
plugin prepayment-server addSnapshotEvent [endpoint:1] [snapshotCause:4]
plugin prepayment-server checkCalendar [utcTime:4]
plugin prepayment-server getTopUpPercent [endpoint:1] [topUpValue:4]
plugin prepayment-server getWeekdayFromUtc [utcTime:4]
plugin prepayment-server init [endpoint:1]
plugin prepayment-server publishPrepaySnapshot [nodeId:2] [srcEndpoint:1] [dstEndpoint:1] [snapshotTableIndex:4]
plugin prepayment-server readDebtAttribs [endpoint:1] [index:1]
plugin prepayment-server readDebtLog [index:1]
plugin prepayment-server schedDebtRepay [endpoint:1] [issuerEvtId:4] [debtType:1] [collectTime:2] [startTime:4] [collectFreq:1]
plugin prepayment-server verifyAttribute [endpoint:1] [attributeId:2] [attributeSize:1] [expectedAttributeValue:4]
plugin prepayment-server verifyPaymentMode [endpoint:1] [expectedPaymentModeValue:2]
plugin prepayment-server writeAttribute [endpoint:1] [attributeId:2] [attributeType:1] [numBytes:1] [value:4]

Detailed Description

The prepayment server handles all implemented commands of the prepayment cluster server.

Macro Definition Documentation


plugin prepayment-server addSnapshotEvent [endpoint:1] [snapshotCause:4]

  • Add a snapshot event to the prepayment server.
    • endpoint - INT8U - Endpoint of the device from which the snapshot will be taken
    • snapshotCause - INT32U - A bitmask indicating the cause of the snapshot

plugin prepayment-server checkCalendar [utcTime:4]

  • Check that UTC time and calendar dates can be interchanged correctly.
    • utcTime - INT32U - The UTC time that should be tested.

plugin prepayment-server getTopUpPercent [endpoint:1] [topUpValue:4]

  • Determine the total top up percentage required for debt reduction.
    • endpoint - INT8U - The endpoint from which the debt attribute set will be read.
    • topUpValue - INT32U - The current top up value from which a percentage may be required for debt reduction

plugin prepayment-server getWeekdayFromUtc [utcTime:4]

  • Read the day of the week for a given UTC time.
    • utcTime - INT32U - The UTC time that should be converted.

plugin prepayment-server init [endpoint:1]

  • Initialize the prepayment server and snapshot table.
    • endpoint - INT8U - Endpoint of the prepayment server.

plugin prepayment-server publishPrepaySnapshot [nodeId:2] [srcEndpoint:1] [dstEndpoint:1] [snapshotTableIndex:4]

  • Send the publish prepay snapshot command.
    • nodeId - INT16U - NodeId of the destination device
    • srcEndpoint - INT8U - The source endpoint of the sending device
    • dstEndpoint - INT8U - The destination endpoint of the receiving device
    • snapshotTableIndex - INT32U - A unique identifier assigned by the device creating the snapshot

plugin prepayment-server readDebtAttribs [endpoint:1] [index:1]

  • Read the values from the debt attribute set for a given index (1,2,3).
    • endpoint - INT8U - The endpoint from which the debt attribute set will be read.
    • index - INT8U - The index of the debt attribute set to read - 1, 2, or 3.

plugin prepayment-server readDebtLog [index:1]

  • Read the values from the debt log from a specified index.
    • index - INT8U - The index of the debt log to read.

plugin prepayment-server schedDebtRepay [endpoint:1] [issuerEvtId:4] [debtType:1] [collectTime:2] [startTime:4] [collectFreq:1]

  • Check that debt repayment handling correctly calculates and schedules various attributes.
    • endpoint - INT8U - The endpoint of the prepayment server.
    • issuerEvtId - INT32U - The issuer event ID for the debt.
    • debtType - INT8U - The type of debt (0,1,2) that will be set.
    • collectTime - INT16U - The time in mins from midnight when the debt should be collected.
    • startTime - INT32U - The starting UTC time when debt should be collected.
    • collectFreq - INT8U - The frequency at which debt should be collected. 0=hourly, 1=daily, 2=weekly, 3=monthly, 4=quarterly.

plugin prepayment-server verifyAttribute [endpoint:1] [attributeId:2] [attributeSize:1] [expectedAttributeValue:4]

  • Verify the prepayment attribute value matches an expected value.
    • endpoint - INT8U - Metering endpoint whose payment mode value is being queried.
    • attributeId - INT16U - Attribute ID of the attribute that will be verified.
    • attributeSize - INT8U - Size of the attribute in bytes.
    • expectedAttributeValue - INT32U - Expected payment mode value.

plugin prepayment-server verifyPaymentMode [endpoint:1] [expectedPaymentModeValue:2]

  • Verify the payment mode matches an expected payment mode value.
    • endpoint - INT8U - Metering endpoint whose payment mode value is being queried.
    • expectedPaymentModeValue - INT16U - Expected payment mode value.

plugin prepayment-server writeAttribute [endpoint:1] [attributeId:2] [attributeType:1] [numBytes:1] [value:4]

  • Write the value of a local prepayment attribute (1-4 byte attribute value supported).
    • endpoint - INT8U - Endpoint whose prepayment attribute is being written.
    • attributeId - INT16U - The attribute ID that should be written.
    • attributeType - INT8U - The attribute type (eg 0x23=U32)
    • numBytes - INT8U - The number of bytes (1-4) of data to write.
    • value - INT32U - The data that should be written to the attribute.