otThreadLinkInfo Struct Reference

This structure represents link-specific information for messages received from the Thread radio.

#include < include/openthread/link.h >

Public Attributes

uint16_t mPanId
Source PAN ID.
uint8_t mChannel
802.15.4 Channel
int8_t mRss
Received Signal Strength in dBm.
uint8_t mLqi
Link Quality Indicator for a received message.
bool mLinkSecurity
Indicates whether or not link security is enabled.
uint8_t mTimeSyncSeq
The time sync sequence.
int64_t mNetworkTimeOffset
The time offset to the Thread network time, in microseconds.
uint8_t mRadioType
Radio link type.

This structure represents link-specific information for messages received from the Thread radio.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
  • include/openthread/ link.h