
bsend [srcEndpoint:1]
interpan group [groupId:2] [destPan:2] [destprofileID:2]
interpan long [longId:8] [destPAN:2] [destProfileID:2] [options:2]
interpan short [shortId:2] [destPan:2] [destprofileID:2]
raw [clusterId:2] [data:-1]
send [id:2] [src-endpoint:1] [dst-endpoint:1]
send-using-multicast-binding [useMulticastBinding:1]
send_multicast [groupId:2] [src-endpoint:1]
timesync [id:2] [srcEndpoint:1] [destEndpoint:1]

Detailed Description

Commands for building and sending messages out onto the network.

Macro Definition Documentation


bsend [srcEndpoint:1]

  • Send using a binding based on the clusterId in the globalApsFrame and the srcEndpoint specified (if the src endpoint is zero it only sends based on the clusterId)
    • srcEndpoint - INT8U - Source endpoint to send a binding based message from

interpan group [groupId:2] [destPan:2] [destprofileID:2]

  • send an interpan message to a group id.
    • groupId - INT16U - group id to send to
    • destPan - INT16U - destination pan id
    • destprofileID - INT16U - destination profile ID

interpan long [longId:8] [destPAN:2] [destProfileID:2] [options:2]

  • Send an interpan message to a long address (8 byte eui64)
    • longId - IEEE_ADDRESS - long ieee address to send the interpan message to
    • destPAN - INT16U - two byte destination PA ID
    • destProfileID - INT16U - two byte destination profile ID
    • options - INT16U - two byte options

interpan short [shortId:2] [destPan:2] [destprofileID:2]

  • Send an interpan message to a short id.
    • shortId - INT16U - group id to send to
    • destPan - INT16U - destination pan id
    • destprofileID - INT16U - destination profile ID

raw [clusterId:2] [data:-1]

  • Creates a message by specifying the raw bytes. Use "send" to send the message once it has been created. Ex: raw 0x000F {00 0A 00 11 22 33 44 55} sends a message to cluster 15 (0x000F) of length 8 which includes the ZCL header.
    • clusterId - INT16U - two byte cluster id
    • data - OCTET_STRING - ZCL message, including ZCL header and payload

send [id:2] [src-endpoint:1] [dst-endpoint:1]

  • Send a pre-buffered message from a given endpoint to an endpoint on a device with a given short address.
    • id - INT16U - short id of the device to send the message to
    • src-endpoint - INT8U - The endpoint to send the message from
    • dst-endpoint - INT8U - The endpoint to send the message to

send_multicast [groupId:2] [src-endpoint:1]

  • Send a pre-buffered multicast message to a given group id from a given endpoint.
    • groupId - INT16U - group id of the multicast group to send the message to
    • src-endpoint - INT8U - The endpoint to send the message from

send-using-multicast-binding [useMulticastBinding:1]

  • When sending using a binding, specify whether a multicast binding should be used.
    • useMulticastBinding - BOOLEAN - Whether to send via a multicast binding

timesync [id:2] [srcEndpoint:1] [destEndpoint:1]

  • This sends a read attr for the time of the device specified. It sets a flag so when it gets the response it writes the time to its own time attr
    • id - INT16U - two byte short id of the time server
    • srcEndpoint - INT8U - source endpoint to send time sync from
    • destEndpoint - INT8U - destination endpoint to expect response on