Plugin Commands: Relay Control Server


 plugin relay-control-server get [nodeId:2] [srcEndpoint:1] [dstEndpoint:1]
 plugin relay-control-server set [nodeId:2] [srcEndpoint:1] [dstEndpoint:1] [isEnabled:1]

Detailed Description

The relay control plugin provides the functionality to enable or disable the stack's relay capabilities, and also to view the relay state.

Macro Definition Documentation


plugin relay-control-server get [nodeId:2] [srcEndpoint:1] [dstEndpoint:1]

  • Get the relay state
    • nodeId - INT16U - the destination node id
    • srcEndpoint - INT8U - the source endpoint
    • dstEndpoint - INT8U - the destination endpoint

plugin relay-control-server set [nodeId:2] [srcEndpoint:1] [dstEndpoint:1] [isEnabled:1]

  • Set the relay state
    • nodeId - INT16U - the destination node id
    • srcEndpoint - INT8U - the source endpoint
    • dstEndpoint - INT8U - the destination endpoint
    • isEnabled - INT8U - state value to be set