
void emberAfSetLongPollIntervalQsCallback ( int32u longPollIntervalQs)
void emberAfSetShortPollIntervalQsCallback ( int16u shortPollIntervalQs)
void emberAfSetFastPollTimeoutQsCallback ( int16u shortPollIntervalQs)

Detailed Description

These callbacks are contributed by the Poll Control Server plugin.

Function Documentation

void emberAfSetFastPollTimeoutQsCallback ( int16u shortPollIntervalQs )

This function is called when the Poll Control plugin FastPollTimeout attribute (QS) is modified.

void emberAfSetLongPollIntervalQsCallback ( int32u longPollIntervalQs )

This function is called when the Poll Control plugin LongPollInterval attribute (QS) is modified.

void emberAfSetShortPollIntervalQsCallback ( int16u shortPollIntervalQs )

This function is called when the Poll Control plugin ShortPollInterval attribute (QS) is modified.