModeReturn ( EmberStatus status,
uint8_t mode
status An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
mode the current RX antenna mode 0-don't alter antenna selection, 1-antenna 1, 2-antenna 2, 3-RX antenna diversity

This function provides the result of a call to emberGetAntennaRxMode .

status An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
mode the current RX antenna mode 0-don't alter antenna selection, 1-antenna 1, 2-antenna 2, 3-RX antenna diversity
void emberGetNetworkDataTlv ( uint8_t type,
uint8_t index
type the type for requested TLV
index if there are multiple TLVs of the given type then this value indicates which one to return. A value of 0 will return the first TLV of the given type.
void emberGetNetworkDataTlvReturn ( uint8_t typeByte,
uint8_t index,
uint8_t versionNumber,
const uint8_t * tlv,
uint8_t tlvLength
type the type of TLV returned. This is the same value as the value specified in the emberGetNetworkDataTlv() call.
index the instance number of the TLV. This is the same value as the value specified in the emberGetNetworkDataTlv() call.
versionNumber the network data version
tlv the TLV corresponding to type or NULL.
tlvLength length of tlv

This function provides the result of a call to emberGetNetworkDataTlv() .

type the type of TLV returned. This is the same value as the value specified in the emberGetNetworkDataTlv() call.
index the instance number of the TLV. This is the same value as the value specified in the emberGetNetworkDataTlv() call.
versionNumber the network data version
tlv the TLV corresponding to type or NULL.
tlvLength length of tlv
void emberGetPtaDirectionalPriorityPulseWidth ( void )
void emberGetPtaDirectionalPriorityPulseWidthReturn ( uint8_t pulseWidthUs )
pulseWidth Directional priority pulse width in microseconds.

This function provides the result of a call to emberGetPtaDirectionalPriorityPulseWidth . (Only valid on EFR32)

pulseWidthUs Directional priority pulse width in microseconds
void emberGetPtaEnable ( void )
void emberGetPtaEnableReturn ( bool enabled )
enabled When true, indicates packet traffic arbitration is enabed. When false, indicates packet traffic arbitration is disabled.

This function provides the result of a call to emberGetPtaEnable .

enabled When true, indicates packet traffic arbitration is enabed. When false, indicates packet traffic arbitration is disabled.
void emberGetPtaOptions ( void )
void emberGetPtaOptionsReturn ( uint32_t options )
indicates packet traffic arbitration options bit field. Field Bit Position Size(bits) RX retry timeout ms 0 8 Enable ack radio holdoff 8 1 Abort mid TX if grant is lost 9 1 TX request is high priority 10 1 RX request is high prioirity 11 1 RX retry request is high priority 12 1 RX retry request is enabled 13 1 Radio holdoff is enabled 14 1 Toggle request on mac retransmit 15 1 Force holdoff by disabling request 16 1 Hold off transmit in the mac layer 17 1 Delay asserting request until 18 1 address filtering passes Assert request with high priority 19 1 after address filtering passes CCA failure counter threshold 20 3 MAC retry counter threshold 23 2 MAC failure counter threshold 25 2 Reserved 27 4 Hold request across CCA failures 31 1

This function provides the result of a call to emberGetPtaOptions .

indicates packet traffic arbitration options bit field. Field Bit Position Size(bits) RX retry timeout ms 0 8 Enable ack radio holdoff 8 1 Abort mid TX if grant is lost 9 1 TX request is high priority 10 1 RX request is high prioirity 11 1 RX retry request is high priority 12 1 RX retry request is enabled 13 1 Radio holdoff is enabled 14 1 Toggle request on mac retransmit 15 1 Force holdoff by disabling request 16 1 Hold off transmit in the mac layer 17 1 Delay asserting request until 18 1 address filtering passes Assert request with high priority 19 1 after address filtering passes CCA failure counter threshold 20 3 MAC retry counter threshold 23 2 MAC failure counter threshold 25 2 Reserved 27 4 Hold request across CCA failures 31 1
void emberGetPtaPhySelectTimeout ( void )
void emberGetPtaPhySelectTimeoutReturn ( uint8_t timeoutMs )
timeoutMs PTA PHY select timeout in milliseconds.

This function provides the result of a call to emberGetPtaPhySelectTimeout . (Only valid on EFR32)

timeoutMs Packet traffic arbitration PHY select timeout in milliseconds.
void emberGetPtaPwmOptions ( void )
void emberGetPtaPwmOptionsReturn ( uint8_t request,
uint8_t dutyCycle,
uint8_t periodHalfMs
request PTA PWM bit field Field Bit Position Size(bits) Request enabled 0 1 Priority enabled 1 1
dutyCycle PTA PWM duty cycle percentage(0-100)
periodHalfMs PTA PWM request period in half milliseconds
void emberHostJoinClientComplete ( uint32_t keySequence,
const uint8_t * key,
const uint8_t * ulaPrefix
void emberHostToNcpNoOp ( const uint8_t * bytes,
uint8_t bytesLength
bytes bytes of payload
bytesLength length of payload
void emberInit ( void )
void emberInitReturn ( EmberStatus status )

This function provides the result of a call to emberInit() .

bool emberIpv6AddressToString ( const EmberIpv6Address * src,
uint8_t * dst,
size_t dstSize
src the EmberIpv6Address to convert
dst the buffer where the string will be written
dstSize the size of buffer in bytes
true if the address was converted.
bool emberIpv6PrefixToString ( const EmberIpv6Address * src,
uint8_t srcPrefixBits,
uint8_t * dst,
size_t dstSize
src the EmberIpv6Address to convert
srcPrefixBits the size of the prefix in bits
dst the buffer where the string will be written
dstSize the size of buffer in bytes
true if the prefix was converted.
bool emberIpv6StringToAddress ( const uint8_t * src,
EmberIpv6Address * dst
src the string to convert
dst the EmberIpv6Address where the address will be written
true if the string was converted.
bool emberIpv6StringToPrefix ( const uint8_t * src,
EmberIpv6Address * dst,
uint8_t * dstPrefixBits
src the string to convert
dst the EmberIpv6Address where the address will be written
dstPrefixBits the number of prefix bits in the string
true if the string was converted.
bool emberIsIpv6LoopbackAddress ( const EmberIpv6Address * address )
address the EmberIpv6Address to check
true if the address is zero for bytes 0-14 and one for byte 15
bool emberIsIpv6UnspecifiedAddress ( const EmberIpv6Address * address )
address the EmberIpv6Address to check
true if the address is all zeroes (unspecified address).
void emberLeaderDataHandler ( const uint8_t * leaderData )

The format of the leader data is as follows (Thread spec section 4.5.12):

| octets: | 4 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |

| | Partition ID | Weight | Data Ver. | Stable Data Ver. | Router ID |

leaderData the leader data
void emberMicroBusyHandler ( bool busy )

This callback is not available on a host processor. Note that if ::busy is true, the micro may become busy as soon as this handler exits. In a host/ncp setup, one solution for informing the host is to implement this handler in your own xNCP image and use it to toggle the serial CTS line.

void emberNcpToHostNoOp ( const uint8_t * bytes,
uint8_t bytesLength
bytes bytes of payload
bytesLength length of payload
bool emberPing ( const uint8_t * destination,
uint16_t id,
uint16_t sequence,
uint16_t length,
uint8_t hopLimit
void emberRadioGetRandomNumbers ( uint8_t count )
count - the count of uint16_t values to be returned.
void emberRadioGetRandomNumbersReturn ( EmberStatus status,
const uint16_t * rn,
uint8_t count
status An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure. When EMBER_SUCCESS is returned ::rn and ::count will contain valid data. ::rn and ::count are undefined when EMBER_SUCCESS is not returned.
rn the uint16_t random values
count - the count of uint16_t values located at ::rn

This function provides the result of a call to emberRadioGetRandomNumbers .

status An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure. When EMBER_SUCCESS is returned ::rn and ::count will contain valid data. ::rn and ::count are undefined when EMBER_SUCCESS is not returned.
rn the uint16_t random values
count - the count of uint16_t values located at ::rn
void emberSetAntennaMode ( uint8_t mode )
mode 0-don't alter antenna selection, 1-antenna 1, 2-antenna 2, 3-TX antenna diversity
void emberSetAntennaModeReturn ( EmberStatus status )
EMBER_SUCCESS if antenna mode is configured as desired or EMBER_BAD_ARGUMENT if antenna mode is not supported.

This function provides the result of a call to emberSetAntennaMode .

EMBER_SUCCESS if antenna mode is configured as desired or EMBER_BAD_ARGUMENT if antenna mode is not supported.
void emberSetAntennaRxMode ( uint8_t mode )
mode 0-don't alter antenna selection, 1-antenna 1, 2-antenna 2, 3-RX antenna diversity
void emberSetAntennaRxModeReturn ( EmberStatus status )
EMBER_SUCCESS if RX antenna mode is configured as desired or EMBER_BAD_ARGUMENT if RX antenna mode is not supported.

This function provides the result of a call to emberSetAntennaRxMode .

EMBER_SUCCESS if RX antenna mode is configured as desired or EMBER_BAD_ARGUMENT if RX antenna mode is not supported.
void emberSetEui64 ( const EmberEui64 * eui64 )
eui64 Value of EUI to be set.
void emberSetPtaDirectionalPriorityPulseWidth ( uint8_t pulseWidth )
pulseWidth PTA direction priority pulse width
void emberSetPtaDirectionalPriorityPulseWidthReturn ( EmberStatus status )
status An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.

This function provides the result of a call to emberSetPtaDirectionalPriorityPulseWidth . (Only valid on EFR32)

status An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
void emberSetPtaEnable ( bool enabled )
enabled When true, enables packet traffic arbitration. When false, disables packet traffic arbitration.
void emberSetPtaEnableReturn ( EmberStatus status )
status An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.

This function provides the result of a call to emberSetPtaEnable .

status An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
void emberSetPtaOptions ( uint32_t options )
indicates packet traffic arbitration options bit field. Field Bit Position Size(bits) RX retry timeout ms 0 8 Enable ack radio holdoff 8 1 Abort mid TX if grant is lost 9 1 TX request is high priority 10 1 RX request is high prioirity 11 1 RX retry request is high priority 12 1 RX retry request is enabled 13 1 Radio holdoff is enabled 14 1 Toggle request on mac retransmit 15 1 Force holdoff by disabling request 16 1 Hold off transmit in the mac layer 17 1 Delay asserting request until 18 1 address filtering passes Assert request with high priority 19 1 after address filtering passes CCA failure counter threshold 20 3 MAC retry counter threshold 23 2 MAC failure counter threshold 25 2 Reserved 27 4 Hold request across CCA failures 31 1
void emberSetPtaOptionsReturn ( EmberStatus status )
status An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.

This function provides the result of a call to emberSetPtaOptions .

status An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
void emberSetPtaPhySelectTimeout ( uint8_t timeoutMs )
timeoutMs PTA PHY select timeout in milliseconds
void emberSetPtaPhySelectTimeoutReturn ( EmberStatus status )
status An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.

This function provides the result of a call to emberSetPtaPhySelectTimeout . (Only valid on EFR32)

status An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
void emberSetPtaPwmOptions ( uint8_t request,
uint8_t dutyCycle,
uint8_t periodHalfMs
request PTA PWM bit field Field Bit Position Size(bits) Request enabled 0 1 Priority enabled 1 1
dutyCycle PTA PWM duty cycle percentage(0-100)
periodHalfMs PTA PWM request period in half milliseconds
void emberSetPtaPwmOptionsReturn ( EmberStatus status )
status An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
void emberSetRadioHoldOff ( bool enable )
enable When true, configures ::RHO_GPIO in BOARD_HEADER as an input which, when asserted, will prevent the radio from transmitting. When false, configures ::RHO_GPIO for its original default purpose.
void emberSetRadioHoldOffReturn ( EmberStatus status )
status An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure. EMBER_SUCCESS if Radio HoldOff was configured as desired or EMBER_BAD_ARGUMENT if requesting it be enabled but RHO has not been configured by the BOARD_HEADER.

This function provides the result of a call to emberSetRadioHoldOff .

status An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure. EMBER_SUCCESS if Radio HoldOff was configured as desired or EMBER_BAD_ARGUMENT if requesting it be enabled but RHO has not been configured by the BOARD_HEADER.
void emberStartXonXoffTest ( void )

Need documentation comments for these.

void emberTick ( void )

Variable Documentation

uint8_t EmberRipEntry::age
bool EmberMacBeaconData::allowingJoin
uint8_t EmberNetworkParameters::channel
uint8_t EmberMacBeaconData::channel
uint8_t EmberNetworkParameters::extendedPanId[ EXTENDED_PAN_ID_SIZE ]
uint8_t EmberMacBeaconData::extendedPanId[8]
uint8_t EmberLinkMetricsParameters::flags
uint16_t EmberChildEntry::flags
uint8_t EmberLinkMetricsParameters::id
uint8_t EmberRipEntry::incomingLinkQuality
EmberIpv6Address EmberDnsResponse::ipAddress

The returned address

uint8_t EmberNetworkParameters::joinKey[ EMBER_JOIN_KEY_MAX_SIZE ]
uint8_t EmberNetworkParameters::joinKeyLength
EmberNodeId EmberNetworkDebugParameters::leaderNodeId
uint8_t EmberMacBeaconData::lqi
uint8_t EmberRipEntry::macExtendedId[8]
uint8_t EmberChildEntry::macExtendedId[8]
uint8_t EmberMacBeaconData::macExtendedId[8]
EmberKeyData EmberNetworkParameters::masterKey
bool EmberRipEntry::mleSync
uint8_t EmberNetworkDebugParameters::networkFragmentIdentifier[5]
uint32_t EmberNetworkDebugParameters::networkFrameCounter
uint8_t EmberNetworkParameters::networkId[ EMBER_NETWORK_ID_SIZE ]
uint8_t EmberMacBeaconData::networkId[16]
EmberKeyData * EmberSecurityParameters::networkKey
uint8_t EmberRipEntry::nextHopIndex
EmberNodeId EmberNetworkDebugParameters::nodeId
EmberNodeType EmberNetworkParameters::nodeType
uint8_t EmberRipEntry::outgoingLinkQuality
uint16_t EmberNetworkParameters::panId
uint16_t EmberMacBeaconData::panId
EmberNodeId EmberNetworkDebugParameters::parentId
uint8_t EmberNetworkDebugParameters::parentRipId
uint8_t* EmberSecurityParameters::presharedKey
uint8_t EmberSecurityParameters::presharedKeyLength
uint8_t EmberMacBeaconData::protocolId
int8_t EmberNetworkParameters::radioTxPower
uint8_t EmberNetworkDebugParameters::ripId
uint8_t EmberRipEntry::ripMetric
int8_t EmberRipEntry::rollingRssi
uint8_t EmberRipEntry::routeDelta
int8_t EmberChildEntry::rssi
int8_t EmberMacBeaconData::rssi
uint16_t EmberChildEntry::secondsSinceLastTransaction
uint16_t EmberMacBeaconData::shortId
uint8_t EmberMacBeaconData::steeringData[16]
uint8_t EmberMacBeaconData::steeringDataLength
uint32_t EmberChildEntry::timeoutSeconds
EmberNodeType EmberRipEntry::type
uint8_t EmberLinkMetricsParameters::typeIdFlagLength
uint8_t EmberLinkMetricsParameters::typeIdFlags[ EMBER_MAX_LINK_METRICS_TYPE_ID_FLAGS ]
EmberIpv6Prefix EmberNetworkParameters::ulaPrefix
uint8_t EmberMacBeaconData::version