The EmberAFClusterCommand is a struct wrapper for all the data pertaining to a command which comes in over the air. This enables struct is used to encapsulate a command in a single place on the stack and pass a pointer to that location around during command processing.

#include < af-types.h >

Data Fields

EmberApsFrame * apsFrame
EmberIncomingMessageType type
EmberNodeId source
uint8_t * buffer
uint16_t bufLen
bool clusterSpecific
bool mfgSpecific
uint16_t mfgCode
uint8_t seqNum
uint8_t commandId
uint8_t payloadStartIndex
uint8_t direction
EmberAfInterpanHeader * interPanHeader
uint8_t networkIndex

The EmberAFClusterCommand is a struct wrapper for all the data pertaining to a command which comes in over the air. This enables struct is used to encapsulate a command in a single place on the stack and pass a pointer to that location around during command processing.

Field Documentation

EmberApsFrame * EmberAfClusterCommand::apsFrame

APS frame for the incoming message

uint8_t* EmberAfClusterCommand::buffer
uint16_t EmberAfClusterCommand::bufLen
bool EmberAfClusterCommand::clusterSpecific
uint8_t EmberAfClusterCommand::commandId
uint8_t EmberAfClusterCommand::direction
EmberAfInterpanHeader * EmberAfClusterCommand::interPanHeader
uint16_t EmberAfClusterCommand::mfgCode
bool EmberAfClusterCommand::mfgSpecific
uint8_t EmberAfClusterCommand::networkIndex
uint8_t EmberAfClusterCommand::payloadStartIndex
uint8_t EmberAfClusterCommand::seqNum
EmberNodeId EmberAfClusterCommand::source
EmberIncomingMessageType EmberAfClusterCommand::type

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
  • af-types.h