History Tracker


struct otHistoryTrackerIterator
This type represents an iterator to iterate through a history list.
struct otHistoryTrackerNetworkInfo
This structure represents Thread network info.
struct otHistoryTrackerUnicastAddressInfo
This structure represent a unicast IPv6 address info.
struct otHistoryTrackerMulticastAddressInfo
This structure represent an IPv6 multicast address info.
struct otHistoryTrackerMessageInfo
This structure represents a RX/TX IPv6 message info.
struct otHistoryTrackerNeighborInfo
This structure represents a neighbor info.


#define OT_HISTORY_TRACKER_MAX_AGE (49 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000u)
This header defines the public API for History Tracker.
Recommended size for string representation of an entry age.


typedef struct otHistoryTrackerIterator otHistoryTrackerIterator
This type represents an iterator to iterate through a history list.
typedef struct otHistoryTrackerNetworkInfo otHistoryTrackerNetworkInfo
This structure represents Thread network info.
typedef struct otHistoryTrackerUnicastAddressInfo otHistoryTrackerUnicastAddressInfo
This structure represent a unicast IPv6 address info.
typedef struct otHistoryTrackerMulticastAddressInfo otHistoryTrackerMulticastAddressInfo
This structure represent an IPv6 multicast address info.
typedef struct otHistoryTrackerMessageInfo otHistoryTrackerMessageInfo
This structure represents a RX/TX IPv6 message info.
typedef struct otHistoryTrackerNeighborInfo otHistoryTrackerNeighborInfo
This structure represents a neighbor info.


enum otHistoryTrackerAddressEvent {
This enumeration defines the events for an IPv6 (unicast or multicast) address info (i.e., whether address is added or removed).
enum {
Constants representing message priority used in otHistoryTrackerMessageInfo struct.
enum otHistoryTrackerNeighborEvent {
This enumeration defines the events in a neighbor info (i.e.


void otHistoryTrackerInitIterator ( otHistoryTrackerIterator *aIterator)
This function initializes an otHistoryTrackerIterator .
const otHistoryTrackerNetworkInfo * otHistoryTrackerIterateNetInfoHistory ( otInstance *aInstance, otHistoryTrackerIterator *aIterator, uint32_t *aEntryAge)
This function iterates over the entries in the network info history list.
const otHistoryTrackerUnicastAddressInfo * otHistoryTrackerIterateUnicastAddressHistory ( otInstance *aInstance, otHistoryTrackerIterator *aIterator, uint32_t *aEntryAge)
This function iterates over the entries in the unicast address history list.
const otHistoryTrackerMulticastAddressInfo * otHistoryTrackerIterateMulticastAddressHistory ( otInstance *aInstance, otHistoryTrackerIterator *aIterator, uint32_t *aEntryAge)
This function iterates over the entries in the multicast address history list.
const otHistoryTrackerMessageInfo * otHistoryTrackerIterateRxHistory ( otInstance *aInstance, otHistoryTrackerIterator *aIterator, uint32_t *aEntryAge)
This function iterates over the entries in the RX message history list.
const otHistoryTrackerMessageInfo * otHistoryTrackerIterateTxHistory ( otInstance *aInstance, otHistoryTrackerIterator *aIterator, uint32_t *aEntryAge)
This function iterates over the entries in the TX message history list.
const otHistoryTrackerNeighborInfo * otHistoryTrackerIterateNeighborHistory ( otInstance *aInstance, otHistoryTrackerIterator *aIterator, uint32_t *aEntryAge)
This function iterates over the entries in the neighbor history list.
void otHistoryTrackerEntryAgeToString (uint32_t aEntryAge, char *aBuffer, uint16_t aSize)
This function converts a given entry age to a human-readable string.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define OT_HISTORY_TRACKER_MAX_AGE (49 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000u)

This header defines the public API for History Tracker.

History Tracker module records history of different events (e.g. RX and TX messages or network info changes, etc.) as the Thread network operates. All tracked entries are timestamped.

The functions in this module are available when OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_HISTOR_TRACKER_ENABLE is enabled. This constant specifies the maximum age of entries which is 49 days (in msec).

Entries older than the max age will give this value as their age.

Typedef Documentation


This type represents an iterator to iterate through a history list.

The fields in this type are opaque (intended for use by OpenThread core) and therefore should not be accessed/used by caller.

Before using an iterator, it MUST be initialized using otHistoryTrackerInitIterator() ,


This structure represents a RX/TX IPv6 message info.

Some of the fields in this struct are applicable to a RX message or a TX message only, e.g., mAveRxRss is the average RSS of all fragment frames that form a received message and is only applicable for a RX message.

Enumeration Type Documentation

anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Constants representing message priority used in otHistoryTrackerMessageInfo struct.


Low priority level.


Normal priority level.


High priority level.


Network Control priority level.


This enumeration defines the events for an IPv6 (unicast or multicast) address info (i.e., whether address is added or removed).


Address is added.


Address is removed.


This enumeration defines the events in a neighbor info (i.e.

whether neighbor is added, removed, or changed).

Event OT_HISTORY_TRACKER_NEIGHBOR_EVENT_RESTORING is applicable to child neighbors only. It is triggered after the device (re)starts and when the previous children list is retrieved from non-volatile settings and the device tries to restore connection to them.


Neighbor is added.


Neighbor is removed.


Neighbor changed (e.g., device mode flags changed).


Neighbor is being restored (applicable to child only).

Function Documentation


void otHistoryTrackerEntryAgeToString ( uint32_t aEntryAge,
char * aBuffer,
uint16_t aSize

This function converts a given entry age to a human-readable string.

The entry age string follows the format "<hh>:<mm>:<ss>.<mmmm>" for hours, minutes, seconds and millisecond (if shorter than one day) or "<dd> days <hh>:<mm>:<ss>.<mmmm>" (if longer than one day).

If the resulting string does not fit in aBuffer (within its aSize characters), the string will be truncated but the outputted string is always null-terminated.

[in] aEntryAge The entry age (duration in msec).
[out] aBuffer A pointer to a char array to output the string (MUST NOT be NULL).
[in] aSize The size of aBuffer . Recommended to use OT_HISTORY_TRACKER_ENTRY_AGE_STRING_SIZE .


void otHistoryTrackerInitIterator ( otHistoryTrackerIterator * aIterator )

This function initializes an otHistoryTrackerIterator .

An iterator MUST be initialized before it is used.

An iterator can be initialized again to start from the beginning of the list.

When iterating over entries in a list, to ensure the entry ages are consistent, the age is given relative to the time the iterator was initialized, i.e., the entry age is provided as the duration (in milliseconds) from the event (when entry was recorded) to the iterator initialization time.

[in] aIterator A pointer to the iterator to initialize (MUST NOT be NULL).


const otHistoryTrackerMulticastAddressInfo * otHistoryTrackerIterateMulticastAddressHistory ( otInstance * aInstance,
otHistoryTrackerIterator * aIterator,
uint32_t * aEntryAge

This function iterates over the entries in the multicast address history list.

[in] aInstance A pointer to the OpenThread instance.
[in,out] aIterator A pointer to an iterator. MUST be initialized or the behavior is undefined.
[out] aEntryAge A pointer to a variable to output the entry's age. MUST NOT be NULL. Age is provided as the duration (in milliseconds) from when entry was recorded to aIterator initialization time. It is set to OT_HISTORY_TRACKER_MAX_AGE for entries older than max age.
A pointer to otHistoryTrackerMulticastAddressInfo entry or NULL if no more entries in the list.


const otHistoryTrackerNeighborInfo * otHistoryTrackerIterateNeighborHistory ( otInstance * aInstance,
otHistoryTrackerIterator * aIterator,
uint32_t * aEntryAge

This function iterates over the entries in the neighbor history list.

[in] aInstance A pointer to the OpenThread instance.
[in,out] aIterator A pointer to an iterator. MUST be initialized or the behavior is undefined.
[out] aEntryAge A pointer to a variable to output the entry's age. MUST NOT be NULL. Age is provided as the duration (in milliseconds) from when entry was recorded to aIterator initialization time. It is set to OT_HISTORY_TRACKER_MAX_AGE for entries older than max age.
The otHistoryTrackerNeighborInfo entry or NULL if no more entries in the list.


const otHistoryTrackerNetworkInfo * otHistoryTrackerIterateNetInfoHistory ( otInstance * aInstance,
otHistoryTrackerIterator * aIterator,
uint32_t * aEntryAge

This function iterates over the entries in the network info history list.

[in] aInstance A pointer to the OpenThread instance.
[in,out] aIterator A pointer to an iterator. MUST be initialized or the behavior is undefined.
[out] aEntryAge A pointer to a variable to output the entry's age. MUST NOT be NULL. Age is provided as the duration (in milliseconds) from when entry was recorded to aIterator initialization time. It is set to OT_HISTORY_TRACKER_MAX_AGE for entries older than max age.
A pointer to otHistoryTrackerNetworkInfo entry or NULL if no more entries in the list.


const otHistoryTrackerMessageInfo * otHistoryTrackerIterateRxHistory ( otInstance * aInstance,
otHistoryTrackerIterator * aIterator,
uint32_t * aEntryAge

This function iterates over the entries in the RX message history list.

[in] aInstance A pointer to the OpenThread instance.
[in,out] aIterator A pointer to an iterator. MUST be initialized or the behavior is undefined.
[out] aEntryAge A pointer to a variable to output the entry's age. MUST NOT be NULL. Age is provided as the duration (in milliseconds) from when entry was recorded to aIterator initialization time. It is set to OT_HISTORY_TRACKER_MAX_AGE for entries older than max age.
The otHistoryTrackerMessageInfo entry or NULL if no more entries in the list.


const otHistoryTrackerMessageInfo * otHistoryTrackerIterateTxHistory ( otInstance * aInstance,
otHistoryTrackerIterator * aIterator,
uint32_t * aEntryAge

This function iterates over the entries in the TX message history list.

[in] aInstance A pointer to the OpenThread instance.
[in,out] aIterator A pointer to an iterator. MUST be initialized or the behavior is undefined.
[out] aEntryAge A pointer to a variable to output the entry's age. MUST NOT be NULL. Age is provided as the duration (in milliseconds) from when entry was recorded to aIterator initialization time. It is set to OT_HISTORY_TRACKER_MAX_AGE for entries older than max age.
The otHistoryTrackerMessageInfo entry or NULL if no more entries in the list.


const otHistoryTrackerUnicastAddressInfo * otHistoryTrackerIterateUnicastAddressHistory ( otInstance * aInstance,
otHistoryTrackerIterator * aIterator,
uint32_t * aEntryAge

This function iterates over the entries in the unicast address history list.

[in] aInstance A pointer to the OpenThread instance.
[in,out] aIterator A pointer to an iterator. MUST be initialized or the behavior is undefined.
[out] aEntryAge A pointer to a variable to output the entry's age. MUST NOT be NULL. Age is provided as the duration (in milliseconds) from when entry was recorded to aIterator initialization time. It is set to OT_HISTORY_TRACKER_MAX_AGE for entries older than max age.
A pointer to otHistoryTrackerUnicastAddressInfo entry or NULL if no more entries in the list.