otHistoryTrackerNeighborInfo Struct Reference

This structure represents a neighbor info.

#include < include/openthread/history_tracker.h >

Public Attributes

otExtAddress mExtAddress
Neighbor's Extended Address.
uint16_t mRloc16
Neighbor's RLOC16.
int8_t mAverageRssi
Average RSSI of rx frames from neighbor at the time of recording entry.
uint8_t mEvent : 2
Indicates the event ( OT_HISTORY_TRACKER_NEIGHBOR_EVENT_* enumeration).
bool mRxOnWhenIdle : 1
bool mFullThreadDevice : 1
Full Thread Device.
bool mFullNetworkData : 1
Full Network Data.
bool mIsChild : 1
Indicates whether or not the neighbor is a child.

This structure represents a neighbor info.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
  • include/openthread/ history_tracker.h