Cluster Commands: Demand Response and Load Control
Macros |
zcl drlc lce [eventId:4] [utilityEnrollmentGroup:1] [start:4] [duration:2] [eventControl:1]
zcl drlc cl [issuerEventId:4] [deviceClass:2] [utilityEnrollmentGroup:1] [cancelControl:1] [effectiveTime:4]
zcl drlc ca [cancelControl:1]
zcl drlc gse [startTime:4] [numberOfEvents:1] [issuerEventId:4]
Detailed Description
This group describes the CLI commands for the Demand Response and Load Control cluster. Listed below is a description of the cluster:
This cluster provides an interface to the functionality of Smart Energy Demand Response and Load Control. Devices targeted by this cluster include thermostats and devices that support load control.
Macro Definition Documentation
zcl drlc ca [cancelControl:1]
Command description for CancelAllLoadControlEvents
- cancelControl - AmiCancelControl [BITMAP8]
zcl drlc cl [issuerEventId:4] [deviceClass:2] [utilityEnrollmentGroup:1] [cancelControl:1] [effectiveTime:4]
Command description for CancelLoadControlEvent
- issuerEventId - INT32U
- deviceClass - AmiDeviceClass [BITMAP16]
- utilityEnrollmentGroup - INT8U
- cancelControl - AmiCancelControl [BITMAP8]
- effectiveTime - UTC_TIME
zcl drlc gse [startTime:4] [numberOfEvents:1] [issuerEventId:4]
Command description for GetScheduledEvents
- startTime - UTC_TIME
- numberOfEvents - INT8U
- issuerEventId - INT32U
zcl drlc lce [eventId:4] [utilityEnrollmentGroup:1] [start:4] [duration:2] [eventControl:1]
Populate a buffer to send a static load control event with the following values: all device classes, all uegs, criticality level: normal, 1.1c cooling temp offset, 1.1c heating temp offset, cool temp set point 23.3c, heat temp set point, -10% avg load percent, duty cycle
- eventId - INT32U - 4 byte event id for the load control event
- utilityEnrollmentGroup - INT8U - UEG of the load control event
- start - INT32U - Start time for the load control event
- duration - INT16U - Duration for the load control event
- eventControl - INT8U - Control byte for the load control event