otBorderRouterConfig Struct Reference

This structure represents a Border Router configuration.

#include < include/openthread/netdata.h >

Public Attributes

otIp6Prefix mPrefix
The IPv6 prefix.
signed int mPreference : 2
A 2-bit signed int preference ( OT_ROUTE_PREFERENCE_* values).
bool mPreferred : 1
Whether prefix is preferred.
bool mSlaac : 1
Whether prefix can be used for address auto-configuration (SLAAC).
bool mDhcp : 1
Whether border router is DHCPv6 Agent.
bool mConfigure : 1
Whether DHCPv6 Agent supplying other config data.
bool mDefaultRoute : 1
Whether border router is a default router for prefix.
bool mOnMesh : 1
Whether this prefix is considered on-mesh.
bool mStable : 1
Whether this configuration is considered Stable Network Data.
bool mNdDns : 1
Whether this border router can supply DNS information via ND.
bool mDp : 1
Whether prefix is a Thread Domain Prefix (added since Thread 1.2).
uint16_t mRloc16
The border router's RLOC16 (value ignored on config add).

This structure represents a Border Router configuration.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
  • include/openthread/ netdata.h