Compiler and Platform specific definitions and typedefs common to all platforms.


#define MEMSET (d, v, l)   memset(d, v, l)
Friendly convenience macro pointing to the C Stdlib functions.
#define MEMCOPY (d, s, l)   memcpy(d, s, l)
#define MEMMOVE (d, s, l)   memmove(d, s, l)
#define MEMPGMCOPY (d, s, l)   memcpy(d, s, l)
#define MEMCOMPARE (s0, s1, l)   memcmp(s0, s1, l)
#define MEMPGMCOMPARE (s0, s1, l)   memcmp(s0, s1, l)

Generic Types

#define TRUE 1
An alias for one, used for clarity.
#define FALSE 0
An alias for zero, used for clarity.
#define NULL ((void *)0)
The null pointer.

Bit Manipulation Macros

#define BIT (x)   (1U << (x))
Useful to reference a single bit of a byte.
#define BIT32 (x)   (((uint32_t) 1) << (x))
Useful to reference a single bit of an uint32_t type.
#define SETBIT (reg, bit)   (reg) |= BIT (bit)
Sets bit in the reg register or byte.
#define SETBITS (reg, bits)   (reg) |= (bits)
Sets the bits in the reg register or the byte as specified in the bitmask bits .
#define CLEARBIT (reg, bit)   (reg) &= ~( BIT (bit))
Clears a bit in the reg register or byte.
#define CLEARBITS (reg, bits)   (reg) &= ~(bits)
Clears the bits in the reg register or byte as specified in the bitmask bits .
#define READBIT (reg, bit)   ((reg) & ( BIT (bit)))
Returns the value of bit within the register or byte reg .
#define READBITS (reg, bits)   ((reg) & (bits))
Returns the value of the bitmask bits within the register or byte reg .

Byte Manipulation Macros

#define LOW_BYTE (n)   ((uint8_t)((n) & 0xFF))
Returns the low byte of the 16-bit value n as an uint8_t .
#define HIGH_BYTE (n)   ((uint8_t)( LOW_BYTE ((n) >> 8)))
Returns the high byte of the 16-bit value n as an uint8_t .
#define HIGH_LOW_TO_INT (high, low)
Returns the value built from the two uint8_t values high and low .
#define INT8U_TO_INT32U (byte3, byte2, byte1, byte0)
Returns the value built from the four uint8_t as an uint32_t .
#define BYTE_0 (n)   ((uint8_t)((n) & 0xFF))
Returns the low byte of the 32-bit value n as an uint8_t .
#define BYTE_1 (n) BYTE_0 ((n) >> 8)
Returns the second byte of the 32-bit value n as an uint8_t .
#define BYTE_2 (n) BYTE_0 ((n) >> 16)
Returns the third byte of the 32-bit value n as an uint8_t .
#define BYTE_3 (n) BYTE_0 ((n) >> 24)
Returns the high byte of the 32-bit value n as an uint8_t .
#define BYTE_4 (n) BYTE_0 ((n) >> 32)
Returns the fifth byte of the 64-bit value n as an uint8_t .
#define BYTE_5 (n) BYTE_0 ((n) >> 40)
Returns the sixth byte of the 64-bit value n as an uint8_t .
#define BYTE_6 (n) BYTE_0 ((n) >> 48)
Returns the seventh byte of the 64-bit value n as an uint8_t .
#define BYTE_7 (n) BYTE_0 ((n) >> 56)
Returns the high byte of the 64-bit value n as an uint8_t .
#define COUNTOF (a)   (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]))
Returns the number of entries in an array.

Time Manipulation Macros

#define elapsedTimeInt8u (oldTime, newTime)   ((uint8_t) ((uint8_t)(newTime) - (uint8_t)(oldTime)))
Returns the elapsed time between two 8 bit values. Result may not be valid if the time samples differ by more than 127.
#define elapsedTimeInt16u (oldTime, newTime)   ((uint16_t) ((uint16_t)(newTime) - (uint16_t)(oldTime)))
Returns the elapsed time between two 16 bit values. Result may not be valid if the time samples differ by more than 32767.
#define elapsedTimeInt32u (oldTime, newTime)   ((uint32_t) ((uint32_t)(newTime) - (uint32_t)(oldTime)))
Returns the elapsed time between two 32 bit values. Result may not be valid if the time samples differ by more than 2147483647.
#define MAX_INT8U_VALUE (0xFF)
Returns true if t1 is greater than t2. Can only account for 1 wrap around of the variable before it is wrong.
#define HALF_MAX_INT8U_VALUE (0x80)
Returns the elapsed time between two 8 bit values. Result may not be valid if the time samples differ by more than 127.
#define timeGTorEqualInt8u (t1, t2)   ( elapsedTimeInt8u (t2, t1) <= ( HALF_MAX_INT8U_VALUE ))
Returns the elapsed time between two 8 bit values. Result may not be valid if the time samples differ by more than 127.
#define MAX_INT16U_VALUE (0xFFFF)
Returns true if t1 is greater than t2. Can only account for 1 wrap around of the variable before it is wrong.
#define HALF_MAX_INT16U_VALUE (0x8000)
Returns the elapsed time between two 8 bit values. Result may not be valid if the time samples differ by more than 127.
#define timeGTorEqualInt16u (t1, t2)   ( elapsedTimeInt16u (t2, t1) <= ( HALF_MAX_INT16U_VALUE ))
Returns the elapsed time between two 8 bit values. Result may not be valid if the time samples differ by more than 127.
Returns true if t1 is greater than t2. Can only account for 1 wrap around of the variable before it is wrong.
#define HALF_MAX_INT32U_VALUE (0x80000000UL)
Returns the elapsed time between two 8 bit values. Result may not be valid if the time samples differ by more than 127.
#define timeGTorEqualInt32u (t1, t2)   ( elapsedTimeInt32u (t2, t1) <= ( HALF_MAX_INT32U_VALUE ))
Returns the elapsed time between two 8 bit values. Result may not be valid if the time samples differ by more than 127.

Miscellaneous Macros

#define UNUSED_VAR (x)   (void)(x)
Set debug level based on whether DEBUG or DEBUG_STRIPPED are defined.
#define STATIC_ASSERT (__condition, __errorstr)
Disable static assertions on compilers that don't support them.

Detailed Description

platform-common.h provides PLATFORM_HEADER defaults and common definitions. This head should never be included directly, it should only be included by the specific PLATFORM_HEADER used by your platform.

See platform-common.h for source code.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define BIT ( x ) (1U << (x))
#define BIT32 ( x ) (((uint32_t) 1) << (x))
#define BYTE_0 ( n ) ((uint8_t)((n) & 0xFF))
#define BYTE_1 ( n ) BYTE_0 ((n) >> 8)
#define BYTE_2 ( n ) BYTE_0 ((n) >> 16)
#define BYTE_3 ( n ) BYTE_0 ((n) >> 24)
#define BYTE_4 ( n ) BYTE_0 ((n) >> 32)
#define BYTE_5 ( n ) BYTE_0 ((n) >> 40)
#define BYTE_6 ( n ) BYTE_0 ((n) >> 48)
#define BYTE_7 ( n ) BYTE_0 ((n) >> 56)
#define CLEARBIT ( reg,
) (reg) &= ~( BIT (bit))
Assuming reg is an IO register, some platforms (such as the AVR) can implement this in a single atomic operation.
#define CLEARBITS ( reg,
) (reg) &= ~(bits)
This is never a single atomic operation.
#define COUNTOF ( a ) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]))
#define elapsedTimeInt16u ( oldTime,
) ((uint16_t) ((uint16_t)(newTime) - (uint16_t)(oldTime)))

Referenced by USBD_RemoteWakeup() .

#define elapsedTimeInt32u ( oldTime,
) ((uint32_t) ((uint32_t)(newTime) - (uint32_t)(oldTime)))
#define elapsedTimeInt8u ( oldTime,
) ((uint8_t) ((uint8_t)(newTime) - (uint8_t)(oldTime)))
#define HALF_MAX_INT16U_VALUE   (0x8000)
#define HALF_MAX_INT32U_VALUE   (0x80000000UL)
#define HALF_MAX_INT8U_VALUE   (0x80)
#define HIGH_BYTE ( n ) ((uint8_t)( LOW_BYTE ((n) >> 8)))
#define HIGH_LOW_TO_INT ( high,
( \
((uint16_t) (((uint16_t) (high)) << 8)) \
+ ((uint16_t) ((low) & 0xFF)) \
#define INT8U_TO_INT32U ( byte3,
( \
(((uint32_t) (byte3)) << 24) \
+ (((uint32_t) (byte2)) << 16) \
+ (((uint32_t) (byte1)) << 8) \
+ ((uint32_t) ((byte0) & 0xFF)) \
#define LOW_BYTE ( n ) ((uint8_t)((n) & 0xFF))
#define MAX_INT16U_VALUE   (0xFFFF)
#define MAX_INT8U_VALUE   (0xFF)
#define MEMCOMPARE ( s0,
) memcmp(s0, s1, l)
#define MEMCOPY ( d,
) memcpy(d, s, l)
#define MEMMOVE ( d,
) memmove(d, s, l)
#define MEMPGMCOMPARE ( s0,
) memcmp(s0, s1, l)
#define MEMPGMCOPY ( d,
) memcpy(d, s, l)
#define MEMSET ( d,
) memset(d, v, l)
#define READBIT ( reg,
) ((reg) & ( BIT (bit)))
#define READBITS ( reg,
) ((reg) & (bits))
#define SETBIT ( reg,
) (reg) |= BIT (bit)
Assuming reg is an IO register, some platforms (such as the AVR) can implement this in a single atomic operation.
#define SETBITS ( reg,
) (reg) |= (bits)
This is never a single atomic operation.
#define STATIC_ASSERT ( __condition,
#define timeGTorEqualInt16u ( t1,
) ( elapsedTimeInt16u (t2, t1) <= ( HALF_MAX_INT16U_VALUE ))
#define timeGTorEqualInt32u ( t1,
) ( elapsedTimeInt32u (t2, t1) <= ( HALF_MAX_INT32U_VALUE ))
#define timeGTorEqualInt8u ( t1,
) ( elapsedTimeInt8u (t2, t1) <= ( HALF_MAX_INT8U_VALUE ))
#define TRUE   1
#define UNUSED_VAR ( x ) (void)(x)

Useful macro for avoiding compiler warnings related to unused function arguments or unused variables.