
plugin sub-ghz get-suspend-status [nodeId:2] [ep:1]
plugin sub-ghz ignore-suspend-status [ignore:1]
plugin sub-ghz request-channel-change [nodeId:2] [page:1] [channel:1] [macTxUcastTotal:2] [macTxUcastFailures:2] [macTxUcastRetries:2] [period:1]

Detailed Description

The Sub-GHz commands provide commands for sub-GHz duty cycle, power management and frequency agility.

Macro Definition Documentation


plugin sub-ghz get-suspend-status [nodeId:2] [ep:1]

  • Send the GetSuspendZCLMessagesStatus command to the Sub-GHz server.
    • nodeId - INT16U - Server's node ID
    • ep - INT8U - Server's endpoint

plugin sub-ghz ignore-suspend-status [ignore:1]

  • Ignore the suspend status when sending ZCL messages (for testing purposes only).
    • ignore - BOOLEAN - Whether or not the suspend status should be ignored

plugin sub-ghz request-channel-change [nodeId:2] [page:1] [channel:1] [macTxUcastTotal:2] [macTxUcastFailures:2] [macTxUcastRetries:2] [period:1]

  • Send the Mgmt_NWK_Unsolicited_Enhanced_Update_notify command to the Sub-GHz server.
    • nodeId - INT16U - Server's node ID
    • page - INT8U - Current channel page
    • channel - INT8U - Current channel
    • macTxUcastTotal - INT16U - Total number of Mac Tx transaction attempts
    • macTxUcastFailures - INT16U - Total number of Mac Tx transaction failures
    • macTxUcastRetries - INT16U - Total number of Mac Tx transaction retries
    • period - INT8U - Time in minutes over which the Mac Tx counts were measured