Plugin Commands: Standalone Bootloader Server


 plugin standalone-bootloader-server bootload eui [eui64:8] [index:1] [tag:1]
 plugin standalone-bootloader-server bootload target [index:1] [tag:1]
 plugin standalone-bootloader-server print-target
 plugin standalone-bootloader-server query
 plugin standalone-bootloader-server status

Detailed Description

The Standalone Bootloader Server contributes commands to tell client's to launch their standalone bootloader and send them a new application image.

Macro Definition Documentation



plugin standalone-bootloader-server bootload eui [eui64:8] [index:1] [tag:1]

  • Starts the process for bootloading a device using the passed EUI64.
    • eui64 - IEEE_ADDRESS - The EUI64 of the target of the bootload.
    • index - INT8U - The index of the image being sent to the target
    • tag - INT8U - The tag ID within the image, which will be sent to the target.



plugin standalone-bootloader-server bootload target [index:1] [tag:1]

  • Starts the process for bootloading a device using the currently cached target info.
    • index - INT8U - The index of the image being sent to the target
    • tag - INT8U - The tag ID within the image, which will be sent to the target.



plugin standalone-bootloader-server print-target

  • Print the cached info about the current bootload target.



plugin standalone-bootloader-server query

  • n

    Send a broadcast standalone bootloader query to all nearby nodes.



plugin standalone-bootloader-server status

  • Print the standalone bootload server's current status.