Detailed Description
The Security command set includes all of the commands related to security configuration on the device.
Macro Definition Documentation
Commands used for security.
security mfg-token get security mfg-token set <Magic number> <EmberKeySettings value>
- Magic number - uint32_t. The 4-byte magic number EMBER_MFG_SECURITY_CONFIG_MAGIC_NUMBER to prevent accidental execution.
- EmberKeySettings value - uint16_t. The 2-byte value for EmberKeySettings indicating key permissions.
changekey link [key:-1]
Change the link key to the one provided in the 16 byte array argument for this command.
- key - OCTET_STRING - The link key provided as a 16 byte array
changekey network [key:-1]
Change the network key to the 16 byte array provided as an argument to this command.
- key - OCTET_STRING - The network key provided as a 16 byte array
keys clear
- Clear all security keys
keys delete [index:1]
Delete a security key from a given index
- index - INT8U - index into the security key table
keys print
- Print all security keys out to the command line.
option install-code [keyTableIndex:1] [ieeeAddress:8] [installCode:-1]
Derives a link key from an install code and sets it in the link key table.
- keyTableIndex - INT8U - index into the link key table
- ieeeAddress - IEEE_ADDRESS - IEEE address to enter into the link key table
- installCode - OCTET_STRING - install code including two-byte, little-endian CRC
option link [keyTableIndex:1] [ieeeAddress:8] [linkKey:-1]
Sets a link key in the link key table. Example: option link 0x00 { 06 00 ab 41 64 30 00 0a } {aa bb cc dd ee ff aa bb cc dd ee ff aa bb cc dd}
- keyTableIndex - INT8U - index into the link key table
- ieeeAddress - IEEE_ADDRESS - IEEE address to enter into the link key table
- linkKey - OCTET_STRING - link key to enter into the table
option register
- Initiates Smart Energy Registration including Key Establishment. This command expects that the device has already joined a smart energy network.
option security aps off
- Turns aps security off
option security aps on
- Turns aps security on
option security set-allow-trust-center-rejoin-using-well-known-key [allowTrustCenterRejoinUsingWellKnownKey:1]
Set whether or not a Trust Center application will allow trust center rejoins for devices using the well-known key.
- allowTrustCenterRejoinUsingWellKnownKey - BOOLEAN - Whether or not the Trust Center should allow trust center rejoins for devices using the well-known key.
option security set-allow-trust-center-rejoin-using-well-known-key-timeout [trustCenterRejoinUsingWellKnownKeyTimeout:2]
Sets the number of seconds to allow trust center rejoins for devices using the well-known key. A value of 0 means the policy should not be changed after a timeout. This must be called prior to forming or joining a network.
- trustCenterRejoinUsingWellKnownKeyTimeout - INT16U - The number of seconds that trust center rejoins will be responded to using the well-known link key.
option security set-key-request-policy [tcLinkKeyRequestPolicy:1] [appLinkKeyRequestPolicy:1]
Sets the local policy for handling TC link key requests and application link key requests. This command sets the emberTrustCenterLinkKeyRequestPolicy and emberAppLinkKeyRequestPolicy attributes. This command should only be entered on the trust center.
- tcLinkKeyRequestPolicy - INT8U - The value to assign to emberTrustCenterLinkKeyRequestPolicy
- appLinkKeyRequestPolicy - INT8U - The value to assign to emberAppLinkKeyRequestPolicy
security mfg-token get
security mfg-token set [magicNumber:4] [value:2]
- magicNumber - INT32U
- value - INT16U