Plugin Commands: Meter Snapshot Server
Macros |
plugin meter-snapshot-server publish [nodeId:2] [srcEndpoint:1] [dstEndpoint:1] [startTime:4] [endTime:4] [offset:1] [cause:4]
plugin meter-snapshot-server take [endpoint:1] [cause:4]
Detailed Description
The meter-snapshot-server plugin contributes several commands to the application framework's CLI. These commands are used for taking and publishing snapshots.
Macro Definition Documentation
plugin meter-snapshot-server publish [nodeId:2] [srcEndpoint:1] [dstEndpoint:1] [startTime:4] [endTime:4] [offset:1] [cause:4]
Publish a snapshot.
- nodeId - INT16U - the destination node id
- srcEndpoint - INT8U - the source endpoint
- dstEndpoint - INT8U - the destination endpoint
- startTime - INT32U - the earliest time of a snapshot to be published
- endTime - INT32U - the latest time of a snapshot to be published
- offset - INT8U - identifies the snapshot to be published
- cause - INT32U - select only snapshots that were taken due to a specific cause
plugin meter-snapshot-server take [endpoint:1] [cause:4]
Take a snapshot.
- endpoint - INT8U - the source endpoint
- cause - INT32U - the cause of the snapshot