
plugin events-server add [endpoint:1] [logId:1] [eventId:2] [eventTime:4] [eventData:-1]
plugin events-server clear [endpoint:1] [logId:1]
plugin events-server eprint [endpoint:1] [logId:1] [index:1]
plugin events-server print [endpoint:1] [logId:1]
plugin events-server publish [nodeId:2] [srcEndpoint:1] [dstEndpoint:1] [logId:1] [index:1] [eventControl:1]
plugin events-server set [endpoint:1] [logId:1] [index:1] [eventId:2] [eventTime:4] [eventData:-1]

Detailed Description

The events-server plugin contributes several commands to the application framework's CLI. These commands are be used for adding, clearing, and printing events.

Macro Definition Documentation


plugin events-server add [endpoint:1] [logId:1] [eventId:2] [eventTime:4] [eventData:-1]

  • Append the event to the event log for the provided endpoint. Once the event log is full, new events will start overwriting old events at the beginning of the table.
    • endpoint - INT8U - the relevant endpoint
    • logId - INT8U - the relevant log
    • eventId - INT16U - the event id
    • eventTime - INT32U - the event time
    • eventData - OCTET_STRING - additional event data

plugin events-server clear [endpoint:1] [logId:1]

  • Clear out the specified event log for the provided endpoint.
    • endpoint - INT8U - the relevant endpoint
    • logId - INT8U - the log to be cleared

plugin events-server eprint [endpoint:1] [logId:1] [index:1]

  • Print the event at the given index in the specified event log for the provided endpoint.
    • endpoint - INT8U - the relevant endpoint
    • logId - INT8U - the relevant log
    • index - INT8U - the index within the event log to print

plugin events-server print [endpoint:1] [logId:1]

  • Print the specified event log for the provided endpoint.
    • endpoint - INT8U - the relevant endpoint
    • logId - INT8U - the log to be printed

plugin events-server publish [nodeId:2] [srcEndpoint:1] [dstEndpoint:1] [logId:1] [index:1] [eventControl:1]

  • Publish an event.
    • nodeId - INT16U - the destination node id
    • srcEndpoint - INT8U - the source endpoint
    • dstEndpoint - INT8U - the destination endpoint
    • logId - INT8U - the relevant log
    • index - INT8U - the index within the event log to set
    • eventControl - INT8U - the event control

plugin events-server set [endpoint:1] [logId:1] [index:1] [eventId:2] [eventTime:4] [eventData:-1]

  • Set the event at the specified index in the event log for the provided endpoint.
    • endpoint - INT8U - the relevant endpoint
    • logId - INT8U - the relevant log
    • index - INT8U - the index within the event log to set
    • eventId - INT16U - the event id
    • eventTime - INT32U - the event time
    • eventData - OCTET_STRING - additional event data