otJoinerInfo Struct Reference

This structure represents a Joiner Info.

#include < include/openthread/commissioner.h >

Public Attributes

otJoinerInfoType mType
Joiner type.
union {
otExtAddress mEui64
Joiner EUI64 (when mType is OT_JOINER_INFO_TYPE_EUI64 )
otJoinerDiscerner mDiscerner
Joiner Discerner (when mType is OT_JOINER_INFO_TYPE_DISCERNER )
} mSharedId
Shared fields.
otJoinerPskd mPskd
Joiner PSKd.
uint32_t mExpirationTime
Joiner expiration time in msec.

This structure represents a Joiner Info.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
  • include/openthread/ commissioner.h