Plugin Commands: ZigBee Light Link (ZLL) Commissioning
Detailed Description
The ZigBee Light Link (ZLL) Commissioning Plugin contributes several commands to the application framework's CLI. These commands are used for forming and managing a ZLL network.
Macro Definition Documentation
plugin zll-commissioning abort
- Abort the touch link procedure.
plugin zll-commissioning cancel-rx-on
- Cancel Rx On When Idle.
plugin zll-commissioning channel [channel:1]
Set the scan channel used by the ZLL Commissioning plugin.
- channel - INT8U - The primary channel to be used.
plugin zll-commissioning disable
- Disable touchlinking. This will override the notouchlink-nfn command.
plugin zll-commissioning enable
- Enable touchlinking. This will override the notouchlink-nfn command.
plugin zll-commissioning endpoints [destination:2] [sourceEndpoint:1] [destinationEndpoint:1] [startIndex:1]
Send a GetEndpointListRequest to a server.
- destination - INT16U - The network address of the device to which the request will be sent.
- sourceEndpoint - INT8U - The source endpoint from which the request will be sent.
- destinationEndpoint - INT8U - The destination endpoint to which the request will be sent.
- startIndex - INT8U - The endpoint index at which to start retreiving data.
plugin zll-commissioning form [channel:1] [power:1] [panId:2]
Form a ZLL network.
- channel - INT8U - The channel on which to form the network.
- power - INT8S - The power setting for network transmissions.
- panId - INT16U - The PAN identifier for the network.
plugin zll-commissioning groups [destination:2] [sourceEndpoint:1] [destinationEndpoint:1] [startIndex:1]
Send a GroupIdentifiersRequest to a server.
- destination - INT16U - The network address of the device to which the request will be sent.
- sourceEndpoint - INT8U - The source endpoint from which the request will be sent.
- destinationEndpoint - INT8U - The destination endpoint to which the request will be sent.
- startIndex - INT8U - The group table index at which to start retreiving data.
plugin zll-commissioning identify [identifyDurationDs:2]
Set the duration that a target device should remain in identify mode during touch linking.
- identifyDurationDs - INT16U - The duration (in tenths of a second) of identify mode or 0xFFFF to indicate that the target should use its own application-specific duration.
plugin zll-commissioning info [destination:2] [sourceEndpoint:1] [destinationEndpoint:1]
Send an EndpointInformationRequest to a client.
- destination - INT16U - The network address of the device to which the request will be sent.
- sourceEndpoint - INT8U - The source endpoint from which the request will be sent.
- destinationEndpoint - INT8U - The destination endpoint to which the request will be sent.
plugin zll-commissioning joinable
- Scan for joinable networks and attempt to join if a network is found.
plugin zll-commissioning link
- Initiate the touch link procedure.
plugin zll-commissioning mask [index:1]
Set the scan channel set used by the ZLL Commissioning plugin. An index of 0 sets the primary ZLL channel set, 1 is the +1 channel set, 2 is the +2 channel set, 3 is the +3 channel set, and 4 is all ZigBee channels.
- index - INT8U - The index of the channel mask to be used.
plugin zll-commissioning notouchlink-nfn
- Disable touchlinking for NFN.
plugin zll-commissioning reset
- Reset the local device to factory new.
plugin zll-commissioning rx-on-active
- Get Rx On When Idle status.
plugin zll-commissioning scan device
- Initiate a touch link for the purpose of retrieving information about a target device.
plugin zll-commissioning scan identify
- Initiate a touch link for the purpose of causing a target device to identify itself.
plugin zll-commissioning scan reset
- Initiate a touch link for the purpose of resetting a target device.
plugin zll-commissioning secondary-channel [channel:1]
Set the scan channel used by the ZLL Commissioning plugin.
- channel - INT8U - The secondary channel to be used.
plugin zll-commissioning set-rx-on [duration:4]
Set Rx On When Idle duration.
- duration - INT32U - The duration for the Rx On period.
plugin zll-commissioning status
- Print the ZLL channel set and tokens.
plugin zll-commissioning tokens
- Print the ZLL tokens.
plugin zll-commissioning unused
- Scan for an unused PAN identifier and form a new ZLL network.