Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CotActiveScanResultThis structure represents a received IEEE 802.15.4 Beacon
 CotBackboneRouterConfigThis structure represents Backbone Router configuration
 CotBackboneRouterMulticastListenerInfoThis structure represents a Backbone Router Multicast Listener info
 CotBackboneRouterNdProxyInfoRepresents the Backbone Router ND Proxy info
 CotBorderRouterConfigThis structure represents a Border Router configuration
 CotBorderRoutingCountersThis structure represents the counters of packets forwarded via Border Routing
 CotBorderRoutingPrefixTableEntryThis structure represents an entry from the discovered prefix table
 CotBorderRoutingPrefixTableIteratorThis structure represents an iterator to iterate through the Border Router's discovered prefix table
 CotBufferInfoThis structure represents the message buffer information for different queues used by OpenThread stack
 CotCacheEntryInfoThis structure represents an EID cache entry
 CotCacheEntryIteratorThis type represents an iterator used for iterating through the EID cache table entries
 CotChildInfoThis structure holds diagnostic information for a Thread Child
 CotCliCommandThis structure represents a CLI command
 CotCoapBlockwiseResourceThis structure represents a CoAP resource with block-wise transfer
 CotCoapOptionThis structure represents a CoAP option
 CotCoapOptionIteratorThis structure acts as an iterator for CoAP options
 CotCoapResourceThis structure represents a CoAP resource
 CotCoapTxParametersThis structure represents the CoAP transmission parameters
 CotCommissioningDatasetThis structure represents a Commissioning Dataset
 CotCryptoContextThis structure stores the context object for platform APIs
 CotCryptoKeyThis structure represents the Key Material required for Crypto operations
 CotCryptoSha256HashThis structure represents a SHA-256 hash
 CotDnsQueryConfigThis structure represents a DNS query configuration
 CotDnssdCountersThis structure contains the counters of DNS-SD server
 CotDnssdHostInfoThis structure represents information of a discovered host for a DNS-SD query
 CotDnssdServiceInstanceInfoThis structure represents information of a discovered service instance for a DNS-SD query
 CotDnsServiceInfoThis structure provides info for a DNS service instance
 CotDnsTxtEntryThis structure represents a TXT record entry representing a key/value pair (RFC 6763 - section 6.3)
 CotDnsTxtEntryIteratorThis structure represents an iterator for TXT record entires (key/value pairs)
 CotEnergyScanResultThis structure represents an energy scan result
 CotExtAddressThis structure represents the IEEE 802.15.4 Extended Address
 CotExtendedPanIdThis structure represents an Extended PAN ID
 CotExternalRouteConfigThis structure represents an External Route configuration
 CotHistoryTrackerExternalRouteInfoThis structure represent a Network Data extern route info
 CotHistoryTrackerIteratorThis type represents an iterator to iterate through a history list
 CotHistoryTrackerMessageInfoThis structure represents a RX/TX IPv6 message info
 CotHistoryTrackerMulticastAddressInfoThis structure represent an IPv6 multicast address info
 CotHistoryTrackerNeighborInfoThis structure represents a neighbor info
 CotHistoryTrackerNetworkInfoThis structure represents Thread network info
 CotHistoryTrackerOnMeshPrefixInfoThis structure represent a Network Data on mesh prefix info
 CotHistoryTrackerUnicastAddressInfoThis structure represent a unicast IPv6 address info
 CotIcmp6HandlerThis structure implements ICMPv6 message handler
 CotIcmp6HeaderThis structure represents an ICMPv6 header
 CotIp4AddressThis structure represents an IPv4 address
 CotIp4CidrThis structure represents an IPv4 CIDR block
 CotIp6AddressThis structure represents an IPv6 address
 CotIp6AddressComponentsThis structure represents the components of an IPv6 address
 CotIp6AddressInfoThis structure represents IPv6 address information
 CotIp6InterfaceIdentifierThis structure represents the Interface Identifier of an IPv6 address
 CotIp6NetworkPrefixThis structure represents the Network Prefix of an IPv6 address (most significant 64 bits of the address)
 CotIp6PrefixThis structure represents an IPv6 prefix
 CotIpCountersThis structure represents the IP level counters
 CotJoinerDiscernerThis structure represents a Joiner Discerner
 CotJoinerInfoThis structure represents a Joiner Info
 CotJoinerPskdThis structure represents a Joiner PSKd
 CotLeaderDataThis structure represents the Thread Leader Data
 CotLinkedBufferA linked buffer structure for use with TCP
 CotLinkMetricsThis structure represents what metrics are specified to query
 CotLinkMetricsSeriesFlagsThis structure represents which frames are accounted in a Forward Tracking Series
 CotLinkMetricsValuesThis structure represents the result (value) for a Link Metrics query
 CotLinkModeConfigThis structure represents an MLE Link Mode configuration
 CotMacCountersThis structure represents the MAC layer counters
 CotMacFilterEntryThis structure represents a Mac Filter entry
 CotMacKeyThis structure represents a MAC Key
 CotMacKeyMaterialThis structure represents a MAC Key
 CotMessageBufferThis struct represents an OpenThread message buffer
 CotMessageInfoThis structure represents the local and peer IPv6 socket addresses
 CotMessageQueueThis structure represents an OpenThread message queue
 CotMessageQueueInfoThis structure represents information about a message queue
 CotMessageSettingsThis structure represents a message settings
 CotMleCountersThis structure represents the Thread MLE counters
 CotMultiRadioNeighborInfoThis type represents multi radio link information associated with a neighbor
 CotNat64AddressMappingRepresents an address mapping record for NAT64
 CotNat64AddressMappingIteratorUsed to iterate through NAT64 address mappings
 CotNat64CountersRepresents the counters for NAT64
 CotNat64ErrorCountersRepresents the counters of dropped packets due to errors when handling NAT64 packets
 CotNat64ProtocolCountersRepresents the counters for the protocols supported by NAT64
 CotNcpLegacyHandlersDefines a struct containing all the legacy handlers (function pointers)
 CotNeighborInfoThis structure holds diagnostic information for a neighboring Thread node
 CotNeighborTableEntryInfoThis type represent a neighbor table entry info (child or router) and is used as a parameter in the neighbor table callback otNeighborTableCallback
 CotNetifAddressThis structure represents an IPv6 network interface unicast address
 CotNetifMulticastAddressThis structure represents an IPv6 network interface multicast address
 CotNetworkDiagChildEntryThis structure represents a Network Diagnostic Child Table Entry
 CotNetworkDiagConnectivityThis structure represents a Network Diagnostic Connectivity value
 CotNetworkDiagMacCountersThis structure represents a Network Diagnostic Mac Counters value
 CotNetworkDiagRouteThis structure represents a Network Diagnostic Route TLV value
 CotNetworkDiagRouteDataThis structure represents a Network Diagnostic Route data
 CotNetworkDiagTlvThis structure represents a Network Diagnostic TLV
 CotNetworkKeyThis structure represents a Thread Network Key
 CotNetworkNameThis structure represents a Network Name
 CotOperationalDatasetThis structure represents an Active or Pending Operational Dataset
 CotOperationalDatasetComponentsThis structure represents presence of different components in Active or Pending Operational Dataset
 CotOperationalDatasetTlvsThis structure represents an Active or Pending Operational Dataset
 CotPacketsAndBytesThis structure represents the counters for packets and bytes
 CotPingSenderConfigThis structure represents a ping request configuration
 CotPingSenderReplyThis structure represents a ping reply
 CotPingSenderStatisticsThis structure represents statistics of a ping request
 CotPlatCryptoEcdsaKeyPairThis structure represents an ECDSA key pair (public and private keys)
 CotPlatCryptoEcdsaPublicKeyThis struct represents a ECDSA public key
 CotPlatCryptoEcdsaSignatureThis struct represents an ECDSA signature
 CotPlatCryptoSha256HashThis structure represents a SHA-256 hash
 CotPlatTrelPeerInfoThis structure represents a TREL peer info discovered using DNS-SD browse on the service name "_trel._udp"
 CotPskcThis structure represents PSKc
 CotRadioCoexMetricsThe following are valid radio state transitions:
 CotRadioFrameThis structure represents an IEEE 802.15.4 radio frame
 CotRadioIeInfoThis structure represents the IEEE 802.15.4 Header IE (Information Element) related information of a radio frame
 CotRadioLinkInfoThis type represents information associated with a radio link
 CotRouterInfoThis structure holds diagnostic information for a Thread Router
 CotSecurityPolicyThis structure represent Security Policy
 CotServerConfigThis structure represents a Server configuration
 CotServiceConfigThis structure represents a Service configuration
 CotSntpQueryThis structure implements SNTP Query parameters
 CotSockAddrThis structure represents an IPv6 socket address
 CotSrpClientBuffersServiceEntryThis struct represents a SRP client service pool entry
 CotSrpClientHostInfoThis structure represents an SRP client host info
 CotSrpClientServiceThis structure represents an SRP client service
 CotSrpServerLeaseConfigThis structure includes SRP server LEASE and KEY-LEASE configurations
 CotSrpServerLeaseInfoThis structure includes SRP server lease information of a host/service
 CotSrpServerResponseCountersThis structure includes the statistics of SRP server responses
 CotSrpServerTtlConfigThis structure includes SRP server TTL configurations
 CotSteeringDataThis structure represents the steering data
 CotTcpCircularSendBufferThis structure represents a circular send buffer for use with a TCP endpoint
 CotTcpEndpointThis structure represents a TCP endpoint
 CotTcpEndpointInitializeArgsThis structure contains arguments to the otTcpEndpointInitialize() function
 CotTcpListenerThis structure represents a TCP listener
 CotTcpListenerInitializeArgsThis structure contains arguments to the otTcpListenerInitialize() function
 CotThreadDiscoveryRequestInfoThis structure represents the Thread Discovery Request data
 CotThreadLinkInfoThis structure represents link-specific information for messages received from the Thread radio
 CotThreadParentResponseInfoThis structure represents the MLE Parent Response data
 CotTimestampThis structure represents a Thread Dataset timestamp component
 CotTrelPeerThis struct represents a TREL peer
 CotUdpReceiverThis structure represents a UDP receiver
 CotUdpSocketThis structure represents a UDP socket